Module csharp
The default C# QL library.
Import path
import csharp
extractionIsStandalone | Whether the source was extracted without a build command. |
Access | An access expression. Either a |
AccessModifier | An access modifier: |
Accessor | An accessor. Either a getter ( |
AccessorCall | A call to an accessor. Either a property accessor call ( |
AddEventAccessor | An add event accessor, for example |
AddEventExpr | An event addition, for example line 9 in |
AddExpr | An addition operation, for example |
AddOperator | A user-defined addition operator ( |
AddOrRemoveEventExpr | An event assignment. Either an event addition ( |
AddressOfExpr | An address-of expression, for example |
AndOperator | A user-defined and operator ( |
AndPatternExpr | A binary |
AnnotatedArrayType | An array type with additional type information. |
AnnotatedConstructedType | A constructed type with additional type information. |
AnnotatedType | A type with additional type information. |
AnonymousClass | A class generated by the compiler from an anonymous object creation. |
AnonymousFunctionExpr | An anonymous function. Either a lambda expression ( |
AnonymousMethodExpr | An anonymous method expression, for example |
AnonymousObjectCreation | An anonymous constructor call, for example |
ArglistType | The |
ArithmeticOperation | An arithmetic operation. Either a unary arithmetic operation ( |
ArrayAccess | An access to an array, for example the access to |
ArrayCreation | An array creation, for example |
ArrayInitializer | An array initializer, for example |
ArrayRead | An access to an array that reads the underlying value, for example the access to |
ArrayType | An array type, for example |
ArrayWrite | An access to an array that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
AsExpr | An |
Assembly | A .NET assembly location. |
AssemblyAttribute | An attribute with assembly kind, for example |
AssignAddExpr | An addition assignment operation, for example |
AssignAndExpr | A bitwise-and assignment operation, for example |
AssignArithmeticOperation | An arithmetic assignment operation. Either an addition assignment operation ( |
AssignBitwiseOperation | A bitwise assignment operation. Either a bitwise-and assignment operation ( |
AssignCoalesceExpr | A null-coalescing assignment operation, for example |
AssignDivExpr | An division assignment operation, for example |
AssignExpr | A simple assignment, for example |
AssignLeftShiftExpr | A left-shift assignment operation, for example |
AssignMulExpr | An multiplication assignment operation, for example |
AssignOperation | An assignment operation. Either an arithmetic assignment operation ( |
AssignOrExpr | A bitwise-or assignment operation, for example |
AssignRemExpr | A remainder assignment operation, for example |
AssignRightShiftExpr | A right-shift assignment operation, for example |
AssignSubExpr | A subtraction assignment operation, for example |
AssignUnsighedRightShiftExpr | An unsigned right-shift assignment operation, for example |
AssignXorExpr | A bitwise exclusive-or assignment operation, for example |
Assignable | An assignable, that is, an element that can be assigned to. Either a variable ( |
AssignableAccess | An assignable access, that is, an access that is valid on the left-hand side of some assignment. Either an access to a variable ( |
AssignableDefinition | An assignable definition. |
AssignableMember | An assignable that is also a member. Either a field ( |
AssignableMemberAccess | An access to an assignable that is also a member. Either a field access ( |
AssignableRead | An access to an assignable that reads the underlying value. Either a variable read ( |
AssignableWrite | An access to an assignable that updates the underlying value. Either a variable write ( |
Assignment | An assignment. Either a local variable initialization ( |
Attributable | An element that can have attributes. Either an assembly ( |
Attribute | An attribute, for example |
AwaitExpr | An |
BaseAccess | A |
BinaryArithmeticOperation | A binary arithmetic operation. Either an addition operation ( |
BinaryBitwiseOperation | A binary bitwise operation. Either a bitwise-and operation ( |
BinaryLogicalOperation | A binary logical operation. Either a logical ‘and’ ( |
BinaryOperation | A binary operation. Either a binary arithmetic operation ( |
