Module java
Provides all default Java QL imports.
Import path
import java
argumentToExec | Holds if |
bbDominates | Holds if |
bbIDominates | The immediate dominance relation for basic blocks. |
bbIPostDominates | The immediate post-dominance relation on basic blocks. |
bbPostDominates | Holds if |
bbStrictlyDominates | Holds if |
bbStrictlyPostDominates | Holds if |
declaresMember | Holds if type |
depends | Holds if type |
dominanceFrontier | The dominance frontier relation for basic blocks. |
dominates | Holds if |
dominatingEdge | Holds if |
erasedHaveIntersection | Holds if there is a common (reflexive, transitive) subtype of the erased types |
hasDescendant | Holds if reference type |
hasDominanceInformation | Holds if the dominance relation is calculated for |
hasName | Holds if element |
hasSubtype | Holds if reference type |
haveIntersection | Holds if there is a common (reflexive, transitive) subtype of the erasures of types |
iDominates | Immediate dominance relation on control-flow graph nodes. |
notHaveIntersection | Holds if there is no common (reflexive, transitive) subtype of the erasures of types |
overridesIgnoringAccess | Auxiliary predicate: whether method |
postDominates | Holds if |
strictlyDominates | Holds if |
strictlyPostDominates | Holds if |
usesType | Bind the reference type |
AddExpr | A binary expression using the |
AfterAnnotation | An |
AfterClassAnnotation | An |
AndBitwiseExpr | A binary expression using the |
AndLogicalExpr | A binary expression using the |
Annotatable | An abstract representation of language elements that can be annotated. |
AnnotatedGeneratedClass | A Java class annotated with a |
Annotation | Any annotation used to annotate language elements with meta-information. |
AnnotationElement | An annotation element is a member declared in an annotation type. |
AnnotationType | An annotation type is a special kind of interface type declaration. |
AnonymousClass | An anonymous class. |
AntTarget | An XML element that represents an Ant target. |
AntlrGenerated | A Java class generated by an ANTLR scanner or parser class. |
Argument | An argument to a call. |
ArgumentToExec | An expression used as an argument to a call that executes an external command. For calls to varargs method calls, this only includes the first argument, which will be the command to be executed. |
Array | An array type. |
ArrayAccess | An array access. |
ArrayCreationExpr | An array creation expression. |
ArrayInit | An array initializer consisting of an opening and closing curly bracket and optionally containing expressions (which themselves can be array initializers) representing the elements of the array. For example: |
ArrayLengthField | The |
ArrayTypeAccess | An array type access is a type access of the form |
AssertStmt | An |
AssignAddExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignAndExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignDivExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignExpr | A simple assignment expression using the |
AssignLeftShiftExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignMulExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignOp | A common super-class to represent compound assignments, which include an implicit operator. |
AssignOrExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignRemExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignRightShiftExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignSubExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignUnsignedRightShiftExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
AssignXorExpr | A compound assignment expression using the |
Assignment | A common super-class that represents many varieties of assignments. |
AuthorTag | A Javadoc |
BasicBlock | A control-flow node that represents the start of a basic block. |
BeforeAnnotation | An |
BeforeClassAnnotation | An |
BinaryExpr | A common super-class to represent binary operator expressions. |
BitNotExpr | A bit negation expression. For example, |
BitwiseExpr | A bitwise expression. |
BlockStmt | A block of statements. |
BooleanLiteral | A boolean literal. Either |
BooleanType | A boolean type, which may be either a primitive or a boxed type. |
BoundedType | A common super-class for Java types that may have a type bound. This includes type parameters and wildcards. |
