Class JSLintOptions
A JSLint options directive.
Import path
import javascript
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Known direct subtypes
Inherited predicates
appliesTo | Holds if this directive applies to statement or expression | from JSLintDirective |
definesFlag | Holds if this directive sets flag | from JSLintDirective |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the primary QL class for the Locatable. | from Locatable |
getContent | Gets the content of this directive, not including the directive name itself, and with end-of-line characters replaced by spaces. | from JSLintDirective |
getEndLine | Gets the line on which this element ends. | from Locatable |
getFile | Gets the file this program element comes from. | from Locatable |
getLine | Gets the | from Comment |
getLocation | Gets this element’s location. | from Locatable |
getName | Gets the name of this directive. | from JSLintDirective |
getNextToken | Gets the next token after this comment. | from Comment |
getNumLines | Gets the number of lines covered by this element. | from Comment |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Locatable |
getScope | Gets the scope of this directive, which is either the closest enclosing function, or the toplevel. | from JSLintDirective |
getStartLine | Gets the line on which this element starts. | from Locatable |
getText | Gets the text of this comment, not including delimiters. | from Comment |
getTopLevel | Gets the toplevel element this comment belongs to. | from Comment |
onLines | Holds if this comment spans lines | from Comment |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from Comment |