Module TypeScript
Import path
import semmle.javascript.TypeScript
javascript | Provides classes for working with JavaScript programs, as well as JSON, YAML and HTML. |
AnonymousInterfaceType | An anonymous interface type, such as |
AnyType | The predefined |
ArrayType | A type that describes a JavaScript |
ArrayTypeExpr | An array type, such as |
AsTypeAssertion | A type assertion specifically of the form |
BigIntLiteralType | A bigint literal as a static type. |
BigIntLiteralTypeExpr | A bigint literal used as a TypeScript type annotation. |
BigIntType | The predefined |
BooleanLikeType | The |
BooleanLiteralType | The boolean literal type |
BooleanLiteralTypeExpr | A boolean literal used as a type. |
BooleanType | The |
CallSignatureType | A function or constructor signature in a TypeScript type. |
CanonicalTypeVariableType | A type that refers to a type variable declared on a class, interface or function. |
ClassType | A type that refers to a class, possibly with type arguments. |
ConditionalTypeExpr | A conditional type annotation, such as |
ConditionalTypeScope | A scope induced by a conditional type expression whose |
ConstructorCallSignatureType | A constructor call signature in a type, that is, a signature with the |
ConstructorTypeExpr | A constructor type, such as |
EnumDeclaration | A TypeScript enum declaration, such as the following declaration: |
EnumLiteralType | A type that refers to the value of an enum member. |
EnumMember | A member of a TypeScript enum declaration, such as |
EnumScope | A scope induced by an enum declaration, containing the names of its enum members. |
EnumType | A type that refers to an enum. |
ExportAsNamespaceDeclaration | A TypeScript export of form |
ExportAssignDeclaration | A TypeScript “export-assign” declaration. |
ExpressionWithTypeArguments | An expression with type arguments, occurring as the super-class expression of a class, for example: |
ExternalModuleDeclaration | A TypeScript declaration of form |
ExternalModuleReference | A |
ExternalModuleScope | A scope induced by a declaration of form |
FunctionCallSignatureType | A function call signature in a type, that is, a signature without the |
FunctionTypeExpr | A TypeScript function type, such as |
GenericTypeExpr | A type consisting of a name and at least one type argument, such as |
GlobalAugmentationDeclaration | A TypeScript declaration of form |
ImportEqualsDeclaration | A TypeScript “import-equals” declaration. |
ImportNamespaceAccess | An import used in the context of a namespace inside a type annotation, such as in |
ImportTypeAccess | An import used in the context of a type, such as in |
ImportTypeExpr | An import inside a type annotation, such as in |
ImportVarTypeAccess | An import used in the context of a variable type, such as in |
IndexedAccessTypeExpr | A type of form |
InferTypeExpr | A type annotation of form |
InterfaceDeclaration | A TypeScript interface declaration. |
InterfaceDefinition | A TypeScript interface declaration, inline interface type, or function type. |
InterfaceScope | A scope induced by an interface declaration, containing the type parameters declared on the interface. |
InterfaceType | A type that refers to an interface, possibly with type arguents. |
InterfaceTypeExpr | An inline TypeScript interface type, such as |
IntersectionType | An intersection type, such as |
IntersectionTypeExpr | A type of form |
IsTypeExpr | A function return type of form |
KeyofTypeExpr | A type of form |
LexicalTypeVariableType | A type that refers to a type variable without a canonical name. |
LiteralType | A boolean, number, or string literal type. |
LiteralTypeExpr | A string, number, or boolean literal used as a type. |
LocalNamespaceAccess | An identifier that refers to a namespace from inside a type annotation. |
LocalNamespaceDecl | An identifier that declares a local name for a namespace, that is, the name of an actual namespace declaration or the local name of an import. |
LocalNamespaceName | The local name for a namespace in a particular scope. |
LocalTypeAccess | An identifier that is used as part of a type, such as |
LocalTypeName | The local name for a type in a particular scope. |
LocalVarTypeAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable from inside a type. |
MappedTypeExpr | A type of form |
MappedTypeScope | A scope induced by a mapped type expression, containing the type parameter declared as part of the type. |
