alwaysMatchesMetaCharacter | Holds if term can match any occurrence of char within a string (not taking into account the context in which term appears).
getRegExpFromNode | Gets the AST of a regular expression that can flow to node , including RegExp objects as well as strings interpreted as regular expressions.
getRegExpObjectFromNode | Gets the AST of a regular expression object that can flow to node .
isDotAll | Holds if flags includes the s flag.
isFullyAnchoredTerm | Holds if term and all of its disjuncts are anchored on both ends.
isGenericRegExpSanitizer | Holds if term is a generic sanitizer for strings that match (if outcome is true) or strings that don’t match (if outcome is false).
isGlobal | Holds if flags includes the g flag.
isIgnoreCase | Holds if flags includes the i flag.
isMultiline | Holds if flags includes the m flag.
isWildcardLike | Holds if term matches any character except for explicitly listed exceptions.
maybeDotAll | Holds if flags includes the s flag or is the unknown flag ? .
maybeGlobal | Holds if flags includes the g flag or is the unknown flag ? .
maybeIgnoreCase | Holds if flags includes the i flag or is the unknown flag ? .
maybeMultiline | Holds if flags includes the m flag or is the unknown flag ? .
unknownFlag | Gets the string "?" used to represent a regular expression whose flags are unknown.