Module javascript
Provides classes for working with JavaScript programs, as well as JSON, YAML and HTML.
Import path
import javascript
abstractValueOfType | Gets a definite abstract value with the given type. |
capitalize | Gets the capitalization of |
describeExpression | Gets a string that describes |
findNodeModulesFolder | Holds if |
getAStandardLoggerMethodName | Gets a log level name that is used in RFC5424, |
isDomNode | Holds if |
isDomRootType | Holds if |
isInterpretedAsRegExp | Holds if |
isLocationNode | Holds if |
pluralize | Gets the pluralization for |
react | Gets a reference to the ‘React’ object. |
truncate | Gets |
AbstractArguments | An abstract value representing an |
AbstractBoolean | An abstract value representing a Boolean value. |
AbstractCallable | An abstract value representing a function or class. |
AbstractClass | An abstract value representing an individual class. |
AbstractDate | An abstract value representing a |
AbstractEmpty | An abstract value representing the empty string. |
AbstractExportsObject | An abstract value representing a CommonJS |
AbstractFunction | An abstract value representing an individual function. |
AbstractGlobalObject | An abstract value representing the global object. |
AbstractInstance | An abstract value representing all instances of a class or function |
AbstractModuleObject | An abstract value representing a CommonJS |
AbstractNonZero | An abstract value representing a non-zero number. |
AbstractNull | An abstract value representing |
AbstractNumString | An abstract value representing a numeric string, that is, a string |
AbstractObjectLiteral | An abstract value representing all objects arising from an object literal expression (allocation site abstraction). |
AbstractOtherObject | An abstract value representing an object not covered by the other abstract values. |
AbstractOtherString | An abstract value representing a non-empty, non-numeric string. |
AbstractProperty | An abstract representation of a set of concrete properties, characterized by a base object (which is an abstract value for which properties are tracked) and a property name. |
AbstractProtoProperty | An abstract representation of the |
AbstractRegExp | An abstract value representing a regular expression. |
AbstractUndefined | An abstract value representing |
AbstractValue | An abstract value inferred by the flow analysis, representing a set of concrete values. |
AbstractZero | An abstract value representing the number zero. |
AccessorMethodDeclaration | An accessor method declaration in a class or interface, either a concrete definition or a signature without a body. |
AccessorMethodDefinition | A concrete accessor method definition in a class, that is, an accessor method with a function body. |
AccessorMethodSignature | An accessor method signature declared in a class or interface, that is, an accessor method without a function body. |
ActiveThreatModelSource | A data flow source that is enabled in the current threat model configuration. |
AddExpr | An addition or string-concatenation expression. |
AggregateES2015PromiseDefinition | An aggregated promise produced either by |
AmdModule | An AMD-style module. |
AmdModuleDefinition | An AMD |
AnalyzedConditionGuard | A refinement node where the guard is a condition. |
AnalyzedExternalModuleReference | A special TypeScript |
AnalyzedFunction | A function for which analysis results are available. |
AnalyzedModule | A module for which analysis results are available. |
AnalyzedNegativeConditionGuard | A refinement for a condition guard with an outcome of |
AnalyzedNode | A data flow node for which analysis results are available. |
AnalyzedPositiveConditionGuard | A refinement for a condition guard with an outcome of |
AnalyzedPropertyRead | An analyzed property read, either explicitly ( |
AnalyzedPropertyWrite | An analyzed property write, including exports (which are modeled as assignments to |
AnalyzedRefinement | An analyzed refinement node. |
AnalyzedRequireCall | A call to |
AnalyzedSsaDefinition | An SSA definitions that has been analyzed. |
AnalyzedValueNode | A value node for which analysis results are available. |
AnalyzedVarDef | A vardef with helper predicates for flow analysis. |
AnonymousInterfaceType | An anonymous interface type, such as |
AnsiColorsStep | A step through the |
AnsiToHtmlStep | A step through the |
AnyType | The predefined |
ArgumentsVariable | An |
ArithmeticExpr | A binary arithmetic expression using |
ArrayComprehensionExpr | An array comprehension expression. |
ArrayExpr | An array literal. |
ArrayExternal | The externs definition for the Array object. |
ArrayPattern | An array pattern. |
ArrayType | A type that describes a JavaScript |
ArrayTypeExpr | An array type, such as |
ArrowFunctionExpr | An arrow function expression. |
AsTypeAssertion | A type assertion specifically of the form |
AssignAddExpr | A compound add-assign expression. |
AssignAndExpr | A compound bitwise-‘and’-assign expression. |
AssignDivExpr | A compound divide-assign expression. |
AssignExpExpr | A compound exponentiate-assign expression. |
AssignExpr | A simple assignment expression. |
AssignLShiftExpr | A compound left-shift-assign expression. |
AssignLogAndExpr | A logical-‘and’-assign expression. |
AssignLogOrExpr | A logical-‘or’-assign expression. |
AssignModExpr | A compound modulo-assign expression. |
AssignMulExpr | A compound multiply-assign expression. |
AssignNullishCoalescingExpr | A ‘nullish-coalescing’-assign expression. |
AssignOrExpr | A compound bitwise-‘or’-assign expression. |
AssignRShiftExpr | A compound right-shift-assign expression. |
AssignSubExpr | A compound subtract-assign expression. |
AssignURShiftExpr | A compound unsigned-right-shift-assign expression. |
AssignXOrExpr | A compound exclusive-‘or’-assign expression. |
Assignment | An assignment expression, either compound or simple. |
AstNode | A program element corresponding to JavaScript code, such as an expression or a statement. |
AuthorizationCall | A call that may perform authorization. |
AwaitExpr | An |
BasicBlock | A basic block, that is, a maximal straight-line sequence of control flow nodes without branches or joins. |
BigIntLiteral | A BigInt literal. |
BigIntLiteralType | A bigint literal as a static type. |
BigIntLiteralTypeExpr | A bigint literal used as a TypeScript type annotation. |
BigIntType | The predefined |
BinaryExpr | An expression with a binary operator. |
BindingPattern | A binding pattern, that is, either an identifier or a destructuring pattern. |
BitAndExpr | A bitwise ‘and’ expression. |
BitNotExpr | A bitwise negation expression. |
BitOrExpr | A bitwise ‘or’ expression. |
BitwiseBinaryExpr | A bitwise binary expression, that is, either a bitwise ‘and’, a bitwise ‘or’, or an exclusive ‘or’ expression. |
BitwiseExpr | A bitwise expression using |
BlockComment | A block comment (which may be a JSDoc comment). |
BlockScope | A scope induced by a block of statements. |
BlockStmt | A block of statements. |
BooleanLikeType | The |
BooleanLiteral | A Boolean literal, that is, either |
BooleanLiteralToken | A Boolean literal token. |
BooleanLiteralType | The boolean literal type |
BooleanLiteralTypeExpr | A boolean literal used as a type. |
