Module DataFlow
Import path
import javascript
TypeInference | Provides classes implementing a simple intra-procedural flow analysis for inferring abstract values of nodes in the data-flow graph representation of the program. |
capturedVariableNode | INTERNAL. DO NOT USE. |
dependencyModuleImport | Gets a (default) import of the given dependency |
destructuredModuleImportNode | INTERNAL. DO NOT USE. |
exceptionalFunctionReturnNode | INTERNAL: Use |
exceptionalInvocationReturnNode | INTERNAL: Use |
exportsVarNode | Gets the CommonJS/AMD |
exprNode | Gets the data flow node corresponding to |
fieldDeclarationNode | INTERNAL: Do not use outside standard library. |
functionForwardingStep | Holds if the function in |
functionOneWayForwardingStep | Holds if the function in |
functionReturnNode | INTERNAL: Use |
globalAccessPathRootPseudoNode | INTERNAL. DO NOT USE. |
globalObjectRef | Gets a data flow node corresponding to an access to the global object, including |
globalVarRef | Gets a data flow node corresponding to an access to global variable |
hasPathWithoutUnmatchedReturn | Holds if there is a path without unmatched return steps from |
isIncomplete | Holds if the flow information for the node |
localFieldStep | Holds if there is a step from |
localFlowStep | Holds if data can flow from |
lvalueNode | Gets the data flow node corresponding the given l-value expression, if such a node exists. |
lvalueNodeInternal | INTERNAL: Do not use outside standard library. |
moduleImport | Gets a (default) import of the module with the given path, such as |
moduleMember | Gets a data flow node that either imports |
moduleVarNode | Gets the CommonJS/AMD |
parameterNode | Gets the node corresponding to the initialization of parameter |
parameterNode | INTERNAL: Use |
reflectiveCallNode | Gets a data flow node representing the underlying call performed by the given call to |
ssaDefinitionNode | Gets the data flow node corresponding to |
thisNode | Gets the node representing the receiver of the given function, or |
thisNode | INTERNAL: Use |
valueNode | Gets the data flow node corresponding to |
AdditionalBarrierGuardNode | A |
AdditionalFlowStep | A value-preserving data flow edge that should be used in all data flow configurations in addition to standard data flow edges. |
AdditionalSink | A data flow node that should be considered a sink for some specific configuration, in addition to any other sinks that configuration may recognize. |
AdditionalSource | A data flow node that should be considered a source for some specific configuration, in addition to any other sources that configuration may recognize. |
ArrayConstructorInvokeNode | A data flow node corresponding to a |
ArrayCreationNode | A data flow node corresponding to the creation or a new array, either through an array literal, an invocation of the |
ArrayLiteralNode | A data flow node corresponding to an array literal expression. |
BarrierGuardNode | A node that can act as a barrier when appearing in a condition. |
CallNode | A data flow node corresponding to a function call without |
ClassNode | A data flow node corresponding to a class definition or a function definition acting as a class. |
Configuration | DEPRECATED. Subclasses of this class should be replaced by a module implementing the new |
Content | A storage location on an object, such as a property name. |
ContentSet | An entity that represents the set of |
ExceptionalFunctionReturnNode | A data flow node representing the exceptions thrown by a function. |
ExceptionalInvocationReturnNode | A data flow node representing the exceptions thrown by the callee of an invocation. |
ExprNode | A data flow node corresponding to an expression. |
ExprPostUpdateNode | A post-update node whose pre-node corresponds to an expression. See |
FlowLabel | DEPRECATED. Use a query-specific |
FunctionNode | A data flow node corresponding to a function definition. |
FunctionReturnNode | A data flow node representing the values returned by a function. |
FunctionSelfReferenceNode | A node representing the hidden parameter of a function by which a function can refer to itself. |
GlobalVarRefNode | A data flow node corresponding to a global variable access through a simple identifier. |
HtmlAttributeNode | A data flow node representing an HTML attribute. |
Incompleteness | A classification of flows that are not modeled, or only modeled incompletely, by |
InvokeNode | A data flow node corresponding to a function invocation (with or without |