BoxedType | A boxed type. |
BreakStmt | A |
Call | Any call to a callable. |
Callable | A callable is a method or constructor. |
CastExpr | A cast expression. |
CastingExpr | Any kind of expression that casts values from one type to another. |
CatchClause | A |
CharacterLiteral | A character literal. For example, |
CharacterType | A character type, which may be either a primitive or a boxed type. |
ChooseExpr | A conditional expression or a |
Class | A class declaration. |
ClassExpr | A Kotlin |
ClassInstanceExpr | A class instance creation expression. |
ClassNameMethod | The method |
ClassObject | A Kotlin |
ClassOrInterface | A class or interface. |
ClassSimpleNameMethod | The method |
CloneMethod | A method with the same signature as |
CompanionObject | A Kotlin |
ComparisonExpr | A comparison expression. |
Compilation | An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may be compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles three source files: |
CompilationUnit | A compilation unit is a |
CompileTimeConstantExpr | A compile-time constant expression. |
ConditionNode | A control-flow node that branches based on a condition. |
ConditionalExpr | A conditional expression of the form |
ConditionalStmt | A conditional statement, including |
ConstCase | A constant |
Constructor | A constructor is a particular kind of callable. |
ConstructorCall | A constructor call, which occurs either as a constructor invocation inside a constructor, or as part of a class instance expression. |
Container | A file or folder. |
ContinueStmt | A |
DataClass | A Kotlin data class declaration. |
DeclAnnotation | An |
DefaultCase | A |
DelegatedProperty | A Kotlin delegated property. |
DeprecatedAnnotation | A |
Directive | A directive in a module declaration. |
DivExpr | A binary expression using the |
DoStmt | A |
Documentable | A documentable element that can have an attached Javadoc comment. |
DoubleLiteral | A double literal. For example, |
EQExpr | A binary expression using Java’s |
Element | A program element that has a name. |
EmptyStmt | The empty statement. |
EnhancedForStmt | An enhanced |
EnterpriseBean | An enterprise bean. |
EntityBean | An entity bean. |
EnumConstant | An enum constant is a member of a enum type. |
EnumType | An enumerated type. |
EqualityTest | An equality test is a binary expression using Java’s |
EqualsMethod | A method with the same signature as |
ErrorExpr | An error expression. |
ErrorStmt | An error statement. |
ErrorType | An |
Exception | An Exception represents an element listed in the |
ExitBlock | A basic block that ends in an exit node. |
ExportsDirective | An |
Expr | A common super-class that represents all kinds of expressions. |
ExprParent | An expression parent is an element that may have an expression as its child. |
ExprStmt | An expression statement. |
ExtensionMethod | A Kotlin extension function. |
ExtensionReceiverAccess | An access to an extension receiver parameter. This is a parameter access that takes the form of |
Field | A class or instance field. |
FieldAccess | An expression that accesses a field. |
FieldDeclaration | A field declaration that declares one or more class or instance fields. |
FieldRead | An expression that reads a field. |
FieldWrite | An expression that assigns a value to a field. |
File | A file. |
FinalizeMethod | A finalizer method, with name |
FloatLiteral | A float literal. For example, |
FloatingPointType | A floating point type, which may be either a primitive or a boxed type. |
Folder | A folder. |
ForStmt | A |
FunctionalExpr | A functional expression is either a lambda expression or a member reference expression. |
FunctionalInterface | A functional interface is an interface that has just one abstract method (aside from the methods of Object), and thus represents a single function contract. |
GEExpr | A binary expression using the |
GTExpr | A binary expression using the |
GeneratedCallable | A generated callable is a callable declared in a generated class. |
GeneratedClass | A Java class that is detected as having been generated. |
GeneratedFile | A file that is detected as having been generated. |
GenericCall | A call where the callee is a generic callable. |
GenericCallable | A generic callable is a callable with a type parameter. |
GenericClass | A generic type that is a class. |