BinaryOperator | A user-defined binary operator. |
BinaryPatternExpr | A binary pattern. For example, |
BindingPatternExpr | A pattern that may bind a variable, for example |
BitwiseAndExpr | A bitwise-and operation, for example |
BitwiseOperation | A bitwise operation. Either a unary bitwise operation ( |
BitwiseOrExpr | A bitwise-or operation, for example |
BitwiseXorExpr | A bitwise exclusive-or operation, for example |
BlockStmt | A block statement, for example |
BoolLiteral | A Boolean literal, for example |
BoolType | The Boolean type, |
BranchDirective | A branching preprocessor directive, such as |
BreakStmt | A |
ByteType | The |
CDeclCallingConvention | An unmanaged C/C++-style calling convention where the call stack is cleaned by the caller. |
Call | A call. Either a method call ( |
Callable | An element that can be called. |
CallableAccess | An access to a callable. Either a method access ( |
CallingConvention | A signature representing a calling convention. Specifies how arguments in a given signature are passed from the caller to the callee. |
Case | A |
CaseStmt | A |
Cast | A cast. Either an |
CastExpr | A cast expression, for example |
CatchClause | A |
CharLiteral | A Unicode character literal, for example |
CharType | The Unicode character type, |
CheckedAddOperator | A user-defined checked addition operator ( |
CheckedDecrementOperator | A user-defined checked decrement operator ( |
CheckedDivOperator | A user-defined checked division operator ( |
CheckedExplicitConversionOperator | A user-defined checked explicit conversion operator, for example |
CheckedExpr | A checked expression, for example |
CheckedIncrementOperator | A user-defined checked increment operator ( |
CheckedMinusOperator | A user-defined checked minus operator ( |
CheckedMulOperator | A user-defined checked multiplication operator ( |
CheckedStmt | A |
CheckedSubOperator | A user-defined checked subtraction operator ( |
Class | A |
CollectionExpression | A collection expression, for example |
CollectionInitializer | A collection initializer, for example |
CommentBlock | A collection of adjacent comment lines, for example |
CommentLine | A single line of comment. |
ComparisonOperation | A comparison operation. Either an equality operation ( |
ComplementExpr | A bitwise complement operation, for example |
ComplementOperator | A user-defined complement operator ( |
ConditionalDirective | A preprocessor directive with a branching condition, such as |
ConditionalExpr | A conditional expression, for example |
ConstCase | A constant case of a |
ConstantPatternExpr | A constant pattern, for example |
ConstructedClass | A constructed (bound) class. (See the comments on |
ConstructedDelegateType | A constructed (bound) delegate type. (See the comments on |
ConstructedGeneric | A constructed generic. |
ConstructedInterface | A C# constructed (bound) interface. (See the comments on |
ConstructedLocalFunction | A constructed generic local function, for example the target |
ConstructedMethod | A constructed (bound) method, for example the target |
ConstructedStruct | A constructed (bound) |
ConstructedType | A constructed (bound) type. This is a generic type for which actual type arguments have been supplied, for example |
Constructor | A constructor, for example |
ConstructorInitializer | A constructor initializer call, for example |
ContinueStmt | A |
ControlFlowElement | A program element that can possess control flow. That is, either a statement or an expression. |
ConversionOperator | A user-defined conversion operator, for example |
DecimalLiteral | A |
DecimalType | The high-precision decimal type, |
Declaration | A declaration. |
DeclarationWithAccessors | A declaration that may have accessors. Either an event ( |
DeclarationWithGetSetAccessors | A declaration that may have a |
DecrementOperation | A decrement operation. Either a postfix decrement operation ( |
DecrementOperator | A user-defined decrement operator ( |
DefaultAttribute | An attribute with default kind, for example |
DefaultCallingConvention | A managed calling convention with fixed-length argument list. |
DefaultCase | A default case of a |
DefaultLineDirective | A |
DefaultValueExpr | A |
DefineDirective | A |