BooleanType | The |
BreakOrContinueStmt | A break or continue statement. |
BreakStmt | A |
BugTrackerInfo | A representation of bug tracker information for an NPM package. |
BulkImportDeclaration | A bulk import that imports an entire module as a namespace. |
BulkReExportDeclaration | A bulk re-export declaration of the form |
CallExpr | A function call expression. |
CallSignature | A call signature declared in an interface. |
CallSignatureType | A function or constructor signature in a TypeScript type. |
CallToObjectDefineProperty | A call to |
CallWithAnalyzedReturnFlow | A call with inter-procedural type inference for the return value. |
CallWithNonLocalAnalyzedReturnFlow | A call with inter-procedural type inference for the return value. |
CanonicalFunctionName | The canonical name for a function. |
CanonicalName | A fully qualified name relative to a specific root, usually referring to a TypeScript namespace or type. |
CanonicalTypeVariableType | A type that refers to a type variable declared on a class, interface or function. |
Case | A |
CatchClause | A |
CatchScope | A scope induced by a catch clause. |
ChalkStep | A step through the |
Chokidar | A call to the library |
ClassDeclScope | A scope induced by a class declaration with type parameters. |
ClassDeclStmt | A class declaration statement. |
ClassDefinition | An ECMAScript 2015 or TypeScript class definition, that is, either a class declaration statement or a class expression. |
ClassExpr | A class expression. |
ClassExprScope | A scope induced by a named class expression or class expression with type parameters. |
ClassOrInterface | An ECMAScript 2015/TypeScript class definition or a TypeScript interface definition, including both declarations and expressions. |
ClassType | A type that refers to a class, possibly with type arguments. |
CleartextPasswordExpr | An expression that might contain a clear-text password. |
CliColorStep | A step through the |
CliHighlightStep | A step through the |
ClientRequest | A call that performs a request to a URL. |
ClientSideRemoteFlowKind | A type of remote flow source that is specific to the browser environment. |
ClientSideRemoteFlowSource | A source of remote input in a web browser environment. |
CodeInAttribute | A code snippet originating from an HTML attribute value. |
ColoretteStep | A step through the |
ColorsStep | A step through the |
CommandLineArguments | An object containing command-line arguments, potentially parsed by a library. |
Comment | A JavaScript source-code comment. |
Comparison | A comparison expression, that is, either an equality test ( |
CompoundAssignExpr | A compound assign expression. |
ComprehensionBlock | A comprehension block in a comprehension expression. |
ComprehensionBlockScope | A scope induced by a comprehension block. |
ComprehensionExpr | A comprehension expression, that is, either an array comprehension expression or a generator expression. |
ConcreteControlFlowNode | A CFG node corresponding to a program element, that is, a CFG node that is not a |
ConditionGuardNode | A guard node recording that some condition is known to be truthy or falsy at this point in the program. |
ConditionalExpr | A conditional expression. |
ConditionalTypeExpr | A conditional type annotation, such as |
ConditionalTypeScope | A scope induced by a conditional type expression whose |
ConstDeclStmt | A |
ConstantExpr | An expression that evaluates to a constant primitive value. |
ConstantString | An expression that evaluates to a constant string. |
Constructor | A constructor defined in a class. |
ConstructorCallSignature | A constructor call signature declared in an interface. |
ConstructorCallSignatureType | A constructor call signature in a type, that is, a signature with the |
ConstructorDeclaration | A constructor declaration in a class, either a concrete definition or a signature without a body. |
ConstructorDefinition | The concrete constructor definition of a class, possibly a synthetic constructor if the class did not declare any constructors. |
ConstructorSignature | A constructor signature declared in a class, that is, a constructor without a function body. |
ConstructorTag | A |
ConstructorTypeExpr | A constructor type, such as |
ContinueStmt | A |
ContributorInfo | A representation of contributor information for an NPM package. |
ControlFlowEntryNode | A synthetic CFG node marking the entry point of a function or toplevel script. |
ControlFlowExitNode | A synthetic CFG node marking the exit of a function or toplevel script. |
ControlFlowNode | A node in the control flow graph, which is an expression, a statement, or a synthetic node. |
ControlStmt | A control statement, that is, is a loop, an if statement, a switch statement, a with statement, a try statement, or a catch clause. |
CredentialsFunctionName | A method that might return sensitive data, based on the name. |
CredentialsNode | An expression whose value is used to supply credentials such as a user name, a password, or a key. |
CryptographicKey | A key used in a cryptographic algorithm. |
CryptographicKeyCreation | The creation of a cryptographic key. |
CryptographicKeyCredentialsExpr | A key used in a cryptographic algorithm, viewed as a |
CryptographicOperation | A data-flow node that is an application of a cryptographic algorithm. For example, encryption, decryption, signature-validation. |
CustomAbstractValue | A custom abstract value corresponding to an abstract value tag. |
CustomAbstractValueDefinition | A data-flow node that induces an analysis-specific abstract value. |
CustomAbstractValueFromDefinition | An abstract representation of an analysis-specific value. |
CustomAbstractValueFromDefinitionNode | Flow analysis for custom abstract values. |
CustomAbstractValueTag | A string tag corresponding to a custom abstract value. |
DatabaseAccess | A data flow node that performs a database access. |
DbLocation | A location as given by a file, a start line, a start column, an end line, and an end column. |
DebuggerStmt | A |
DecExpr | A (pre or post) decrement expression. |
DeclStmt | A declaration statement, that is, a |
DeclarationSpace | A string representing one of the three TypeScript declaration spaces: |
Decoratable | A program element to which decorators can be applied, that is, a class, a property or a member definition. |
Decorator | A decorator applied to a class, property or member definition. |
DefiniteAbstractValue | A definite abstract value, that is, an abstract value that is not affected by analysis incompleteness. |
DeleteExpr | A |
DestructuringPattern | A destructuring pattern, that is, either an array pattern or an object pattern. |
DirectEval | A direct call to |
Directive | A directive: string literal expression statement in the beginning of a statement container. |
DivExpr | A division expression. |
DoWhileStmt | A |
DocComment | A JSDoc comment. |
Documentable | A program element that can have a JSDoc comment. |
DomGlobalVariable | A global variable whose declared type extends a DOM root type. |
DomMethodCallNode | A call to a DOM method. |
DomPropertyWrite | An assignment to a property of a DOM object. |
DotExpr | A dot expression. |