GenericConstructor | A generic constructor is a constructor with a type parameter. |
GenericInterface | A generic type that is an interface. |
GenericMethod | A generic method is a method with a type parameter. |
GenericSrcMethod | A generic method that is the same as its source declaration. |
GenericType | A generic type is a type that has a type parameter. |
GetterMethod | A getter method is a method with the following properties: |
GreaterThanComparison | A comparison expression using the operator |
HashCodeMethod | A method with the same signature as |
IfStmt | An |
IgnoreAnnotation | An |
ImmutableType | An immutable type. |
ImplicitCastExpr | An implicit cast expression. |
ImplicitCoercionToUnitExpr | An implicit coercion-to-unit expression. |
ImplicitNotNullExpr | An implicit cast-to-non-null expression. |
Import | A common super-class for all kinds of Java import declarations. |
ImportOnDemandFromPackage | A type-import-on-demand declaration that allows all accessible types of a named package to be imported as needed. |
ImportOnDemandFromType | A type-import-on-demand declaration that allows all accessible nested types of a named type to be imported as needed. |
ImportStaticOnDemand | A static-import-on-demand declaration, which allows all accessible static members of a named type to be imported as needed. |
ImportStaticTypeMember | A single-static-import declaration, which imports all accessible static members with a given simple name from a type. |
ImportType | A single-type-import declaration. |
InitializerMethod | A compiler-generated initializer method (could be static or non-static), which is used to hold (static or non-static) field initializers, as well as explicit initializer blocks. |
InnerClass | An inner class is a nested class that is neither explicitly nor implicitly declared static. This includes anonymous and local classes. |
InstanceAccess | A use of one of the keywords |
InstanceField | An instance field. |
InstanceInitializer | An instance initializer is a method that contains field initializations and explicit instance initializer blocks. |
InstanceOfExpr | An |
IntegerLiteral | An integer literal. For example, |
IntegralType | An integral type, which may be either a primitive or a boxed type. This includes the types |
Interface | An interface. |
IntersectionType | An intersection type. |
IntersectionTypeAccess | An intersection type access expression is a type access of the form |
JUnit38TestClass | A JUnit 3.8 test class. |
JUnit3TestMethod | A test method declared within a JUnit 3.8 test class. |
JUnit3TestSuite | A JUnit 3.8 test suite method. |
JUnit4TestMethod | A JUnit test method that is annotated with the |
JUnitCategoryAnnotation | A |
JUnitIgnoreAnnotation | A JUnit |
JUnitIgnoredMethod | A method which, directly or indirectly, is treated as ignored by JUnit due to a |
JUnitJupiterTestMethod | A JUnit test method that is annotated with the |
JUnitTheoryTest | A test class that will be run with theories. |
JarFile | A Java archive file with a “.jar” extension. |
Javadoc | A Javadoc comment. |
JavadocElement | A common super-class for Javadoc elements, which may be either tags or text. |
JavadocParent | A Javadoc parent is an element whose child can be some Javadoc documentation. |
JavadocTag | A Javadoc block tag. This does not include inline tags. |
JavadocText | A piece of Javadoc text. |
JmxRegistrationCall | A call that registers an object with the |
JmxRegistrationMethod | A method used to register |
JumpStmt | A |
KotlinNotnullType | |
KotlinNullableType | |
KotlinType | |
KotlinTypeAlias | |
KtComment | A Kotlin comment. |
KtCommentSection | A Kotlin comment. |
KtInitializerAssignExpr | A Kotlin class member initializer assignment. |
LEExpr | A binary expression using the |
LTExpr | A binary expression using the |
LabeledStmt | A labeled statement. |
LambdaExpr | Lambda expressions are represented by their implicit class instance creation expressions, which instantiate an anonymous class that overrides the unique method designated by their functional interface type. The parameters of the lambda expression correspond to the parameters of the overriding method, and the lambda body corresponds to the body of the overriding method (enclosed by a return statement and a block in the case of lambda expressions whose body is an expression). |