DefineSymbolExpr | A preprocessor symbol inside an expression, such as DEBUG in line 2 |
DelegateCall | A delegate call, for example |
DelegateCreation | A delegate creation. Either an explicit delegate creation ( |
DelegateLikeCall | A function pointer or delegate call. |
DelegateType | A |
Destructor | A destructor, for example |
DiscardExpr | A discard expression, for example |
DiscardPatternExpr | A discard pattern, for example |
DivExpr | A division operation, for example |
DivOperator | A user-defined division operator ( |
DoStmt | A |
DoubleLiteral | A |
DoubleType | The |
DynamicAccess | An access where the qualifier is a |
DynamicAccessorCall | A call to an accessor where the qualifier is a |
DynamicElementAccess | An element access where the qualifier is a |
DynamicElementRead | An access to a dynamic element that reads the underlying value, for example |
DynamicElementWrite | An access to a dynamic element that updates the underlying value, for example |
DynamicExpr | An expression involving one or more |
DynamicMember | A possible target of a dynamic member access ( |
DynamicMemberAccess | A member access where the qualifier is a |
DynamicMemberRead | An access to a dynamic member that reads the underlying value, for example |
DynamicMemberWrite | An access to a dynamic member that updates the underlying value, for example |
DynamicMethodCall | A method call where the qualifier or one of the arguments is a |
DynamicMutatorOperatorCall | A call to a user-defined mutator operator where the operand is a |
DynamicObjectCreation | A constructor call where one of the arguments is a |
DynamicOperatorCall | A call to a user-defined operator where one of the operands is a |
DynamicType | The |
EQExpr | An equals operation, for example |
EQOperator | A user-defined equals operator ( |
Element | A program element. Either a control flow element ( |
ElementAccess | An access to an element. Either an access to an indexer ( |
ElementInitializer | An element initializer, for example the implicit call to |
ElementRead | An access to an element that reads the underlying value. Either an access to an indexer ( |
ElementWrite | An access to an element that updates the underlying value. Either an access to an indexer ( |
ElifDirective | An |
ElseDirective | An |
EmptyLocation | An empty location. |
EmptyStmt | An empty statement, for example line 2 in |
EndRegionDirective | An |
EndifDirective | An |
Enum | An |
EnumConstant | An |
EqualityOperation | An equality operation. Either an equals operation ( |
ErrorDirective | An |
Event | An event, for example |
EventAccess | An access to an event, for example the accesses to |
EventAccessExpr | An internal helper class to share logic between |
EventAccessor | An event accessor, for example |
EventCall | A call to an event accessor, for example the call to |
EventRead | An access to an event that reads the underlying value, for example the accesses to |
EventWrite | An access to an event that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
ExceptionClass | A class that derives from |
ExplicitCast | An explicit cast. For example, the explicit cast from |
ExplicitConversionOperator | A user-defined explicit conversion operator, for example |
ExplicitDelegateCreation | An explicit delegate creation, for example |
Expr | An expression. Either an access ( |
ExprStmt | An expression statement, for example |
ExtensionMethod | An extension method, for example |
ExtensionMethodCall | A call to an extension method, for example lines 5 and 6 in |
FalseOperator | A user-defined false operator ( |
FastCallCallingConvention | An unmanaged calling convention where arguments are passed in registers when possible. |
Field | A field. For example, the fields |
FieldAccess | An access to a field, for example the access to |
FieldRead | An access to a field that reads the underlying value, for example the access to |
FieldWrite | An access to a field that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
File | A file. |
FixedStmt | A |
FloatLiteral | A |
FloatType | The |
FloatingPointType | A floating point type. |
ForStmt | A |
ForeachStmt | A |
FunctionPointerCall | A function pointer call, for example |
FunctionPointerType | A function pointer type, for example |
GEExpr | A greater-than or equals operation, for example |