LabeledBarrierGuardNode | A guard node that only blocks specific labels. |
LegacyFlowStep | A data flow edge that is only seen by the old, deprecated data flow library. |
MemberKind | The string |
MethodCallNode | A data flow node corresponding to a method call, that is, a call of form |
MidPathNode | A path node corresponding to an intermediate node on a path from a source to a sink. |
ModuleImportNode | A data flow node representing an import of a module, either through an |
NewCallThisArgumentNode | A node representing the value passed as |
NewNode | A data flow node corresponding to a |
Node | A node in the data flow graph. |
ObjectLiteralNode | A data flow node corresponding to an object literal expression. |
ParameterNode | A data flow node corresponding to a parameter. |
PartialInvokeNode | A data flow node that performs a partial function application. |
PathNode | A data-flow node on an inter-procedural path from a source to a sink. |
PostUpdateNode | A post-update node. |
PropRead | A data flow node that reads an object property. |
PropRef | A data flow node that reads or writes an object property or class member. |
PropWrite | A data flow node that writes to an object property. |
PropertySet | A representative for a set of property names. |
ReflectiveParametersNode | A data flow node representing the arguments object given to a function. |
RegExpConstructorInvokeNode | An invocation of the |
RegExpCreationNode | A data flow node corresponding to a regular expression literal or an invocation of the |
RegExpLiteralNode | A data-flow node corresponding to a regular-expression literal. |
SharedFlowStep | A data flow edge that should be added to all data flow configurations in addition to standard data flow edges. |
SharedTypeTrackingStep | A data flow edge that should be followed by type tracking. |
SinkPathNode | A path node corresponding to a flow sink. |
SourceNode | A source node for local data flow, that is, a node from which local data flow is tracked. |
SourcePathNode | A path node corresponding to a flow source. |
SsaDefinitionNode | A node in the data flow graph which corresponds to an SSA variable definition. |
StandardFlowLabel | A standard flow label, that is, either |
SummarizedCallable | A model for a function that can propagate data flow. |
TemplatePlaceholderTagNode | A data flow node representing the value plugged into a template tag. |
ThisNode | A data flow node corresponding to the |
TypeBackTracker | A summary of the steps needed to back-track a use of a value to a given dataflow node. |
TypeTracker | A summary of the steps needed to track a value to a given dataflow node. |
ValueNode | A node in the data flow graph which corresponds to an expression, destructuring pattern, or declaration of a function, class, namespace, or enum. |
VarAccessBarrier | A guard node for a variable in a negative condition, such as |
XmlAttributeNode | A data flow node representing an XML attribute. |
AdditionalFlowStep | Contains predicates for accessing the steps contributed by |
ClassNode | |
ContentSet | Companion module to the |
FlowLabel | |
Impl | Provides classes representing various kinds of calls. |
LegacyFlowStep | Contains predicates for accessing the steps contributed by |
MakeBarrierGuard | Converts a barrier guard class to a set of nodes to include in an implementation of |
MakeLabeledBarrierGuard | Converts a barrier guard class to a set of nodes to include in an implementation of |
MakeLegacyBarrierGuard | Converts a barrier guard class to a set of nodes to include in an implementation of |
MakeLegacyBarrierGuardLabeled | Converts a labeled barrier guard class to a set of nodes to include in an implementation of |
MakeStateBarrierGuard | Converts a barrier guard class to a set of nodes to include in an implementation of |
MemberKind | |
ModuleImportNode | |
PartialInvokeNode | |
PathGraph | Provides the query predicates needed to include a graph in a path-problem query. |
PseudoProperties | A collection of pseudo-properties that are used in multiple files. |
SharedFlowStep | Contains predicates for accessing the steps contributed by |
SharedTypeTrackingStep | Provides access to the steps contributed by subclasses of |
SourceNode | |
TypeBackTracker | |
TypeTracker |
LocalSourceNode | An alias for |
Node | A node in the data flow graph. |
TaintKind | A kind of taint tracked by a taint-tracking configuration. |
argumentPassingStep | Holds if |