LeftShiftExpr | A binary expression using the |
LessThanComparison | A comparison expression using the operator |
Literal | A common super-class to represent constant literals. |
LocalClass | A local class. |
LocalClassOrInterface | A local class or interface. |
LocalEjbHomeInterface | A local EJB home interface. |
LocalEjbInterface | A local EJB interface. |
LocalScopeVariable | A locally scoped variable, that is, either a local variable or a parameter. |
LocalTypeDeclStmt | A statement that declares a local class or interface. |
LocalVariableDecl | A local variable declaration |
LocalVariableDeclExpr | A local variable declaration expression. |
LocalVariableDeclStmt | A statement that declares one or more local variables. |
Location | A location maps language elements to positions in source files. |
LogNotExpr | A logical negation expression. For example, |
LogicExpr | A logical expression. |
LongLiteral | A long literal. For example, |
LoopStmt | A loop statement, including |
MBean | An |
MXBean | An |
MainAntTarget | An Ant target that occurs in an Ant build file with the default name |
MainMethod | The public static |
ManagedBean | A managed bean. |
MarkerCommentGeneratedFile | A file detected as generated based on commonly-used marker comments. |
Member | A common abstraction for type member declarations, including methods, constructors, fields, and nested types. |
MemberRefExpr | Member references are represented by their implicit class instance expressions, which instantiate an anonymous class that overrides the unique method designated by their functional interface type. The correspondence of the parameters of the overriding method in the anonymous class with the parameters of the callable that is referenced differs depending on the particular kind of member reference expression. |
MemberType | A nested type which is a direct member of the enclosing type, that is, neither an anonymous nor local class. |
MessageBean | A message bean. |
Method | A method is a particular kind of callable. |
MethodAbs | The method |
MethodCall | A method call is an invocation of a method with a list of arguments. |
MethodCallSystemGetProperty | A call to a method named |
MethodExit | Any method named |
MethodMathMax | The method |
MethodMathMin | The method |
MethodSystemGetProperty | Any method named |
MethodSystemGetenv | Any method named |
MetricCallable | This class provides access to metrics information for callables. |
MetricElement | This class provides access to metrics information for elements in Java programs. |
MetricField | This class provides access to metrics information for fields. |
MetricPackage | This class provides access to metrics information for packages. |
MetricRefType | This class provides access to metrics information for reference types. |
MetricStmt | This class provides access to metrics information for statements. |
MinusExpr | A unary minus expression. For example, |
Modifiable | An element of the Java syntax tree that may have a modifier. |
Modifier | A modifier such as |
Module | A module. |
MulExpr | A binary expression using the |
NEExpr | A binary expression using Java’s |
NestedClass | A class declared within another type. |
NestedType | A nested type is a type declared within another type. |
NewClassExpr | An explicit |
NonReflectiveAnnotation | An annotation that does not indicate that a field may be accessed reflectively. |
NotInstanceOfExpr | An |
NotNullExpr | A Kotlin not-null expression. For example, |
NullDefaultCase | A |
NullLiteral | The null literal, written |
NullType | The type of the |
NumberType | A (reflexive, transitive) subtype of |
NumericOrCharType | A numeric or character type, which may be either a primitive or a boxed type. |
NumericType | A numeric type, including both primitive and boxed types. |
OpensDirective | An |
OrBitwiseExpr | A binary expression using the |
OrLogicalExpr | A binary expression using the |
OverrideAnnotation | An |
Package | A package may be used to abstract over all of its members, regardless of which compilation unit they are defined in. |
PackageAccess | A package access. |
ParamTag | A Javadoc |
Parameter | A formal parameter of a callable. |
ParameterizedClass | A parameterized type that is a class. |
ParameterizedInterface | A parameterized type that is an interface. |