DynamicImportExpr | A dynamic import expression. |
EOFToken | An end-of-file token. |
ES2015Component | A React component implemented as a class |
ES2015Module | An ECMAScript 2015 module. |
ES2015PromiseAllDefinition | An aggregated promise created using |
ES5Component | A legacy React component implemented using |
EmailSender | An operation that sends an email. |
EmptyStmt | An empty statement. |
EnhancedForLoop | A |
EntryBasicBlock | An entry basic block, that is, a basic block whose first node is the entry node of a statement container. |
EnumDeclaration | A TypeScript enum declaration, such as the following declaration: |
EnumLiteralType | A type that refers to the value of an enum member. |
EnumMember | A member of a TypeScript enum declaration, such as |
EnumScope | A scope induced by an enum declaration, containing the names of its enum members. |
EnumType | A type that refers to an enum. |
EqExpr | An equality test using |
EqualityTest | An equality test using |
Error | An error encountered during extraction. |
EventDispatch | A dispatch of an event on an EventEmitter. |
EventEmitter | An EventEmitter instance that implements the EventEmitter API. Extend EventEmitter::Range to mark something as being an EventEmitter. |
EventHandlerCode | A code snippet originating from an event handler attribute. |
EventRegistration | A registration of an event handler on an EventEmitter. |
ExpExpr | An exponentiation expression. |
ExportAsNamespaceDeclaration | A TypeScript export of form |
ExportAssignDeclaration | A TypeScript “export-assign” declaration. |
ExportDeclaration | An export declaration. |
ExportDefaultDeclaration | A default export declaration. |
ExportDefaultSpecifier | A default export specifier. |
ExportNamedDeclaration | A named export declaration. * Examples: |
ExportNamespaceSpecifier | A namespace export specifier, that is |
ExportSpecifier | An export specifier in an export declaration. |
ExportVarAccess | An identifier that occurs in a named export declaration. |
Expr | An expression. |
ExprOrStmt | A program element that is either an expression or a statement. |
ExprOrType | A program element that is either an expression or a type annotation. |
ExprOrVarDecl | An expression or a variable declaration statement. |
ExprStmt | An expression statement. |
ExpressionWithTypeArguments | An expression with type arguments, occurring as the super-class expression of a class, for example: |
ExtendCall | A call to an |
ExtendsTag | An |
ExternalConstructor | A constructor function defined in an externs file. |
ExternalDecl | A declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalEntity | A function or object defined in an externs file. |
ExternalFunction | A function defined in an externs file. |
ExternalGlobalDecl | A global declaration of a function or variable in an externs file. |
ExternalGlobalFunctionDecl | A global function declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalGlobalVarDecl | A global variable declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalInstanceMemberDecl | An instance member variable declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalInterface | An interface function defined in an externs file. |
ExternalMemberDecl | A member variable declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalModuleDeclaration | A TypeScript declaration of form |
ExternalModuleReference | A |
ExternalModuleScope | A scope induced by a declaration of form |
ExternalScript | A stand-alone file or an external script originating from an HTML |
ExternalStaticMemberDecl | A static member variable declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalType | A constructor or interface function defined in an externs file. |
ExternalTypeTag | A |
ExternalTypedef | A typedef declaration in an externs file. |
ExternalVarDecl | A variable or function declaration in an externs file. |
Externs | A toplevel syntactic entity containing Closure-style externs definitions. |
FieldDeclaration | A field declaration in a class or interface, either a concrete definition or an abstract or ambient field signature. |
FieldDefinition | A concrete field definition in a class. |
FieldParameter | A constructor parameter that induces a field in its class. |
FieldSignature | A field signature declared in a class or interface, that is, an abstract or ambient field declaration. |
File | A file. |
FileNameSource | A data flow node that contains a file name or an array of file names from the local file system. |
FileSystemAccess | A data flow node that performs a file system access (read, write, copy, permissions, stats, etc). |
FileSystemReadAccess | A data flow node that reads data from the file system. |
FileSystemWriteAccess | A data flow node that writes data to the file system. |
FileType | A file type. |
Folder | A folder. |
ForEachStmt | A |
ForInComprehensionBlock | A |
ForInScope | A scope induced by a |
ForInStmt | A |
ForOfComprehensionBlock | A |
ForOfStmt | A |
ForScope | A scope induced by a |
ForStmt | A |
Function | A function as defined either by a function declaration or a function expression. |
FunctionBindExpr | A function-bind expression. |
FunctionCallSignature | A function call signature declared in an interface. |
FunctionCallSignatureType | A function call signature in a type, that is, a signature without the |
FunctionCompositionCall | A call to a function that constructs a function composition |
FunctionDeclStmt | A function declaration statement. |
FunctionExpr | A (non-arrow) function expression. |
FunctionExternal | The externs definition for the Function object. |
FunctionScope | A scope induced by a function. |
FunctionSentExpr | A |
FunctionTypeExpr | A TypeScript function type, such as |
FunctionWithAnalyzedParameters | A function with inter-procedural type inference for its parameters. |
FunctionalComponent | A React component implemented as a plain function. |
GEExpr | A greater-than-or-equal expression. |
GTExpr | A greater-than expression. |
GeneratedCodeExpr | A placeholder for some code generated by a templating engine, speculatively parsed as an expression. |
GeneratorExpr | A generator expression. |
GenericTypeExpr | A type consisting of a name and at least one type argument, such as |
GetterMethodDeclaration | A getter method declaration in a class or interface, either a concrete definition or a signature without a function body. |
GetterMethodDefinition | A concrete getter method definition in a class, that is, a getter method with a function body. |
GetterMethodSignature | A getter method signature declared in a class or interface, that is, a getter method without a function body. |
GlobalAugmentationDeclaration | A TypeScript declaration of form |
GlobalScope | The global scope. |
GlobalVarAccess | An identifier that refers to a global variable. |
GlobalVarDecl | An identifier that declares a global variable. |
GlobalVariable | A global variable. |
GuardControlFlowNode | A synthetic CFG node recording that some condition is known to hold at this point in the program. |
HasOwnPropertyCall | A call to |
HtmlCommentEnd | An HTML comment end token interpreted as a line comment. |
HtmlCommentStart | An HTML comment start token interpreted as a line comment. |
