Class RefType
A common super-class for various kinds of reference types, including classes, interfaces, type parameters and arrays.
Import path
import java
Direct supertypes
Known direct subtypes
- AlgorithmParameterGenerator
- AlgorithmParameterSpec
- ApacheHttpRequest
- Array
- BoundedType
- BoxedType
- BurlapInput
- CastorUnmarshaller
- ClassOrInterface
- CollectionType
- DocumentBuilder
- DocumentBuilderFactory
- EnterpriseBean
- ErrorType
- EsapiValidator
- Expression
- ExpressionParser
- FacesAccessibleType
- FacesContext
- FastJson
- FilesKt
- FlexjsonDeserializer
- FlexjsonObjectFactory
- Gson
- HibernateQueryProducer
- HibernateSession
- HibernateSharedSessionContract
- HostnameVerifier
- HttpServletRequest
- HttpServletResponse
- HttpServletSession
- HttpsUrlConnection
- IbatisConfiguration
- IntersectionType
- JYamlLoader
- JabsorbSerializer
- JacksonTypeDescriptorType
- JaxRsClient
- JdbcTemplate
- JoddJsonParser
- JsonIoJsonReader
- KeyGenerator
- KeyPairGenerator
- Kryo
- KryoInput
- KryoPool
- KryoPoolBuilder
- MapType
- MapperBuilder
- MetricRefType
- MultimapType
- MyBatisSqlRunner
- NamespaceClass
- NestedType
- NumberFormatException
- NumberType
- PersistentEntity
- PlayMvcHttpRequestHeader
- RawType
- RequestDispatcher
- SaxBuilder
- SaxParser
- SaxParserFactory
- SaxReader
- SaxSource
- SchemaFactory
- SecureRandomNumberGenerator
- ServletContext
- ServletRequest
- ServletResponse
- ServletWebXmlListenerType
- SimpleEvaluationContext
- SimpleEvaluationContextBuilder
- SnakeYamlSafeConstructor
- SpringBeanRefType
- SpringComponent
- SpringModelResponseType
- SpringUntrustedDataType
- SrcRefType
- SslClass
- SslContext
- SslEngine
- SslParameters
- SslSession
- SslSocket
- SslSocketFactory
- StringsKt
- TableType
- ThrowableType
- TopLevelType
- Transformer
- TransformerFactory
- TrustAllHostnameVerifier
- TypeContext
- TypeInetAddr
- TypeInputStream
- TypeJUnitTest
- TypeJUnitTestCase
- TypeJUnitTestSuite
- TypeNumber
- TypeObjectInputStream
- TypeObjectOutputStream
- TypePath
- TypeRemote
- TypeSocket
- TypeSocketFactory
- TypeUri
- TypeUrl
- TypeUrlConnection
- TypeUrlDecoder
- UncheckedThrowableType
- UnsafeHessianInput
- WhitelistedLiveClass
- X509TrustManager
- XStream
- XmlConstants
- XmlInputFactory
- XmlReader
- XmlUnmarshaller
- Yaml
- YamlBeansReader
commonSubtype | A common (reflexive, transitive) subtype of the erasures of types |
declaresField | Holds if this type declares a field with the specified name. |
declaresMethod | Holds if this type declares a method with the specified name. |
declaresMethod | Holds if this type declares a method with the specified name and number of parameters. |
extendsOrImplements | Holds if |
getACallable | Gets a method or constructor declared in this type. |
getAConstructor | Gets a constructor declared in this type. |
getADescendant | Gets a direct or indirect descendant of this type, including itself. |
getAField | Gets a field declared in this type. |
getAMember | Gets a member declared in this type. |
getAMethod | Gets a method declared in this type. |
getASourceSupertype | Gets the source declaration of a direct supertype of this type, excluding itself. |
getAStrictAncestor | Gets a direct or indirect supertype of this type. This does not include itself, unless this type is part of a cycle in the type hierarchy. |
getASubtype | Gets a direct subtype of this type. |
getASupertype | Gets a direct supertype of this type. |
getAnAncestor | Gets a direct or indirect supertype of this type, including itself. |
getCompilationUnit | Gets the compilation unit in which this type is declared. |
getEnclosingType | Gets the type in which this reference type is enclosed, if any. |
getMetrics | Cast this reference type to a class that provides access to metrics information. |
getNestedName | Gets the nested name of this type. |
getNumberOfMethods | Gets the number of methods declared in this type. |
getPackage | Gets the package in which this type is declared. |
getQualifiedName | Gets the qualified name of this type, consisting of the package name followed by a |
getSourceDeclaration | Gets the source declaration of this type. |
getTypeDescriptor | Gets the JVM descriptor for this type, as used in bytecode. |
hasMember | Holds if this type declares any members. |
hasMethod | Holds if this type declares or inherits method |
hasMethod | Holds if this type declares or inherits method |
hasQualifiedName | Holds if this type is declared in a specified package with the specified name. |
hasSubtype | Holds if |
hasSupertype | Holds if |
inherits | Holds if this type declares or inherits the specified member. |
isSourceDeclaration | Holds if this type is the same as its source declaration. |
