Class Annotation
Any annotation used to annotate language elements with meta-information.
Import path
import java
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Known direct subtypes
- AccessAnnotation
- AccessTimeoutAnnotation
- AccessTypeAnnotation
- ActivationConfigPropertyAnnotation
- AfterAnnotation
- AfterBeginAnnotation
- AfterClassAnnotation
- AfterCompletionAnnotation
- ApplicationExceptionAnnotation
- AroundInvokeAnnotation
- AssociationOverrideAnnotation
- AssociationOverridesAnnotation
- AsynchronousAnnotation
- AttributeOverrideAnnotation
- AttributeOverridesAnnotation
- BasicAnnotation
- BeforeAnnotation
- BeforeClassAnnotation
- BeforeCompletionAnnotation
- CacheableAnnotation
- CamelAnnotation
- CollectionTableAnnotation
- ColumnAnnotation
- ColumnResultAnnotation
- ConcurrencyManagementAnnotation
- CucumberAnnotation
- DeclAnnotation
- DeclareRolesAnnotation
- DenyAllAnnotation
- DependsOnAnnotation
- DeprecatedAnnotation
- DiscriminatorColumnAnnotation
- DiscriminatorValueAnnotation
- EJBsAnnotation
- EjbAnnotation
- EjbInterfaceAnnotation
- ElementCollectionAnnotation
- EmbeddableAnnotation
- EmbeddedAnnotation
- EmbeddedIdAnnotation
- EntityAnnotation
- EntityListenersAnnotation
- EntityResultAnnotation
- EnumeratedAnnotation
- ExcludeClassInterceptorsAnnotation
- ExcludeDefaultInterceptorsAnnotation
- ExcludeDefaultListenersAnnotation
- ExcludeSuperclassListenersAnnotation
- FacesComponentAnnotation
- FacesManagedBeanAnnotation
- FieldResultAnnotation
- GeneratedAnnotation
- GeneratedValueAnnotation
- GuiceRequestParametersAnnotation
- GwtUiBinderClientAnnotation
- IbatisSqlOperationAnnotation
- IdAnnotation
- IdClassAnnotation
- IgnoreAnnotation
- InheritanceAnnotation
- InitAnnotation
- InterceptorsAnnotation
- JUnitCategoryAnnotation
- JUnitIgnoreAnnotation
- JacksonAnnotation
- JavaxManagedBeanAnnotation
- JaxRSAnnotation
- JoinColumnAnnotation
- JoinColumnsAnnotation
- JoinTableAnnotation
- LobAnnotation
- LocalBeanAnnotation
- LockAnnotation
- LombokAnnotation
- ManyToManyAnnotation
- ManyToOneAnnotation
- MapKeyAnnotation
- MapKeyClassAnnotation
- MapKeyColumnAnnotation
- MapKeyEnumeratedAnnotation
- MapKeyJoinColumnAnnotation
- MapKeyJoinColumnsAnnotation
- MapKeyTemporalAnnotation
- MappedSuperclassAnnotation
- MapsIdAnnotation
- MessageDrivenAnnotation
- MockitoAnnotation
- NamedNativeQueriesAnnotation
- NamedNativeQueryAnnotation
- NamedQueriesAnnotation
- NamedQueryAnnotation
- NonReflectiveAnnotation
- OneToManyAnnotation
- OneToOneAnnotation
- OrderByAnnotation
- OrderColumnAnnotation
- OverrideAnnotation
- PermitAllAnnotation
- PersistenceContextAnnotation
- PersistenceContextsAnnotation
- PersistencePropertyAnnotation
- PersistenceUnitAnnotation
- PersistenceUnitsAnnotation
- PlayAddCsrfTokenAnnotation
- PlayBodyParserAnnotation
- PostActivateAnnotation
- PostConstructAnnotation
- PostLoadAnnotation
- PostPersistAnnotation
- PostRemoveAnnotation
- PostUpdateAnnotation
- PreDestroyAnnotation
- PrePassivateAnnotation
- PrePersistAnnotation
- PreRemoveAnnotation
- PreUpdateAnnotation
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumnAnnotation
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumnsAnnotation
- QueryHintAnnotation
- ReflectiveAccessAnnotation
- RemoveAnnotation
- RepeatableAnnotation
- ResourceAnnotation
- ResourcesAnnotation
- RetentionAnnotation
- RolesAllowedAnnotation
- RunAsAnnotation
- RunWithAnnotation
- ScheduleAnnotation
- SchedulesAnnotation
- SecondaryTableAnnotation
- SecondaryTablesAnnotation
- SequenceGeneratorAnnotation
- SingletonAnnotation
- SpringComponentScan
- SpringModelAttributeAnnotation
- SpringQualifierAnnotation
- SpringQualifierDefinitionAnnotation
- SpringResourceAnnotation
- SpringServletInputAnnotation
- SqlResultSetMappingAnnotation
- SqlResultSetMappingsAnnotation
- StartupAnnotation
- StatefulAnnotation
- StatefulTimeoutAnnotation
- StatelessAnnotation
- StrutsAnnotation
- SuppressWarningsAnnotation
- TableAnnotation