HtmlLineComment | An HTML comment start/end token interpreted as a line comment. |
HtmlSanitizerCall | A call that sanitizes HTML in a string, either by replacing meta characters with their HTML entities, or by removing certain HTML tags entirely. |
Identifier | An identifier. |
IdentifierToken | An identifier token. |
IfStmt | An |
ImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpr | An immediately invoked function expression (IIFE). |
ImplementsTag | An |
Import | An import in a module, which may be an ECMAScript 2015-style |
ImportDeclaration | An import declaration. |
ImportDefaultSpecifier | A default import specifier. |
ImportEqualsDeclaration | A TypeScript “import-equals” declaration. |
ImportMetaExpr | An |
ImportNamespaceAccess | An import used in the context of a namespace inside a type annotation, such as in |
ImportNamespaceSpecifier | A namespace import specifier. |
ImportSpecifier | An import specifier in an import declaration. |
ImportTypeAccess | An import used in the context of a type, such as in |
ImportTypeExpr | An import inside a type annotation, such as in |
ImportVarTypeAccess | An import used in the context of a variable type, such as in |
InExpr | An |
IncExpr | A (pre or post) increment expression. |
InclusionTest | An expression that checks if an element is contained in an array or is a substring of another string. |
IndefiniteAbstractValue | An indefinite abstract value representing an unknown value. |
IndefiniteFunctionOrClass | An indefinite abstract value representing an unknown function or class. |
IndefiniteObject | An indefinite abstract value representing an unknown object. |
IndexExpr | An index expression (also known as computed property access). |
IndexSignature | An index signature declared in an interface. |
IndexedAccessTypeExpr | A type of form |
InferTypeExpr | A type annotation of form |
InfiniteRepetitionQuantifier | A regular expression term that permits unlimited repetitions. |
InlineScript | A script embedded inline in an HTML |
InstanceofExpr | An |
InterfaceDeclaration | A TypeScript interface declaration. |
InterfaceDefinition | A TypeScript interface declaration, inline interface type, or function type. |
InterfaceScope | A scope induced by an interface declaration, containing the type parameters declared on the interface. |
InterfaceType | A type that refers to an interface, possibly with type arguents. |
InterfaceTypeExpr | An inline TypeScript interface type, such as |
IntersectionType | An intersection type, such as |
IntersectionTypeExpr | A type of form |
InvokeExpr | An invocation expression, that is, either a function call or a |
IsTypeExpr | A function return type of form |
JSDoc | A JSDoc comment. |
JSDocAnyTypeExpr | An |
JSDocAppliedTypeExpr | An applied type expression. |
JSDocArrayTypeExpr | An array type expression. |
JSDocError | An error encountered while parsing a JSDoc comment. |
JSDocFunctionTypeExpr | A function type expression. |
JSDocNamedTypeExpr | A type expression referring to a named type. |
JSDocNonNullableTypeExpr | A non-nullable type expression. |
JSDocNullTypeExpr | A null type expression. |
JSDocNullableTypeExpr | A nullable type expression. |
JSDocOptionalParameterTypeExpr | An optional parameter type. |
JSDocParamTag | A |
JSDocRecordTypeExpr | A record type expression. |
JSDocRestParameterTypeExpr | A rest parameter type. |
JSDocTag | A JSDoc tag. |
JSDocTypeExpr | A JSDoc type expression. |
JSDocTypeExprParent | A syntactic element that a JSDoc type expression may be nested in, that is, either a JSDoc tag or another JSDoc type expression. |
JSDocUndefinedTypeExpr | A type expression representing the type of |
JSDocUnionTypeExpr | A union type expression. |
JSDocUnknownTypeExpr | A type expression representing an unknown type. |
JSDocVoidTypeExpr | A type expression representing the void type. |
JSLintDirective | A JSLint directive. |
JSLintExplicitGlobal | A JSLint |
JSLintGlobal | A JSLint directive declaring global variables. |
JSLintOptions | A JSLint options directive. |
JSLintProperties | A JSLint |
JSParseError | A JavaScript parse error encountered during extraction. |
JavaScriptUrl | A code snippet originating from a URL with the |
Json2CsvTaintStep | A taint step through the |
JsonArray | A JSON-encoded array. |
JsonBoolean | A JSON-encoded Boolean value. |
JsonNull | A JSON-encoded null value. |
JsonNumber | A JSON-encoded number. |
JsonObject | A JSON-encoded object. |
JsonParseError | An error reported by the JSON parser. |
JsonParserCall | A call to a JSON parser such as |
JsonPrimitiveValue | A JSON-encoded primitive value. |
JsonString | A JSON-encoded string value. |
JsonStringifyCall | A call to a JSON stringifier such as |
JsonValue | A JSON-encoded value, which may be a primitive value, an array or an object. |
JsxAttribute | An attribute of a JSX element, including spread attributes. |
JsxElement | A JSX element. |
JsxEmptyExpr | An interpolating expression that interpolates nothing. |
JsxFragment | A JSX fragment. |
JsxName | A name of an JSX element or attribute (which is always an identifier, a dot expression, or a qualified namespace name). |
JsxNode | A JSX element or fragment. |
JsxPragma | A legacy |
JsxQualifiedName | A namespace-qualified name such as |
JsxSpreadAttribute | A spread attribute of a JSX element. |
JumpStmt | A statement that disrupts structured control flow, that is, a |
KeyofTypeExpr | A type of form |
KeywordToken | A keyword token. |
KleurStep | A step through the |
LEExpr | A less-than-or-equal expression. |
LShiftExpr | A left-shift expression using |
LTExpr | A less-than expression. |
LValue | A variable reference or property access that is written to. |
Label | A statement or property label, that is, an identifier that does not refer to a variable. |
LabeledStmt | A labeled statement. |
LegacyLetExpr | An old-style |
LegacyLetStmt | A legacy |
LetStmt | A |
LexicalAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable, type, or namespace, or a combination of these, in a non-declaring position. |
LexicalDecl | An identifier that declares a variable, type, or namespace, or a combination of these. |
LexicalName | A name that is declared in a particular scope. |
LexicalRef | An identifier that refers to a variable, type, or namespace, or a combination of these. |
LexicalTypeVariableType | A type that refers to a type variable without a canonical name. |
Line | A line of text (code, comment, or whitespace) in a source file. |
LineComment | A line comment, that is, either an HTML comment or a |
Literal | A literal. |
LiteralType | A boolean, number, or string literal type. |
LiteralTypeExpr | A string, number, or boolean literal used as a type. |
LocalFunction | A function that only is used locally, making it amenable to type inference. |
LocalNamespaceAccess | An identifier that refers to a namespace from inside a type annotation. |
LocalNamespaceDecl | An identifier that declares a local name for a namespace, that is, the name of an actual namespace declaration or the local name of an import. |
LocalNamespaceName | The local name for a namespace in a particular scope. |
LocalScope | A local scope, that is, a scope that is not the global scope. |
