CodeQL library for JavaScript/TypeScript
codeql/javascript-all 2.3.1-dev (changelog, source)

Predicate DataFlow::functionForwardingStep

Holds if the function in succ forwards all its arguments to a call to pred and returns its result. This can thus be seen as a step pred -> succ used for tracking function values through “wrapper functions”, since the succ function partially replicates behavior of pred.


function f(x) {
  return g(x); // step: g -> f

function doExec(x) {
  return exec(x); // step: exec -> doExec

function doEither(x, y) {
  if (x > y) {
    return foo(x, y); // step: foo -> doEither
  } else {
    return bar(x, y); // step: bar -> doEither

function wrapWithLogging(f) {
  return (x) => {
    return f(x); // step: f -> anonymous function
wrapWithLogging(g); // step: g -> wrapWithLogging(g)

Import path

import javascript
predicate functionForwardingStep(Node pred, Node succ)