- TableGeneratorAnnotation
- TargetAnnotation
- TemporalAnnotation
- TestAnnotation
- TestNGAnnotation
- TimeoutAnnotation
- TransactionAttributeAnnotation
- TransactionManagementAnnotation
- TransientAnnotation
- TypeAnnotation
- UniqueConstraintAnnotation
- VersionAnnotation
- WebMethodAnnotation
- WebServiceAnnotation
- WebServiceRefAnnotation
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs. |
getAStringArrayValue | Gets a value of the annotation element with the specified |
getATypeArrayValue | Gets a value of the annotation element with the specified |
getAnArrayValue | Gets a value of the annotation element with the specified |
getAnEnumConstantArrayValue | Gets a value of the annotation element with the specified |
getAnIntArrayValue | Gets a value of the annotation element with the specified |
getAnnotatedElement | Gets the element being annotated. |
getAnnotationElement | Gets the annotation element with the specified |
getArrayValue | Gets the value at a given index of the annotation element with the specified |
getBooleanValue | If the value type of the annotation element with the specified |
getEnumConstantValue | If the value type of the annotation element with the specified |
getHalsteadID | This expression’s Halstead ID (used to compute Halstead metrics). |
getIntValue | If the value type of the annotation element with the specified |
getStringValue | If the value type of the annotation element with the specified |
getTarget | Gets the element being annotated. |
getType | Gets the annotation type declaration for this annotation. |
getTypeValue | If the value type of the annotation element with the specified |
getValue | Gets the value of the annotation element with the specified |
isDeclAnnotation | Holds if this annotation applies to a declaration. |
isTypeAnnotation | Holds if this annotation applies to a type. |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. |
Inherited predicates
getAChildExpr | Gets a child of this expression. | from Expr |
getAnEnclosingStmt | Gets a statement that directly or transitively contains this expression, if any. This is equivalent to | from Expr |
getBasicBlock | Gets the basic block in which this expression occurs, if any. | from Expr |
getCompilationUnit | Gets the compilation unit in which this expression occurs. | from Expr |
getControlFlowNode | Gets the | from Expr |
getEnclosingCallable | Gets the callable in which this expression occurs, if any. | from Expr |
getEnclosingStmt | Gets the statement containing this expression, if any. | from Expr |
getFile | Gets the file associated with this element. | from Top |
getIndex | Gets the index of this expression as a child of its parent. | from Expr |
getKind | Gets the kind of this expression. | from Expr |
getKotlinType | Gets the Kotlin type of this expression. | from Expr |
getLocation | Gets the source location for this element. | from Top |
getNumberOfCommentLines | Gets the number of comment lines that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getNumberOfLinesOfCode | Gets the number of lines of code that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getParent | Gets the parent of this expression. | from Expr |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Top |
getTotalNumberOfLines | Gets the total number of lines that this element ranges over, including lines of code, comment and whitespace-only lines. | from Top |
getUnderlyingExpr | Gets the underlying expression looking through casts and not-nulls, if any. Otherwise just gets this expression. | from Expr |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Top |
isCompileTimeConstant | Holds if this expression is a compile-time constant. | from Expr |
isInStaticContext | Holds if this expression occurs in a static context. | from Expr |
isNthChildOf | Holds if this expression is the child of the specified parent at the specified (zero-based) position. | from Expr |
isParenthesized | Holds if this expression is parenthesized. | from Expr |