GEOperator | A user-defined greater than or equals operator ( |
GEPattern | A greater-than or equals pattern, for example |
GTExpr | A greater-than operation, for example |
GTOperator | A user-defined greater than operator ( |
GTPattern | A greater-than pattern, for example |
GeneralCatchClause | A general |
Generic | A generic declaration. Either an unbound generic ( |
GenericAssemblyAttribute | A generic attribute with assembly kind, for example |
GenericAttribute | A generic attribute, for example |
GenericDefaultAttribute | A generic attribute with default kind, for example |
GenericModuleAttribute | A generic attribute with module kind, for example |
GenericReturnAttribute | A generic attribute with return kind, for example |
Getter | A |
GlobalNamespace | The global namespace. This is the root of all namespaces. |
GotoCaseStmt | A |
GotoDefaultStmt | A |
GotoLabelStmt | A |
GotoStmt | A |
HiddenLineDirective | A |
IfDirective | An |
IfStmt | An |
ImplicitAccessorParameter | An implicit accessor or event accessor parameter corresponding to the special |
ImplicitCast | An implicit cast. For example, the implicit cast from |
ImplicitConversionOperator | A user-defined implicit conversion operator, for example |
ImplicitDelegateCreation | An implicit delegate creation, for example the access to |
IncrementOperation | An increment operation. Either a postfix increment operation ( |
IncrementOperator | A user-defined increment operator ( |
IndexExpr | An index expression, for example |
Indexer | An indexer, for example |
IndexerAccess | An access to an indexer, for example the access to |
IndexerAccessExpr | An internal helper class to share logic between |
IndexerCall | A call to an indexer accessor, for example the call to |
IndexerProperty | A |
IndexerRead | An access to an indexer that reads the underlying value, for example the access to |
IndexerWrite | An access to an indexer that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
InlineArrayType | An inline array type, for example |
InstanceConstructor | An instance constructor (as opposed to a static constructor), for example |
IntLiteral | An |
IntType | The |
IntegerLiteral | An integer literal. Either an |
IntegralType | An integral type. |
Interface | An |
InterpolatedStringExpr | An interpolated string, for example |
IsExpr | An |
JumpStmt | A statement that changes the control flow and jumps to another statement. |
LEExpr | A less-than or equals operation, for example |
LEOperator | A user-defined less than or equals operator ( |
LEPattern | A less-than or equals pattern, for example |
LTExpr | A less-than operation, for example |
LTOperator | A user-defined lesser than operator ( |
LTPattern | A less-than pattern, for example |
LabelStmt | A label statement, for example line 7 in |
LabeledPatternExpr | A labeled pattern in a property pattern, for example |
LabeledStmt | A labeled statement. |
LambdaExpr | A lambda expression, for example |
LateBindableExpr | An expression whose target may be late bound when using |
LeftShiftExpr | A left-shift operation, for example |
LeftShiftOperator | A user-defined left shift operator ( |
LineDirective | A |
ListPatternExpr | A list pattern. For example |
Literal | A literal. Either a Boolean literal ( |
LocalConstant | A local constant, modeled as a special kind of local variable. For example, the local constant |
LocalConstantDeclExpr | A local constant declaration, for example |
LocalConstantDeclStmt | A local constant declaration statement, for example line 2 in |
LocalFunction | A local function, defined within the scope of another callable. For example, |
LocalFunctionAccess | An access to a local function, for example the access to |
LocalFunctionCall | A call to a local function, for example the call |
LocalFunctionStmt | A statement defining a local function. For example, the statement on lines 2–4 in |
LocalScopeVariable | A locally scoped variable. Either a local variable ( |
LocalScopeVariableAccess | An access to a local scope variable. Either an access to a parameter ( |
LocalScopeVariableRead | An access to a local scope variable that reads the underlying value. Either an access to a parameter ( |
LocalScopeVariableWrite | An access to a local scope variable that updates the underlying value. Either an access to a parameter ( |
