Module Expr
Provides classes for working with expressions.
Import path
import semmle.javascript.Expr
javascript | Provides classes for working with JavaScript programs, as well as JSON, YAML and HTML. |
AddExpr | An addition or string-concatenation expression. |
ArithmeticExpr | A binary arithmetic expression using |
ArrayComprehensionExpr | An array comprehension expression. |
ArrayExpr | An array literal. |
ArrowFunctionExpr | An arrow function expression. |
AssignAddExpr | A compound add-assign expression. |
AssignAndExpr | A compound bitwise-‘and’-assign expression. |
AssignDivExpr | A compound divide-assign expression. |
AssignExpExpr | A compound exponentiate-assign expression. |
AssignExpr | A simple assignment expression. |
AssignLShiftExpr | A compound left-shift-assign expression. |
AssignLogAndExpr | A logical-‘and’-assign expression. |
AssignLogOrExpr | A logical-‘or’-assign expression. |
AssignModExpr | A compound modulo-assign expression. |
AssignMulExpr | A compound multiply-assign expression. |
AssignNullishCoalescingExpr | A ‘nullish-coalescing’-assign expression. |
AssignOrExpr | A compound bitwise-‘or’-assign expression. |
AssignRShiftExpr | A compound right-shift-assign expression. |
AssignSubExpr | A compound subtract-assign expression. |
AssignURShiftExpr | A compound unsigned-right-shift-assign expression. |
AssignXOrExpr | A compound exclusive-‘or’-assign expression. |
Assignment | An assignment expression, either compound or simple. |
AwaitExpr | An |
BigIntLiteral | A BigInt literal. |
BinaryExpr | An expression with a binary operator. |
BitAndExpr | A bitwise ‘and’ expression. |
BitNotExpr | A bitwise negation expression. |
BitOrExpr | A bitwise ‘or’ expression. |
BitwiseBinaryExpr | A bitwise binary expression, that is, either a bitwise ‘and’, a bitwise ‘or’, or an exclusive ‘or’ expression. |
BitwiseExpr | A bitwise expression using |
BooleanLiteral | A Boolean literal, that is, either |
CallExpr | A function call expression. |
Comparison | A comparison expression, that is, either an equality test ( |
CompoundAssignExpr | A compound assign expression. |
ComprehensionBlock | A comprehension block in a comprehension expression. |
ComprehensionExpr | A comprehension expression, that is, either an array comprehension expression or a generator expression. |
ConditionalExpr | A conditional expression. |
DecExpr | A (pre or post) decrement expression. |
Decoratable | A program element to which decorators can be applied, that is, a class, a property or a member definition. |
Decorator | A decorator applied to a class, property or member definition. |
DeleteExpr | A |
DivExpr | A division expression. |
DotExpr | A dot expression. |
DynamicImportExpr | A dynamic import expression. |
EqExpr | An equality test using |
EqualityTest | An equality test using |
ExpExpr | An exponentiation expression. |
Expr | An expression. |
ExprOrType | A program element that is either an expression or a type annotation. |
ForInComprehensionBlock | A |
ForOfComprehensionBlock | A |
FunctionBindExpr | A function-bind expression. |
FunctionExpr | A (non-arrow) function expression. |
FunctionSentExpr | A |
GEExpr | A greater-than-or-equal expression. |
GTExpr | A greater-than expression. |
GeneratedCodeExpr | A placeholder for some code generated by a templating engine, speculatively parsed as an expression. |
GeneratorExpr | A generator expression. |
Identifier | An identifier. |
ImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpr | An immediately invoked function expression (IIFE). |
ImportMetaExpr | An |
InExpr | An |
IncExpr | A (pre or post) increment expression. |
IndexExpr | An index expression (also known as computed property access). |
InstanceofExpr | An |
InvokeExpr | An invocation expression, that is, either a function call or a |
LEExpr | A less-than-or-equal expression. |
LShiftExpr | A left-shift expression using |
LTExpr | A less-than expression. |
Label | A statement or property label, that is, an identifier that does not refer to a variable. |
LegacyLetExpr | An old-style |
Literal | A literal. |
LogAndExpr | A logical ‘and’ expression. |
LogNotExpr | A logical negation expression. |
LogOrExpr | A logical ‘or’ expression. |
LogicalBinaryExpr | A short-circuiting logical binary expression, that is, a logical ‘or’ expression, a logical ‘and’ expression, or a nullish-coalescing expression. |
LogicalExpr | A logical expression using |
MethodCallExpr | A method call expression. |
ModExpr | A modulo expression. |
MulExpr | A multiplication expression. |
NEqExpr | An inequality test using |
NegExpr | An arithmetic negation expression (also known as unary minus). |
NewExpr | A |
NonStrictEqualityTest | A non-strict equality test using |
NullLiteral | A |
NullishCoalescingExpr | A nullish coalescing ‘??’ expression. |
NumberLiteral | A numeric literal. |
ObjectExpr | An object literal, containing zero or more property definitions. |
OptionalChainRoot | INTERNAL: This class should not be used by queries. |
OptionalUse | A call or member access that evaluates to |
ParExpr | A parenthesized expression. |
PlusExpr | A unary plus expression. |
PostDecExpr | A postfix decrement expression. |
PostIncExpr | A postfix increment expression. |
PreDecExpr | A prefix decrement expression. |
PreIncExpr | A prefix increment expression. |
PropAccess | A property access, that is, either a dot expression of the form |
Property | A property definition in an object literal, which may be either a value property, a property getter, or a property setter. |
PropertyAccessor | A property getter or setter in an object literal. |
PropertyGetter | A property getter in an object literal. |
PropertySetter | A property setter in an object literal. |
RShiftExpr | A right-shift expression using |
RegExpLiteral | A regular expression literal. |
RelationalComparison | A relational comparison using |
SeqExpr | A sequence expression (also known as comma expression). |
ShiftExpr | A shift expression. |
SpreadElement | A spread element. |
SpreadProperty | A spread property in an object literal. |
StrictEqExpr | A strict equality test using |
StrictEqualityTest | A strict equality test using |
StrictNEqExpr | A strict inequality test using |
StringLiteral | A string literal, either single-quoted or double-quoted. |
SubExpr | A subtraction expression. |
ThisExpr | A |
TypeofExpr | A |
URShiftExpr | An unsigned right-shift expression using |
UnaryExpr | An expression with a unary operator. |
UpdateExpr | An update expression, that is, an increment or decrement expression. |
ValueProperty | A value property definition in an object literal. |
VoidExpr | A |
XOrExpr | An exclusive ‘or’ expression. |
YieldExpr | A |