Module Express
Import path
import javascript
appCreation | Gets a data flow node that corresponds to an expression that creates a new Express application. |
getAParamsObjectReference | Gets a reference to the “params” object from a request-object originating from route-handler |
getAQueryObjectReference | Gets a reference to the “query” object from a request-object originating from route-handler |
isRequest | Holds if |
isResponse | Holds if |
routeSetupMethodName | Gets the name of an Express router method that sets up a route. |
routerCreation | Gets a data flow node that corresponds to an expression that creates a new Express router (possibly an application). |
Credentials | An expression that is passed as |
RequestBodyAccess | An access to the HTTP request body. |
RequestInputAccess | An access to a user-controlled Express request input. |
RequestNode | An Express request expression. |
RequestSource | An Express request source. |
ResponseNode | An Express response expression. |
ResponseSource | An Express response source. |
RouteHandler | A function used as an Express route handler. |
RouteHandlerNode | An expression used as an Express route handler, such as |
RouteSetup | A call to an Express router method that sets up a route. |
RouteSetupCandidate | A call that looks like a route setup on an Express server. |
RouterDefinition | An Express router. |
SetCookie | An invocation of the |
SetMultipleHeaders | An invocation of the |
StandardRouteHandler | An Express route handler installed by a route setup. |
TemplateObjectInput | An object passed to the |