LocalVariable | A local variable, declared within the scope of a callable. For example, the variables |
LocalVariableAccess | An access to a local variable, for example the access to |
LocalVariableDeclAndInitExpr | A local variable initialization, for example |
LocalVariableDeclExpr | A local variable declaration, for example |
LocalVariableDeclStmt | A local declaration statement, for example line 2 in |
LocalVariableRead | An access to a local variable that reads the underlying value, for example the access to |
LocalVariableWrite | An access to a local variable that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
Location | A location of a program element. |
LockStmt | A |
LogicalAndExpr | A logical ‘and’, for example |
LogicalNotExpr | A logical ‘not’, for example |
LogicalOperation | A logical operation. Either a unary logical operation ( |
LogicalOrExpr | A logical ‘or’, for example |
LongLiteral | A |
LongType | The |
LoopStmt | A loop statement. |
Member | A declaration that is a member of a type. |
MemberAccess | A member access. Either an access to a field ( |
MemberConstant | A member constant, modeled a special kind of field. For example, the constant |
MemberConstantAccess | An access to a member (field), for example the access to |
MemberInitializer | A member initializer, for example |
Method | A method, for example |
MethodAccess | An access to a method, for example the access to |
MethodCall | A method call, for example |
MinusOperator | A user-defined minus operator ( |
Modifiable | A declaration that can have a modifier. |
Modifier | A modifier, for example |
ModuleAttribute | An attribute with module kind, for example |
MulExpr | A multiplication operation, for example |
MulOperator | A user-defined multiplication operator ( |
MultilineComment | A line of comment in a multiline style, for example each of the lines in |
MutatorOperation | A mutator operation. Either an increment operation ( |
MutatorOperatorCall | A call to a user-defined mutator operator, for example |
NEExpr | A not-equals operation, for example |
NEOperator | A user-defined not equals operator ( |
NameOfExpr | A |
NamedElement | An element that has a name. |
Namespace | A namespace, for example |
NamespaceAccess | An access to a namespace, for example |
NamespaceDeclaration | An explicit namespace declaration in a source file. For example: |
NestedType | A nested type, for example |
NonConstructedMethod | A method that is not constructed. That is, either a method that is not a generic method or an unbound generic method ( |
NonNestedType | A non-nested type, that is declared directly in a namespace. |
NotOperator | A user-defined not operator ( |
NotPatternExpr | A not pattern. For example, |
NullCoalescingExpr | A null-coalescing operation, for example |
NullLiteral | A |
NullType | The |
NullableDirective | A |
NullableType | A nullable type, for example |
NumericLineDirective | A numeric |
ObjectCreation | A constructor call, for example |
ObjectInitializer | An object initializer, for example |
ObjectOrCollectionInitializer | Either an object initializer ( |
ObjectType | The |
Operation | An operation. Either an assignment ( |
Operator | A user-defined operator. |
OperatorCall | A call to a user-defined operator, for example |
OrOperator | A user-defined or operator ( |
OrPatternExpr | A binary |
Overridable | A declaration that can be overridden or implemented. That is, a method, a property, an indexer, an event, an accessor, or an operator. |
Parameter | A parameter of a parameterizable declaration (callable, delegate, or indexer). For example, |
ParameterAccess | An access to a parameter, for example the access to |
ParameterRead | An access to a parameter that reads the underlying value, for example the access to |
ParameterWrite | An access to a parameter that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
Parameterizable | A parameterizable declaration. Either a callable ( |
ParenthesizedExpr | A parenthesized expression, for example |
PatternExpr | A pattern expression, for example |
PatternMatch | An expression or statement that matches the value of an expression against a pattern. Either an |
PlusOperator | A user-defined plus operator ( |
PointerIndirectionExpr | A pointer indirection operation, for example |