LocalTypeAccess | An identifier that is used as part of a type, such as |
LocalTypeName | The local name for a type in a particular scope. |
LocalVarTypeAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable from inside a type. |
LocalVariable | A local variable or a parameter. |
Locatable | A program element with a location. |
LogAndExpr | A logical ‘and’ expression. |
LogNotExpr | A logical negation expression. |
LogOrExpr | A logical ‘or’ expression. |
LoggerCall | A call to a logging mechanism. |
LogicalBinaryExpr | A short-circuiting logical binary expression, that is, a logical ‘or’ expression, a logical ‘and’ expression, or a nullish-coalescing expression. |
LogicalExpr | A logical expression using |
LoopStmt | A loop, that is, a while loop, a do-while loop, a for loop, or a for-in loop. |
MappedTypeExpr | A type of form |
MappedTypeScope | A scope induced by a mapped type expression, containing the type parameter declared as part of the type. |
MemberDeclaration | A member declaration in a class or interface, that is, either a method declaration or a field declaration. |
MemberDefinition | A concrete member of a class, that is, a non-abstract, non-ambient field or method with a body. |
MemberSignature | A member signature declared in a class or interface, that is, an abstract or ambient field or method without a function body. |
MembershipCandidate | An expression that is tested for membership of a collection. |
Method | A method defined in a class or object expression. |
MethodCallExpr | A method call expression. |
MethodDeclaration | A method declaration in a class or interface, either a concrete definition or a signature without a body. |
MethodDefinition | A concrete method definition in a class. |
MethodSignature | A method signature declared in a class or interface, that is, a method without a function body. |
ModExpr | A modulo expression. |
Module | A module, which may either be an ECMAScript 2015-style module, a CommonJS module, or an AMD module. |
ModuleAccess | A reference to the special |
ModuleScope | A scope induced by a Node.js or ES2015 module |
MulExpr | A multiplication expression. |
NEqExpr | An inequality test using |
NamedExportSpecifier | A named export specifier. |
NamedImportSpecifier | A named import specifier. |
Namespace | The canonical name for a namespace. |
NamespaceAccess | A possibly qualified name that refers to a namespace from inside a type annotation. |
NamespaceDeclaration | A TypeScript namespace declaration. |
NamespaceDefinition | A statement that defines a namespace, that is, a namespace declaration or enum declaration. |
NamespaceRef | A possibly qualified identifier that refers to or declares a local name for a namespace. |
NamespaceScope | The lexical scope induced by a TypeScript namespace declaration. |
NegExpr | An arithmetic negation expression (also known as unary minus). |
NeverType | The |
NewExpr | A |
NewTargetExpr | A |
NodeModule | A Node.js module. |
NonNullAssertion | A TypeScript expression of form |
NonStrictEqualityTest | A non-strict equality test using |
NpmPackage | An NPM package. |
NullLiteral | A |
NullLiteralToken | A null literal token. |
NullType | The |
NullishCoalescingExpr | A nullish coalescing ‘??’ expression. |
NumberLikeType | The |
NumberLiteral | A numeric literal. |
NumberLiteralType | A number literal as a static type. |
NumberLiteralTypeExpr | A number literal used as a type. |
NumberType | The predefined |
NumericLiteralToken | A numeric literal token. |
ObjectExpr | An object literal, containing zero or more property definitions. |
ObjectExternal | The externs definition for the Object object. |
ObjectKeywordType | The |
ObjectPattern | An object pattern. |
OptionalChainRoot | INTERNAL: This class should not be used by queries. |
OptionalTypeExpr | An optional type element in a tuple type, such as |
OptionalUse | A call or member access that evaluates to |
OriginalExportDeclaration | An export declaration that exports zero or more declarations from the module it appears in. |
PackageDependencies | A representation of package dependencies for an NPM package. |
PackageJson | A |
ParExpr | A parenthesized expression. |
Parameter | A parameter declaration in a function or catch clause. |
ParameterField | A field induced by an initializing constructor parameter. |
Parameterized | A program element that declares parameters, that is, either a function or a catch clause. |
ParenthesizedTypeExpr | A type expression enclosed in parentheses. |
Path | An absolute file system path referenced in the program, which may (but does not have to) correspond to a file or folder included in the snapshot. |
PathExpr | An expression whose value represents a (relative or absolute) file system path. |
PathExprCandidate | An expression that appears in a syntactic position where it may represent a path. |
PathString | A string value that represents a (relative or absolute) file system path. |
PersistentReadAccess | A data flow node that reads persistent data. |
PersistentWriteAccess | A data flow node that writes persistent data. |
PlainArrayType | An array type such as |
PlainFunctionTypeExpr | A function type that is not a constructor type, such as |
PlainSymbolType | The |
PlusExpr | A unary plus expression. |
PostDecExpr | A postfix decrement expression. |
PostIncExpr | A postfix increment expression. |
PostMessageEventHandler | An event handler that handles |
PreDecExpr | A prefix decrement expression. |
PreIncExpr | A prefix increment expression. |
PreactComponent | A Preact component. |
PredefinedTypeExpr | A use of the predefined type |
PredicateTypeExpr | A function return type that refines the type of one of its parameters or |
PrefixTypeAssertion | A type assertion specifically of the form |
PrettyJsonTaintStep | A step through the |
PrimitiveAbstractValue | A definite abstract value that represents only primitive concrete values. |
PrintfStyleCall | A printf-style call that substitutes the embedded format specifiers of a format string for the format arguments. |
PromiseAllCreation | A promise that is created using a |
PromiseCandidate | A call that looks like a Promise. |
PromiseCreationCall | A promise that is created and resolved with one or more value. |
PromiseDefinition | A call to the |
PromiseType | A type such as |
PropAccess | A property access, that is, either a dot expression of the form |
Property | A property definition in an object literal, which may be either a value property, a property getter, or a property setter. |
PropertyAccessor | A property getter or setter in an object literal. |
PropertyGetter | A property getter in an object literal. |
PropertyPattern | A property pattern in an object pattern. |
PropertyProjection | A property projection call such as |
PropertySetter | A property setter in an object literal. |
ProtectCall | A call to a function whose name suggests that it encodes or encrypts its arguments. |
PunctuatorToken | A punctuator token. |
PurelyLocalVariable | A local variable that is not captured. |
QualifiedNamespaceAccess | A qualified name that refers to a namespace from inside a type annotation. |
QualifiedTypeAccess | A qualified name that is used as part of a type, such as |