NamespaceAccess | A possibly qualified name that refers to a namespace from inside a type annotation. |
NamespaceDeclaration | A TypeScript namespace declaration. |
NamespaceDefinition | A statement that defines a namespace, that is, a namespace declaration or enum declaration. |
NamespaceRef | A possibly qualified identifier that refers to or declares a local name for a namespace. |
NeverType | The |
NonNullAssertion | A TypeScript expression of form |
NullType | The |
NumberLikeType | The |
NumberLiteralType | A number literal as a static type. |
NumberLiteralTypeExpr | A number literal used as a type. |
NumberType | The predefined |
ObjectKeywordType | The |
OptionalTypeExpr | An optional type element in a tuple type, such as |
ParenthesizedTypeExpr | A type expression enclosed in parentheses. |
PlainArrayType | An array type such as |
PlainFunctionTypeExpr | A function type that is not a constructor type, such as |
PlainSymbolType | The |
PredefinedTypeExpr | A use of the predefined type |
PredicateTypeExpr | A function return type that refines the type of one of its parameters or |
PrefixTypeAssertion | A type assertion specifically of the form |
PromiseType | A type such as |
QualifiedNamespaceAccess | A qualified name that refers to a namespace from inside a type annotation. |
QualifiedTypeAccess | A qualified name that is used as part of a type, such as |
QualifiedVarTypeAccess | A qualified name that refers to a variable from inside a type. |
ReadonlyArrayType | A read-only array type such as |
ReadonlyTypeExpr | A type of form |
ReferenceImport | A TypeScript comment of one of the two forms: |
ReferencePathImport | A TypeScript comment of the form: |
ReferenceTypesImport | A TypeScript comment of the form: |
RestTypeExpr | A rest element in a tuple type, such as |
SatisfiesExpr | A satisfies type asserion of the form |
SignatureKind | A value indicating if a signature is a function or constructor signature. |
StringLikeType | The |
StringLiteralType | A string literal as a static type. |
StringLiteralTypeExpr | A string literal used as a type. |
StringType | The predefined |
SymbolType | The |
TSGlobalDeclImport | A reference to a global variable for which there is a TypeScript type annotation suggesting that it contains the namespace object of a module. |
TemplateLiteralTypeExpr | A template literal used as a type. |
ThisType | A |
ThisTypeExpr | A use of the |
ThisVarTypeAccess | A |
TupleType | A tuple type, such as |
TupleTypeExpr | A tuple type such as |
Type | A static type in the TypeScript type system. |
TypeAccess | A possibly qualified name that is used as part of a type, such as |
TypeAliasDeclaration | A type alias declaration, that is, a statement of form |
TypeAliasReference | A type that refers to a type alias. |
TypeAliasScope | A scope induced by a type alias declaration, containing the type parameters declared the the alias. |
TypeAssertion | A type assertion, also known as an unchecked type cast, is a TypeScript expression of form |
TypeDecl | An identifier declaring a type name, that is, the name of a class, interface, type parameter, or import. |
TypeDefinition | A statement that defines a named type, that is, a class, interface, type alias, or enum declaration. |
TypeExpr | A type expression, that is, an AST node that is part of a TypeScript type annotation. |
TypeParameter | A type parameter declared on a class, interface, function, or type alias. |
TypeParameterized | A program element that supports type parameters, that is, a function, class, interface, type alias, mapped type, or |
TypeRef | A possibly qualified identifier that declares or refers to a type. |
TypeReference | A type that refers to a class, interface, enum, or enum member. |
TypeRootFolder | A folder where TypeScript finds declaration files for imported modules. |
TypeVariableType | A type that refers to a type variable. |
TypeofType | The type of a named value, |
TypeofTypeExpr | A type of form |
UndefinedType | The |
UnionOrIntersectionType | A union type or intersection type, such as |
UnionOrIntersectionTypeExpr | A union or intersection type, such as |
UnionType | A union type, such as |
UnionTypeExpr | A union type, such as |
UniqueSymbolType | A |
UnknownType | The predefined |
VarTypeAccess | A possibly qualified name that refers to a variable from inside a type. |
VoidType | The |