PointerType | A pointer type, for example |
PositionalPatternExpr | A positional pattern. For example, |
PostDecrExpr | A postfix decrement operation, for example |
PostIncrExpr | A postfix increment operation, for example |
PragmaChecksumDirective | A |
PragmaWarningDirective | A |
PreDecrExpr | A prefix decrement operation, for example |
PreIncrExpr | A prefix increment operation, for example |
PreprocessorDirective | A preprocessor directive, such as |
PrimaryConstructor | A primary constructor, for example |
Property | A property, for example |
PropertyAccess | An access to a property, for example the access to |
PropertyAccessExpr | An internal helper class to share logic between |
PropertyCall | A call to a property accessor, for example the call to |
PropertyPatternExpr | A property pattern. For example, |
PropertyRead | An access to a property that reads the underlying value, for example the access to |
PropertyWrite | An access to a property that updates the underlying value, for example the access to |
QualifiableExpr | An expression that may have a qualifier. Either a member access ( |
RangeExpr | A range expression, used to create a |
RealLiteral | A floating point literal. Either a |
RecordClass | A |
RecordCloneMethod | A clone method on a record. |
RecordStruct | A |
RecordType | A |
RecursivePatternExpr | A recursive pattern expression, for example |
RefExpr | A reference expression, for example |
RefStruct | A |
RefType | A reference type. |
RegionDirective | A |
RelationalOperation | A relational operation. Either a greater-than operation ( |
RelationalPatternExpr | A relational pattern, for example |
RemExpr | A remainder operation, for example |
RemOperator | A user-defined remainder operator ( |
RemoveEventAccessor | A remove event accessor, for example |
RemoveEventExpr | An event removal, for example line 9 in |
ReturnAttribute | An attribute with return kind, for example |
ReturnStmt | A |
RightShiftExpr | A right-shift operation, for example |
RightShiftOperator | A user-defined right shift operator ( |
SByteType | The signed byte type, |
SelectionStmt | A conditional statement. |
Setter | A |
ShortType | The |
SignedIntegralType | A signed integral type. |
SimpleType | A simple type. Simple types in C# are predefined |
SinglelineComment | A single-line comment, for example line 1 in |
SizeofExpr | A |
SlicePatternExpr | A slice pattern. For example |
SourceFile | A source file. |
SourceLocation | A location in source code, comprising of a source file and a segment of text within the file. |
SpanLineDirective | A line span |
SpecificCatchClause | A |
SpreadElementExpr | A spread element expression, for example |
Stackalloc | A |
StaticConstructor | A static constructor (as opposed to an instance constructor), for example |
StdCallCallingConvention | An unmanaged calling convention where call stack is cleaned up by the callee. |
Stmt | A statement. |
StringLiteral | A |
StringLiteralUtf16 | A |
StringLiteralUtf8 | A |
StringType | The |
Struct | A |
SubExpr | A subtraction operation, for example |
SubOperator | A user-defined subtraction operator ( |
SuppressNullableWarningExpr | A nullable warning suppression expression, for example |
Switch | A |
SwitchCaseExpr | An arm of a switch expression, for example |
SwitchExpr | A |
SwitchStmt | A |
TernaryLogicalOperation | A ternary logical operation, that is, a ternary conditional expression ( |
TernaryOperation | A ternary operation, that is, a ternary conditional operation ( |
ThisAccess | A |
ThisCallCallingConvention | An unmanaged C++-style calling convention for calling instance member functions with a fixed argument list. |
ThrowElement | A |
ThrowExpr | A |
ThrowStmt | A |
TrivialProperty | A property with a trivial getter and setter. For example, properties |
TrivialPropertyAccess | An access to a trivial property - a property with a default getter and setter. For example, the access to |
TrueOperator | A user-defined true operator ( |
TryStmt | A |
TupleExpr | An expression representing a tuple, for example |
TupleType | A type representing a tuple. For example, |
Type | A type. |
TypeAccess | An access to a type, for example the access to |
TypeAccessPatternExpr | A type access pattern, for example |
TypeContainer | A type container. Either a namespace ( |