QualifiedVarTypeAccess | A qualified name that refers to a variable from inside a type. |
RShiftExpr | A right-shift expression using |
RValue | A variable reference or property access that is read from. |
ReExportDeclaration | An export declaration that re-exports declarations from another module. |
ReExportDefaultSpecifier | A default export specifier in a re-export declaration. |
ReachableBasicBlock | A basic block that is reachable from an entry basic block. |
ReachableJoinBlock | A reachable basic block with more than one predecessor. |
ReactComponent | An object that implements the React component interface. |
ReactElementDefinition | A DOM element created by a React function. |
ReadonlyArrayType | A read-only array type such as |
ReadonlyTypeExpr | A type of form |
RefExpr | An expression that can be evaluated to a reference, that is, a variable reference or a property access. |
ReferenceImport | A TypeScript comment of one of the two forms: |
ReferencePathImport | A TypeScript comment of the form: |
ReferenceTypesImport | A TypeScript comment of the form: |
RegExpAlt | An alternative term, that is, a term of the form |
RegExpAnchor | A dollar |
RegExpBackRef | A back reference, that is, a term of the form |
RegExpCaret | A caret assertion |
RegExpCharEscape | A character escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpCharacterClass | A character class in a regular expression. |
RegExpCharacterClassEscape | A character class escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpCharacterRange | A character range in a character class in a regular expression. |
RegExpConstant | A constant regular expression term, that is, a regular expression term matching a single string. |
RegExpControlEscape | A control character escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpDecimalEscape | A decimal character escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpDollar | A dollar assertion |
RegExpDot | A dot regular expression. |
RegExpEscape | An escaped regular expression term, that is, a regular expression term starting with a backslash. |
RegExpGroup | A grouped regular expression. |
RegExpHexEscape | A hexadecimal character escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpIdentityEscape | An identity escape, that is, an escaped character in a regular expression that just represents itself. |
RegExpLiteral | A regular expression literal. |
RegExpLookahead | A zero-width lookahead assertion. |
RegExpLookbehind | A zero-width lookbehind assertion. |
RegExpNegativeLookahead | A negative-lookahead assertion. |
RegExpNegativeLookbehind | A negative-lookbehind assertion. |
RegExpNonWordBoundary | A non-word boundary assertion. |
RegExpNormalConstant | A sequence of normal characters without special meaning in a regular expression. |
RegExpOctalEscape | An octal character escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpOpt | An optional term. |
RegExpParent | An element containing a regular expression term, that is, either a regular expression literal, a string literal (parsed as a regular expression), or another regular expression term. |
RegExpParseError | A parse error encountered while processing a regular expression literal. |
RegExpPatternSource | A node whose value may flow to a position where it is interpreted as a part of a regular expression. |
RegExpPlus | A plus-quantified term. |
RegExpPositiveLookahead | A positive-lookahead assertion. |
RegExpPositiveLookbehind | A positive-lookbehind assertion. |
RegExpQuantifier | A quantified regular expression term. |
RegExpRange | A range-quantified term |
RegExpSequence | A sequence term. |
RegExpStar | A star-quantified term. |
RegExpSubPattern | A zero-width lookahead or lookbehind assertion. |
RegExpTerm | A regular expression term, that is, a syntactic part of a regular expression. |
RegExpUnicodeEscape | A unicode character escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpUnicodePropertyEscape | A Unicode property escape in a regular expression. |
RegExpWordBoundary | A word boundary assertion. |
RegularExpressionToken | A regular expression literal token. |
RelationalComparison | A relational comparison using |
RemoteFlowSource | A data flow source of remote user input. |
RepositoryInfo | A representation of repository information for an NPM package. |
Require | A |
ResolvedES2015PromiseDefinition | A resolved promise created by the standard ECMAScript 2015 |
ResolvedPromiseDefinition | A promise that is created using a |
RestTypeExpr | A rest element in a tuple type, such as |
ReturnStmt | A |
SatisfiesExpr | A satisfies type asserion of the form |
Scope | A scope in which variables can be declared. |
ScopeElement | A program element that induces a scope. |
Script | A stand-alone file or script originating from an HTML |
SelectiveImportDeclaration | A selective import that imports zero or more declarations. |
SelectiveReExportDeclaration | A named export declaration that re-exports symbols imported from another module. |
SensitiveAction | A sensitive action, such as transfer of sensitive data. |
SensitiveCall | A function call that might produce sensitive data. |
SensitiveDataClassification | A classification of different kinds of sensitive data: |
SensitiveDataFunctionName | A function name that suggests it may produce sensitive data. |
SensitiveFunctionName | A function name that suggests it may be sensitive. |
SensitiveNode | An expression that might contain sensitive data. |
SensitiveVariableAccess | An access to a variable or property that might contain sensitive data. |
SensitiveWrite | A write to a location that might contain sensitive data. |
SeqExpr | A sequence expression (also known as comma expression). |
SetterMethodDeclaration | A setter method declaration in a class or interface, either a concrete definition or a signature without a body. |
SetterMethodDefinition | A concrete setter method definition in a class, that is, a setter method with a function body |
SetterMethodSignature | A setter method signature declared in a class or interface, that is, a setter method without a function body. |
ShiftExpr | A shift expression. |
SignatureKind | A value indicating if a signature is a function or constructor signature. |
SimpleParameter | A parameter declaration that is not an object or array pattern. |
SlashSlashComment | A |
SlashStarComment | A C-style block comment which is not a JSDoc comment. |
SliceAnsiStep | A step through the |
SpreadElement | A spread element. |
SpreadProperty | A spread property in an object literal. |
SsaDefinition | An SSA definition. |
SsaExplicitDefinition | An SSA definition that corresponds to an explicit assignment or other variable definition. |
SsaImplicitDefinition | An SSA definition that does not correspond to an explicit variable definition. |
SsaImplicitInit | An SSA definition representing the implicit initialization of a variable at the beginning of its scope. |
SsaPhiNode | An SSA phi node, that is, a pseudo-definition for a variable at a point in the flow graph where otherwise two or more definitions for the variable would be visible. |
SsaPseudoDefinition | An SSA definition that has no actual semantics, but simply serves to merge or filter data flow. |