ParameterizedJUnitTest | A class that will be run using the |
ParameterizedType | A parameterized type is an instantiation of a generic type, where each formal type variable has been replaced with a type argument. |
PatternCase | A pattern case of a |
PatternExpr | A binding, unnamed or record pattern. |
PlusExpr | A unary plus expression. For example, |
PostDecExpr | A post-decrement expression. For example, |
PostIncExpr | A post-increment expression. For example, |
PreDecExpr | A pre-decrement expression. For example, |
PreIncExpr | A pre-increment expression. For example, |
PreMainMethod | A premain method is an agent entry-point. |
PrimitiveType | A primitive type. |
Property | A Kotlin property. |
PropertyRefExpr | Property references are represented by their implicit class instance expressions, which instantiate an anonymous class that overrides the |
ProvidesDirective | A |
RawClass | A raw type that is a class. |
RawInterface | A raw type that is an interface. |
RawType | The raw version of a generic type is the type that is formed by using the name of a generic type without specifying its type arguments. |
ReadObjectMethod | A method that reads an object on type |
Record | A record declaration. |
RecordBindingVariableExpr | A local variable declaration that occurs within a record pattern. |
RecordPatternExpr | A record pattern expr, as in |
RefType | A common super-class for various kinds of reference types, including classes, interfaces, type parameters and arrays. |
ReferenceEqualityTest | An equality test is a binary expression using Java’s |
ReflectiveAccessAnnotation | An annotation suggesting that the annotated element may be accessed reflectively. |
RegisteredManagedBeanImpl | An managed bean implementation which is seen to be registered with the |
RemExpr | A binary expression using the |
RemoteEjbHomeInterface | A remote EJB home interface. |
RemoteEjbInterface | A remote EJB interface. |
RepeatableAnnotation | A |
RequiresDirective | A |
RetentionAnnotation | A |
ReturnStmt | A |
RightShiftExpr | A binary expression using the |
RunWithAnnotation | An |
SafeCastExpr | A safe cast expression. |
SeeTag | A Javadoc |
SessionBean | A session bean. |
SetterMethod | A setter method is a method with the following properties: |
SingletonBlock | A block with only a single statement. |
SrcCallable | A callable that is the same as its source declaration. |
SrcMethod | A method that is the same as its source declaration. |
SrcRefType | A type that is the same as its source declaration. |
StandardNonReflectiveAnnotation | |
StaticInitializer | A static initializer is a method that contains all static field initializations and static initializer blocks. |
StaticMethodCall | A static method call. |
Stmt | A common super-class of all statements. |
StmtExpr | A statement expression. |
StmtParent | A statement parent is any element that can have a statement as its child. |
StringArgumentToExec | An |
StringBuildingType | Class |
StringContainsMethod | The |
StringLengthMethod | The |
StringLiteral | A string literal or text block (Java 15 feature). For example, |
StringPartialMatchMethod | The methods on the class |
StringTemplateExpr | A Kotlin string template expression. For example, |
SubExpr | A binary expression using the |
SuperAccess | A use of the keyword |
SuperConstructorInvocationStmt | An explicit |
SuperMethodCall | A call to a method in the superclass. |
SuppressWarningsAnnotation | A |
SwitchBlock | A |
SwitchCase | A case of a |
SwitchExpr | A |
SwitchStmt | A |
SynchronizedStmt | A |
SystemErr | The field |
SystemIn | The field |
SystemOut | The field |
TargetAnnotation | A |
TearDownMethod | A JUnit 3.8 |
TestAnnotation | An |
TestClass | A class detected to be a test class, either because it or one of its super-types and/or enclosing types contains a test method or method with a unit-test-related annotation. |
TestMethod | Any method detected to be a test method of a common testing framework, including JUnit and TestNG. |
TestNGAfterAnnotation | A TestNG annotation used to mark a method that runs “after”. |
TestNGAnnotation | An annotation in TestNG. |
TestNGBeforeAnnotation | A TestNG annotation used to mark a method that runs “before”. |
TestNGDataProviderAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGDataProviderMethod | A method annotated with |
TestNGFactoryAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGFactoryCallable | A constructor or method annotated with |
TestNGListenerImpl | A concrete implementation class of one or more of the TestNG listener interfaces. |
TestNGListenersAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGTestAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGTestMethod | A TestNG test method, annotated with the |
ThisAccess | A use of the keyword |
ThisConstructorInvocationStmt | An explicit |
ThrowStmt | A |
ThrowableType | A (reflexive, transitive) subtype of |
ThrowsTag | A Javadoc |
ToStringMethod | A method with the same signature as |
Top | Top is the root of the QL type hierarchy; it defines some default methods for obtaining locations and a standard |
TopLevelClass | A top-level class. |
TopLevelType | A top-level type. |
TryStmt | A |
Type | A common abstraction for all Java types, including primitive, class, interface and array types. |
TypeAccess | A type access is a (possibly qualified) reference to a type. |
TypeAnnotation | An |
TypeBound | A type bound on a type variable. |
TypeClass | The class |
TypeClassCastException | The class |
TypeCloneable | The interface |
TypeConstructor | The class |
TypeError | The class |
TypeException | The class |
TypeFile | The class |
TypeFileSystem | The class |
TypeInputStream | The class |
TypeJUnitTest | The Java interface |
TypeJUnitTestCase | The Java class |
TypeJUnitTestSuite | The Java class |
TypeJmxConnectorFactory | The class |
TypeJmxServiceUrl | The class |
TypeLiteral | A type literal. For example, |
TypeMath | The class |
TypeNullPointerException | The class |
TypeNumber | The class |
TypeObject | The class |
TypeObjectInputStream | The type |
TypeObjectOutput | The interface |
TypeObjectOutputStream | The type |
TypePath | The type |
TypePaths | The class |
TypeProcessBuilder | The class |
TypeRmiConnector | The class |
TypeRuntime | The class |
TypeRuntimeException | The class |
TypeSerializable | The interface |
TypeString | The class |
TypeStringBuffer | The class |
TypeStringBuilder | The class |
TypeSystem | The class |
TypeThrowable | The class |
TypeVariable | A type parameter used in the declaration of a generic type or method. |
UnaryAssignExpr | A unary assignment expression is a unary expression using the prefix or postfix |
UnaryExpr | A common super-class that represents unary operator expressions. |
UncheckedThrowableType | An unchecked exception. That is, a (reflexive, transitive) subtype of |
UnionTypeAccess | A union type access is a type access of the form |
Unit | The trivial type with a single element. |
UnsafeCoerceExpr | An unsafe coerce expression. |
UnsignedRightShiftExpr | A binary expression using the |
UsesDirective | A |
ValueDiscardingExpr | An expression for which the value of the expression as a whole is discarded. Only cases of discarded values at the language level (as described by the JLS) are considered; data flow, for example to determine if an assigned variable value is ever read, is not considered. Such expressions can for example appear as part of an |
ValueEQExpr | A binary expression using the Kotlin |
ValueNEExpr | A binary expression using the Kotlin |
ValueOrReferenceEqualsExpr | A binary expression using either Java or Kotlin’s |
ValueOrReferenceNotEqualsExpr | A binary expression using either Java or Kotlin’s |
VarAccess | A variable access is a (possibly qualified) reference to a field, parameter or local variable. |
VarRead | A read access to a variable. |
VarWrite | A write access to a variable, which occurs as the destination of an assignment. |
Variable | A variable is a field, a local variable or a parameter. |
VariableAssign | An assignment to a variable or an initialization of the variable. |
VariableUpdate | An update of a variable or an initialization of the variable. |
VirtualMethodCall | A polymorphic call to an instance method. |
VoidType | The |
WhenBranch | A Kotlin |
WhenExpr | A Kotlin |
WhileStmt | A |
Wildcard | A wildcard used as a type argument. |
WildcardTypeAccess | A wildcard type access, which may have either a lower or an upper bound. |
WriteObjectMethod | A method named |
XorBitwiseExpr | A binary expression using the |
YieldStmt | A |
ControlFlow | Provides the definition of control flow nodes. |
ControlFlowNode | A node in the expression-level control-flow graph. |