Module Member
Provides classes and predicates for working with members of Java classes and interfaces, that is, methods, constructors, fields and nested types.
Import path
Annotation | Provides classes and predicates for working with Java annotations. |
Element | Provides a class that represents named elements in Java programs. |
Exception | Provides classes and predicates for working with Java exceptions. |
MetricField | Provides classes and predicates for computing metrics on Java fields. |
Type | Provides classes and predicates for working with Java types. |
overridesIgnoringAccess | Auxiliary predicate: whether method |
Callable | A callable is a method or constructor. |
Constructor | A constructor is a particular kind of callable. |
DelegatedProperty | A Kotlin delegated property. |
ExtensionMethod | A Kotlin extension function. |
Field | A class or instance field. |
FieldDeclaration | A field declaration that declares one or more class or instance fields. |
FinalizeMethod | A finalizer method, with name |
GetterMethod | A getter method is a method with the following properties: |
InitializerMethod | A compiler-generated initializer method (could be static or non-static), which is used to hold (static or non-static) field initializers, as well as explicit initializer blocks. |
InstanceField | An instance field. |
InstanceInitializer | An instance initializer is a method that contains field initializations and explicit instance initializer blocks. |
Member | A common abstraction for type member declarations, including methods, constructors, fields, and nested types. |
Method | A method is a particular kind of callable. |
Property | A Kotlin property. |
SetterMethod | A setter method is a method with the following properties: |
SrcCallable | A callable that is the same as its source declaration. |
SrcMethod | A method that is the same as its source declaration. |
StaticInitializer | A static initializer is a method that contains all static field initializations and static initializer blocks. |