SsaRefinementNode | A refinement node, that is, a pseudo-definition for a variable at a point in the flow graph where additional information about this variable becomes available that may restrict its possible set of values. |
SsaSourceVariable | A variable that can be SSA converted, that is, a local variable. |
SsaVariable | An SSA variable. |
SsaVariableCapture | An SSA definition representing the capturing of an SSA-convertible variable in the closure of a nested function. |
StaticInitializer | A static initializer in a class. |
Stmt | A statement. |
StmtContainer | A program element that contains statements, but isn’t itself a statement, in other words a toplevel or a function. |
StrictEqExpr | A strict equality test using |
StrictEqualityTest | A strict equality test using |
StrictNEqExpr | A strict inequality test using |
StringLikeType | The |
StringLiteral | A string literal, either single-quoted or double-quoted. |
StringLiteralToken | A string literal token. |
StringLiteralType | A string literal as a static type. |
StringLiteralTypeExpr | A string literal used as a type. |
StringReplaceCall | A call to |
StringSplitCall | A call to |
StringType | The predefined |
StripAnsiStep | A step through the |
SubExpr | A subtraction expression. |
SuperCall | A |
SuperExpr | A |
SuperPropAccess | A property access on |
SwitchStmt | A |
SymbolType | The |
SyntheticConstructor | A function generated by the extractor to implement a synthetic default constructor. |
SyntheticControlFlowNode | A synthetic CFG node that does not correspond to a statement or expression; examples include guard nodes and entry/exit nodes. |
SystemCommandExecution | A data flow node that executes an operating system command, for instance by spawning a new process. |
TSGlobalDeclImport | A reference to a global variable for which there is a TypeScript type annotation suggesting that it contains the namespace object of a module. |
TaggedTemplateExpr | A tagged template literal expression. |
TemplateElement | A constant template element. |
TemplateLiteral | A template literal. |
TemplateLiteralTypeExpr | A template literal used as a type. |
ThisExpr | A |
ThisType | A |
ThisTypeExpr | A use of the |
ThisVarTypeAccess | A |
ThreatModelSource | A data flow source, for a specific threat-model. |
ThrowStmt | A |
Token | A token occurring in a piece of JavaScript source code. |
TopLevel | A toplevel syntactic unit; that is, a stand-alone script, an inline script embedded in an HTML |
TryStmt | A |
TupleType | A tuple type, such as |
TupleTypeExpr | A tuple type such as |
Type | A static type in the TypeScript type system. |
TypeAccess | A possibly qualified name that is used as part of a type, such as |
TypeAliasDeclaration | A type alias declaration, that is, a statement of form |
TypeAliasReference | A type that refers to a type alias. |
TypeAliasScope | A scope induced by a type alias declaration, containing the type parameters declared the the alias. |
TypeAnnotation | A type annotation, either in the form of a TypeScript type or a JSDoc comment. |
TypeAssertion | A type assertion, also known as an unchecked type cast, is a TypeScript expression of form |
TypeDecl | An identifier declaring a type name, that is, the name of a class, interface, type parameter, or import. |
TypeDefinition | A statement that defines a named type, that is, a class, interface, type alias, or enum declaration. |
TypeExpr | A type expression, that is, an AST node that is part of a TypeScript type annotation. |
TypeName | The canonical name for a type. |
TypeParameter | A type parameter declared on a class, interface, function, or type alias. |
TypeParameterized | A program element that supports type parameters, that is, a function, class, interface, type alias, mapped type, or |
TypeRef | A possibly qualified identifier that declares or refers to a type. |
TypeReference | A type that refers to a class, interface, enum, or enum member. |
TypeRootFolder | A folder where TypeScript finds declaration files for imported modules. |
TypeVariableType | A type that refers to a type variable. |
TypeofExpr | A |
TypeofType | The type of a named value, |
TypeofTypeExpr | A type of form |
URShiftExpr | An unsigned right-shift expression using |
UnaryExpr | An expression with a unary operator. |
UndefinedType | The |
UnionOrIntersectionType | A union type or intersection type, such as |
UnionOrIntersectionTypeExpr | A union or intersection type, such as |
UnionType | A union type, such as |
UnionTypeExpr | A union type, such as |
UniqueSymbolType | A |
Unit | The trivial type with a single element. |
UnknownType | The predefined |
UnreachableBlock | An unreachable basic block, that is, a basic block whose first node is unreachable. |
UpdateExpr | An update expression, that is, an increment or decrement expression. |
UsingDeclStmt | A |
ValueProperty | A value property definition in an object literal. |
VarAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable in a non-declaring position. |
VarDecl | An identifier that declares a variable. |
VarDeclStmt | A |
VarDef | A ControlFlowNode that defines (that is, initializes or updates) variables or properties. |
VarRef | An identifier that refers to a variable, either in a declaration or in a variable access. |
VarTypeAccess | A possibly qualified name that refers to a variable from inside a type. |
VarUse | A ControlFlowNode that uses (that is, reads from) a single variable. |
Variable | A variable declared in a scope. |
VariableDeclarator | A variable declarator declaring a local or global variable. |
ViewComponentInput | An input to a view component, such as React props. |
VoidExpr | A |
VoidType | The |
WebStorageWrite | A value written to web storage, like |
WhileStmt | A |
WithStmt | A |
WrapAnsiStep | A step through the |
XOrExpr | An exclusive ‘or’ expression. |
XUnitAnnotation | An xUnit.js annotation, such as |
XUnitAttribute | An xUnit.js attribute appearing in an annotation. |
XUnitFact | An xUnit.js fact. |
XUnitFactAnnotation | An xUnit.js |
XUnitFixture | An xUnit.js fixture. |
XUnitFixtureAnnotation | An xUnit.js |
XUnitTarget | A declaration or definition that can serve as the target of an xUnit.js annotation: a function declaration, a variable declaration, or an assignment. |
YieldExpr | A |
TAbstractValue | An abstract value inferred by the flow analysis. |
API | Provides classes and predicates for working with the API boundary between the current codebase and external libraries. |
AST | Provides a class |
AWS | |
AbstractInstance | |
AccessPath | Provides predicates for associating access paths with data flow nodes. |
AmdModuleDefinition | Companion module to the |
Angular2 | Provides classes for working with Angular (also known as Angular 2.x) applications. |
AngularJS | Provides classes for working with AngularJS (also known as Angular 1.x) applications. |
ArrayTaintTracking | Classes and predicates for modeling TaintTracking steps for arrays. |
AsyncPackage | |
Azure | |
Babel | |
Base64 | |
Bluebird | Provides classes for working with the |
Cheerio | |
ClassValidator | Provides predicates for reasoning about sanitization via the |
ClientRequest | |
