Class ReactComponent
An object that implements the React component interface.
Instantiations include:
- instances of
- instances from
- stateless functional components
Import path
import javascript
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Known direct subtypes
getACandidatePropsSource | Gets a value that will become (part of) the props object of this component, for example the argument to the constructor of this component. |
getACandidatePropsValue | Gets an expression that will become the value of the props property |
getACandidateStateSource | Gets a value that will become (part of) the state object of this component, for example an assignment to |
getAComponentCreatorReference | Gets a reference to the function that instantiates this component when invoked. |
getADefaultPropsSource | Gets the object that specifies default values for (some of) this components’ props. |
getADirectPropsAccess | Gets an access to the |
getADirectStateAccess | Gets an access to the |
getAMethodCall | Gets a call to method |
getAPreviousPropsSource | Gets a value that used to be the props object of this component, for example the |
getAPreviousStateSource | Gets a value that used to be the state object of this component, for example the |
getAPropRead | Gets a data flow node that reads a prop of this component. |
getAPropRead | Gets a data flow node that reads prop |
getAStateAccess | Gets an expression that accesses a (transitive) property of the state object of this component. |
getAThisNode | Gets the |
getAbstractComponent | Gets the abstract value that represents this component. |
getAnInstanceReference | Gets a reference to an instance of this component. |
getComponentCreatorSource | Gets the function that instantiates this component when invoked. |
getInstanceMethod | Gets an instance method of this component with the given name. |
getRenderMethod | Gets the render method of this component. |
getStaticMethod | Gets a static method of this component with the given name. |
hasDefaultProps | Holds if this component specifies default values for (some of) its props. |
ref | Gets a reference to this component. |
Inherited predicates
getAChild | Gets a child node of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildExpr | Gets a child expression of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildStmt | Gets a child statement of this node. | from AstNode |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the primary QL class for the Locatable. | from Locatable |
getAToken | Gets a token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getChild | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildExpr | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildStmt | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildTypeExpr | Gets the | from AstNode |
getContainer | Gets the function or toplevel to which this node belongs. | from NodeInStmtContainer |
getEndLine | Gets the line on which this element ends. | from Locatable |
getFile | Gets the file this program element comes from. | from AstNode |
getFirstControlFlowNode | Gets the first control flow node belonging to this syntactic entity. | from AstNode |
getFirstToken | Gets the first token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getLastToken | Gets the last token belonging to this element. | from AstNode |
getLocation | Gets this element’s location. | from Locatable |
getNumChild | Gets the number of child nodes of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildExpr | Gets the number of child expressions of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildStmt | Gets the number of child statements of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumLines | Gets the number of lines covered by this element. | from Locatable |
getParent | Gets the parent node of this node, if any. | from AstNode |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Locatable |
getStartLine | Gets the line on which this element starts. | from Locatable |
getTopLevel | Gets the toplevel syntactic unit to which this element belongs. | from AstNode |
inExternsFile | Holds if this syntactic entity belongs to an externs file. | from AstNode |
isAmbient | Holds if this is part of an ambient declaration or type annotation in a TypeScript file. | from AstNode |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from Locatable |