Class GeneratedCodeExpr
A placeholder for some code generated by a templating engine, speculatively parsed as an expression.
For example, the right-hand side of the following assignments will each be parsed
as GeneratedNodeExpr
let data1 = {{ user_data1 }};
let data2 = {{{ user_data2 }}};
Note that templating placeholders occurring inside strings literals are not parsed,
and are simply seen as being part of the string literal.
For example, following snippet does not contain any GeneratedCodeExpr
let data1 = "{{ user_data }}";
Import path
import javascript
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the primary QL class for the Locatable. |
getPlaceholderTag | Gets the placeholder tag that was parsed as an expression. |
Inherited predicates
accessesGlobal | Holds if this expression accesses the global variable | from Expr |
analyze | Gets type inference results for this element. | from ValueNode |
describeControlFlowNode | For internal use. | from ControlFlowNode |
flow | Gets the data flow node associated with this program element. | from ValueNode |
getAChild | Gets a child node of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildExpr | Gets a child expression of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildStmt | Gets a child statement of this node. | from AstNode |
getAPredecessor | Gets a node preceding this node in the CFG. | from ControlFlowNode |
getASuccessor | Gets a node succeeding this node in the CFG. | from ControlFlowNode |
getAToken | Gets a token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getBasicBlock | Gets the basic block this node belongs to. | from ControlFlowNode |
getChild | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildExpr | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildStmt | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildTypeExpr | Gets the | from AstNode |
getContainer | Gets the function or toplevel to which this node belongs. | from NodeInStmtContainer |
getDocumentation | Gets the JSDoc comment associated with this expression or type or its parent statement, if any. | from ExprOrType |
getEnclosingFunction | Gets the function in which this expression or type appears, if any. | from ExprOrType |
getEnclosingStmt | Gets the statement in which this expression or type appears. | from ExprOrType |
getEndLine | Gets the line on which this element ends. | from Locatable |
getExceptionTarget | Gets the data-flow node where exceptions thrown by this expression will propagate if this expression causes an exception to be thrown. | from Expr |
getFile | Gets the file this program element comes from. | from AstNode |
getFirstControlFlowNode | Gets the first control flow node belonging to this syntactic entity. | from AstNode |
getFirstToken | Gets the first token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getIntValue | Gets the constant integer value this expression evaluates to, if any. | from Expr |
getKind | Gets the kind of this expression, which is an integer value representing the expression’s node type. | from Expr |
getLastToken | Gets the last token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getLocation | Gets this element’s location. | from Locatable |
getNumChild | Gets the number of child nodes of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildExpr | Gets the number of child expressions of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildStmt | Gets the number of child statements of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumLines | Gets the number of lines covered by this element. | from Locatable |
getParent | Gets the parent node of this node, if any. | from AstNode |
getParentExpr | Gets the expression that is the parent of this expression in the AST, if any. | from Expr |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Locatable |
getStartLine | Gets the line on which this element starts. | from Locatable |
getStringValue | Gets the constant string value this expression evaluates to, if any. | from Expr |
getTopLevel | Gets the toplevel syntactic unit to which this element belongs. | from AstNode |
getType | Gets the static type of this expression, as determined by the TypeScript type system. | from Expr |
getUnderlyingReference | Gets the innermost reference that this expression evaluates to, if any. | from ExprOrType |
getUnderlyingValue | Gets the innermost expression that this expression evaluates to. | from ExprOrType |
inExternsFile | Holds if this syntactic entity belongs to an externs file. | from AstNode |
inNullSensitiveContext | Holds if the syntactic context that the expression appears in relies on the expression being non-null/non-undefined. | from Expr |
isAFinalNode | Holds if this is a final node, that is, a CFG node where execution of a toplevel or function terminates. | from ControlFlowNode |
isAFinalNodeOfContainer | Holds if this is a final node of | from ControlFlowNode |
isAmbient | Holds if this is part of an ambient declaration or type annotation in a TypeScript file. | from AstNode |
isBranch | Holds if this is a node with more than one successor. | from ControlFlowNode |
isImpure | Holds if this expression is impure, that is, its evaluation could have side effects. | from Expr |
isJoin | Holds if this is a node with more than one predecessor. | from ControlFlowNode |
isPure | Holds if this expression is pure, that is, its evaluation is guaranteed to be side-effect free. | from Expr |
isStart | Holds if this is a start node, that is, the CFG node where execution of a toplevel or function begins. | from ControlFlowNode |
isUnreachable | Holds if this node is unreachable, that is, it has no predecessors in the CFG. Entry nodes are always considered reachable. | from ControlFlowNode |
mayHaveBooleanValue | Holds if this expression may evaluate to | from Expr |
mayHaveStringValue | Holds if this expression may evaluate to | from Expr |
mayReferToParameter | Holds if this expression may refer to the initial value of parameter | from Expr |
stripParens | Gets this expression, with any surrounding parentheses removed. | from Expr |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from Expr |