ClientWebSocket | Provides classes that model WebSockets clients. |
Closure | |
ClosureLibrary | |
CommandLineArguments | Provides a class for modeling new sources of remote user input. |
Connect | |
CookieWrites | Classes and predicates for reasoning about writes to cookies. |
CredentialsExpr | Companion module to the |
Cryptography | Provides models for cryptographic things. |
D3 | Provides classes and predicates modeling aspects of the |
DOM | |
DataFlow | |
DeclarationSpace | Module containing the |
DigitalOcean | |
Directive | Module containing subclasses of the |
E4X | |
ESLint | |
Electron | |
EventDispatch | |
EventEmitter | |
EventRegistration | |
Express | |
ExpressLibraries | |
Fastify | Provides classes for working with Fastify applications. |
FileUpload | Provides classes for working with the |
Firebase | |
FunctionCompositionCall | Companion module to the |
GraphQL | Provides classes modeling concepts of GraphQL connectors. |
HTML | |
Handlebars | |
Hapi | |
HeuristicNames | INTERNAL: Do not use. |
History | Provides classes modeling the |
Http | |
InclusionTest | |
JQuery | |
JSDoc | |
JsonSchema | Provides classes and predicates for working with JSON schema libraries. |
Knex | Provides classes and predicates for working with knex. |
Koa | |
LazyCache | |
LdapJS | A module providing sinks and sanitizers for LDAP injection. |
Linting | |
LodashUnderscore | Provides a unified model of lodash and underscore. |
Markdown | A module providing taint-steps for common markdown parsers and generators. |
MembershipCandidate | Provides classes for recognizing membership candidates. |
ModelExport | Module for exporting type models for a given set of nodes in the API graph. |
MooTools | Classes and predicates for working with MooTools code. |
NestJS | Provides classes and predicates for reasoning about Nest. |
NextJS | Provides classes and predicates modeling Next.js. |
NoSql | Provides classes for modeling NoSql query sinks. |
NodeJSLib | |
ParseTorrent | Provides classes for working with parse-torrent code. |
PasswordHeuristics | Provides heuristics for classifying passwords. |
PkgCloud | |
PromiseFlow | This module defines how data-flow propagates into and out of a Promise. The data-flow is based on pseudo-properties rather than tainting the Promise object (which is what |
PromiseTypeTracking | A module for supporting promises in type-tracking predicates. The |
Promises | Common predicates shared between type-tracking and data-flow for promises. |
Promisify | Provides classes modeling libraries implementing |
PropertyProjection | |
Punycode | Provides classes for working with punycode code. |
Puppeteer | Classes and predicates modeling the puppeteer library. |
Q | Provides classes for working with the |
Querydashstring | Provides classes for working with query-string code. |
Querystring | Provides classes for working with querystring code. |
Querystringify | Provides classes for working with querystringify code. |
RangeAnalysis | Contains predicates for reasoning about the relative numeric value of expressions. |
ReactNative | |
Redux | Provides classes and predicates for reasoning about data flow through the redux package. |
RegExp | |
Request | |
Restify | Provides classes for working with Restify servers. |
Routing | A model of routing trees, describing the composition of route handlers and middleware functions in a web server application. See |
SQL | |
SensitiveDataClassification | Provides predicates to select the different kinds of sensitive data we support. |
ServerWebSocket | Provides classes that model WebSocket servers. |
ShellJS | |
SignatureKind | |
SocketIO | Provides classes for working with server-side code (npm package |
SocketIOClient | Provides classes for working with client-side code (npm package |
Spife | Provides classes for working with Spife applications. |
Ssa | |
StringConcatenation | |
StringOps | |
SyntacticConstants | Provides classes for expressions that evaluate to constant values according to a bottom-up syntactic analysis. |
TaintTracking | Provides classes for modeling taint propagation. |
Templating | |
ThreatModelSource | Provides a class for modeling new sources for specific threat-models. |
TrustedTypes | Module for working with uses of the Trusted Types API. |
Typeahead | |
Uridashjs | Provides classes for working with uri-js code. |
Urijs | Provides classes for working with urijs code. |
Url | Provides classes for working with url code. |
UrlParse | Provides classes for working with url-parse code. |
Vue | |
Vuex | Provides classes and predicates for working with the |
Webix | Provides classes and predicates for working with the |
Module signatures
ModelExportSig | Specifies which parts of the API graph to export in |
AndBitwiseExpr | A bitwise ‘and’ expression. |
AndLogicalExpr | A logical ‘and’ expression. |
ArrayAccess | An index expression (also known as computed property access). |
AssignOp | A compound assign expression. |
BlockMode | A cryptographic block cipher mode of operation. This can be used to encrypt data of arbitrary length using a block encryption algorithm. |
BoolLiteral | A Boolean literal, that is, either |
CaseStmt | A |
ComparisonOperation | A comparison expression, that is, either an equality test ( |
Container | A file or folder. |
CryptographicAlgorithm | A cryptographic algorithm. |
CryptographicOperation | Provides classes for modeling new applications of a cryptographic algorithms. |
DoStmt | A |
EncryptionAlgorithm | An encryption algorithm such as |
EqualityOperation | An equality test using |
FieldAccess | A dot expression. |
HashingAlgorithm | A hashing algorithm such as |
InstanceOfExpr | An |
LabelStmt | A labeled statement. |
Location | A location as given by a file, a start line, a start column, an end line, and an end column. |
LogicalAndExpr | A logical ‘and’ expression. |
LogicalNotExpr | A logical negation expression. |
LogicalOrExpr | A logical ‘or’ expression. |
Loop | A loop, that is, a while loop, a do-while loop, a for loop, or a for-in loop. |
ModelInput | Module containing hooks for providing input data to be interpreted as a model. |
ModelOutput | Module providing access to the imported models in terms of API graph nodes. |
MultilineComment | A block comment (which may be a JSDoc comment). |
OrBitwiseExpr | A bitwise ‘or’ expression. |
OrLogicalExpr | A logical ‘or’ expression. |
ParenthesisExpr | A parenthesized expression. |
ParenthesizedExpr | A parenthesized expression. |
PasswordHashingAlgorithm | A password hashing algorithm such as |
RFC | Provides default sources, sinks and sanitizers for reasoning about request forgery, as well as extension points for adding your own. |
RelationalOperation | A relational comparison using |
RemExpr | A modulo expression. |
SL | Provides classes and predicates for working with serverless handlers. Supports AWS, Alibaba, and serverless. |
SingleLineComment | A line comment, that is, either an HTML comment or a |
SuperAccess | A |
SwitchCase | A |
ThisAccess | A |
VariableAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable in a non-declaring position. |
XorBitwiseExpr | An exclusive ‘or’ expression. |
jquery | Gets a data flow node that may refer to the jQuery |