TypeMention | A type mention, that is, any mention of a type in a source code file. For example, |
TypeParameter | A type parameter, for example |
TypeParameterConstraints | A set of type parameter constraints. |
TypePatternExpr | A type pattern, for example |
TypeofExpr | A |
UIntLiteral | A |
UIntType | The unsigned int type, |
ULongLiteral | A |
ULongType | The unsigned long type, |
UShortType | The unsigned short type, |
UnaryArithmeticOperation | A unary arithmetic operation. Either a unary minus operation ( |
UnaryBitwiseOperation | A unary bitwise operation, that is, a bitwise complement operation ( |
UnaryLogicalOperation | A unary logical operation, that is, a logical ‘not’ ( |
UnaryMinusExpr | A unary minus operation, for example |
UnaryOperation | A unary operation. Either a unary arithmetic operation ( |
UnaryOperator | A user-defined unary operator - an operator taking one operand. |
UnaryPatternExpr | A unary pattern. For example, |
UnaryPlusExpr | A unary plus operation, for example |
UnboundGeneric | A generic declaration with type parameters. |
UnboundGenericClass | An unbound generic class, for example |
UnboundGenericDelegateType | An unbound generic delegate type. (See the comments on |
UnboundGenericInterface | An unbound generic interface, for example |
UnboundGenericMethod | An unbound generic method. This is a generic method whose signature involves formal type parameters, For example |
UnboundGenericStruct | An unbound generic |
UnboundGenericType | An unbound generic type. This is a generic type with type parameters (for example |
UnboundLocalFunction | An unbound generic local function, for example |
UncheckedExpr | An unchecked expression, for example |
UncheckedStmt | An |
UndefineDirective | An |
UnknownType | A type that could not be resolved. This could happen if an indirect reference is not available at compilation time. |
UnmanagedCallingConvention | An unmanaged calling convention that indicates that the specifics are encoded as modopts. |
UnsafeStmt | An |
UnsignedIntegralType | An unsigned integral type. |
UnsignedRightShiftExpr | An unsigned right-shift operation, for example |
UnsignedRightShiftOperator | A user-defined unsigned right shift operator ( |
UsingBlockStmt | A |
UsingDeclStmt | A |
UsingDirective | A |
UsingNamespaceDirective | A namespace |
UsingStaticDirective | A type |
UsingStmt | A using block or declaration. Either a using declaration ( |
ValueOrRefType | A value or reference type. |
ValueType | A value type. |
VarArgsCallingConvention | A managed calling convention for passing extra arguments. |
Variable | A variable. Either a variable with local scope ( |
VariableAccess | An access to a variable. Either an access to a local scope variable ( |
VariablePatternExpr | A variable declaration pattern, for example |
VariableRead | An access to a variable that reads the underlying value. Either an access to a local scope variable ( |
VariableWrite | An access to a variable that updates the underlying value. Either an access to a local scope variable ( |
Version | An assembly version, for example |
VirtualEventAccess | An access to a virtual event - an event that is virtual or defined in an interface. For example, the accesses to |
VirtualIndexerAccess | An access to a virtual indexer - an indexer that is virtual or defined in an interface. For example, the access to |
VirtualMethodAccess | An access to a virtual method - a method that is virtual or defined in an interface. For example, the access to |
VirtualMethodCall | A virtual method call, for example |
VirtualPropertyAccess | An access to a virtual property - a property that is virtual or defined in an interface. For example, the access to |
Virtualizable | A member where the |
VoidType | The |
WarningDirective | A |
WhileStmt | A |
WithExpr | A |
XmlCommentLine | A line of XML documentation comment, for example each of the lines in |
XorOperator | A user-defined xor operator ( |
YieldBreakStmt | A |
YieldReturnStmt | A |
YieldStmt | A |
AssignableDefinitions | Provides different types of |
AssignableInternal | INTERNAL: Do not use. |
ControlFlow | Provides classes representing the control flow graph within callables. |
DataFlow | |
Ssa | Provides classes for working with static single assignment (SSA) form. |
TaintTracking |