Class InterfaceTypeExpr
An inline TypeScript interface type, such as {x: number; y: number}
Import path
import javascript
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
describe | Gets a description of this class or interface. |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the primary QL class for the Locatable. |
getIdentifier | Gets the identifier naming the declared type, if any. |
Inherited predicates
getACallSignature | Gets a call signature declared in this interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getAChild | Gets a child node of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildExpr | Gets a child expression of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildStmt | Gets a child statement of this node. | from AstNode |
getAField | Gets a field declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getAMember | Gets a member declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getAMethod | Gets a method declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getASuperInterface | Gets any type from the | from ClassOrInterface |
getASuperTypeDeclaration | Gets the ClassOrInterface corresponding to either a super type or an implemented interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getAToken | Gets a token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getATypeParameter | Gets any type parameter declared on this function or type. | from TypeParameterized |
getAnIndexSignature | Gets an index signature declared in this interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getAnUnderlyingType | Repeatedly unfolds unions, intersections, parentheses, and nullability/readonly modifiers and gets any of the underlying types, or this type itself if it cannot be unfolded. | from TypeAnnotation |
getChild | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildExpr | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildStmt | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildTypeExpr | Gets the | from AstNode |
getClass | Gets the class referenced by this type annotation, if any. | from TypeExpr |
getContainer | Gets the function or toplevel to which this node belongs. | from NodeInStmtContainer |
getDocumentation | Gets the JSDoc comment associated with this expression or type or its parent statement, if any. | from ExprOrType |
getEnclosingFunction | from TypeExpr | |
getEnclosingStmt | from TypeExpr | |
getEndLine | Gets the line on which this element ends. | from Locatable |
getField | Gets the field with the given name declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getFile | Gets the file this program element comes from. | from AstNode |
getFirstControlFlowNode | Gets the first control flow node belonging to this syntactic entity. | from AstNode |
getFirstToken | Gets the first token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getLastToken | Gets the last token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getLocation | Gets this element’s location. | from Locatable |
getMember | Gets the member with the given name declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getMemberByIndex | Gets the | from ClassOrInterface |
getMethod | Gets the method with the given name declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getMethodOverload | Gets an overloaded version of the method with the given name declared in this class or interface. | from ClassOrInterface |
getName | Gets the name of the defined class or interface, possibly inferred from the context if this is an anonymous class expression. | from ClassOrInterface |
getNumChild | Gets the number of child nodes of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildExpr | Gets the number of child expressions of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildStmt | Gets the number of child statements of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumLines | Gets the number of lines covered by this element. | from Locatable |
getNumTypeParameter | Gets the number of type parameters declared on this function or type. | from TypeParameterized |
getParent | Gets the parent node of this node, if any. | from AstNode |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Locatable |
getStartLine | Gets the line on which this element starts. | from Locatable |
getSuperClass | Gets the expression denoting the super class of this class, or nothing if this is an interface or a class without an | from ClassOrInterface |
getSuperInterface | Gets the | from ClassOrInterface |
getTopLevel | from TypeExpr | |
getType | Gets the static type expressed by this type annotation. | from TypeExpr |
getTypeName | Gets the canonical name of this class or interface type. | from ClassOrInterface |
getTypeParameter | Gets the | from TypeParameterized |
getUnderlyingReference | Gets the innermost reference that this expression evaluates to, if any. | from ExprOrType |
getUnderlyingValue | Gets the innermost expression that this expression evaluates to. | from ExprOrType |
hasQualifiedName | Holds if this is a reference to the type with qualified name | from TypeAnnotation |
hasQualifiedName | Holds if this is a reference to the type exported from | from TypeAnnotation |
hasTypeParameters | Holds if this function or type declares any type parameters. | from TypeParameterized |
inExternsFile | Holds if this syntactic entity belongs to an externs file. | from AstNode |
isAbstract | Holds if this is an interface or a class declared with the | from InterfaceDefinition |
isAmbient | Holds if this is part of an ambient declaration or type annotation in a TypeScript file. | from AstNode |
isAny | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isBigInt | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isBoolean | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isBooleany | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isConstKeyword | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isNever | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isNull | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isNumber | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isNumbery | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isObjectKeyword | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isRawFunction | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isString | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isStringy | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isSymbol | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isThis | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isUndefined | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isUniqueSymbol | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isUnknownKeyword | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
isVoid | Holds if this is the | from TypeAnnotation |
stripParens | Gets this expression or type, with any surrounding parentheses removed. | from ExprOrType |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from TypeExpr |