isTopLevel | Holds if this is a top-level type, which is not nested inside any other types. |
nestedName | DEPRECATED: Alias for |
Inherited predicates
compilerGeneratedReason | Gets the reason this element was generated by the compiler, if any. | from Element |
contains | Holds if this element transitively contains the specified element | from Element |
fromSource | Holds if this element pertains to a source file. | from Element |
getADeclaredAnnotation | Gets an annotation that is declared on this element, excluding inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
getAModifier | Gets a modifier of this element. | from Modifiable |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs. | from Top |
getAnAnnotation | Gets an annotation that applies to this element, including inherited annotations. The results only include direct annotations; indirect annotations, that is repeated annotations in an (implicit) container annotation, are not included. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
getAnAssociatedAnnotation | Gets an annotation associated with this element, that is: - An annotation directly present on this element, or - An annotation indirectly present on this element (in the form of a repeated annotation), or - If an annotation of a type is neither directly nor indirectly present the result is an associated inherited annotation (recursively) | from Annotatable |
getDoc | Cast this element to a | from Element |
getErasure | Gets the erasure of this type. | from Type |
getFile | Gets the file associated with this element. | from Top |
getLocation | Gets the source location for this element. | from Top |
getName | Gets the name of this element. | from Element |
getNumberOfCommentLines | Gets the number of comment lines that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getNumberOfLinesOfCode | Gets the number of lines of code that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Top |
getTotalNumberOfLines | Gets the total number of lines that this element ranges over, including lines of code, comment and whitespace-only lines. | from Top |
hasAnnotation | Holds if this element has an annotation, including inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
hasAnnotation | Holds if this element has the specified annotation, including inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
hasChildElement | Holds if this element is the immediate parent of the specified element | from Element |
hasDeclaredAnnotation | Holds if this element has a declared annotation, excluding inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Top |
hasModifier | Holds if this element has modifier | from Modifiable |
hasName | Holds if this element has the specified | from Element |
hasNoModifier | Holds if this element has no modifier. | from Modifiable |
isAbstract | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isCompilerGenerated | Holds if this is an auxiliary program element generated by the compiler. | from Element |
isCrossinline | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isDefault | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isFinal | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isIn | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isInline | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isInternal | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isLateinit | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isNative | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isNoinline | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isOut | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isPrivate | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isProtected | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isPublic | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isReified | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isSealedKotlin | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isStatic | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isStrictfp | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isStub | Holds if this element is from source and classified as a stub implementation. An implementation is considered a stub, if the the path to the source file contains | from Element |
isSuspend | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isSynchronized | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isTransient | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isVolatile | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
suppressesWarningsAbout | Holds if this or any enclosing | from Annotatable |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from Top |