Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.serialization.Deserializers
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Inherited predicates
calls | Holds if | from Callable |
canReturn | Holds if this callable can return expression | from Callable |
canYieldReturn | Holds if this callable can yield return the expression | from Callable |
fromLibrary | Holds if this element is from an assembly. | from Element |
fromSource | Holds if this element is from source code. | from Method |
getACall | Gets a | from Callable |
getAChild | Gets a child of this element, if any. | from Element |
getAChildExpr | Gets a child expression of this element, if any. | from ExprOrStmtParent |
getAChildStmt | Gets a child statement of this element, if any. | from ExprOrStmtParent |
getALocation | Gets a location of this element, including sources and assemblies. | from Method |
getAModifier | Gets a modifier of this declaration. | from Modifiable |
getAParameter | Gets a parameter, if any. | from Parameterizable |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs. | from Method |
getARawParameter | Gets a raw parameter (including the qualifier), if any. | from Parameterizable |
getAStatementBody | DEPRECATED: Use | from Callable |
getAnAccess | Gets an access to this member. | from Member |
getAnAttribute | Gets an attribute attached to this element, if any. | from Attributable |
getAnImplementor | Gets a member that immediately implements this interface member, if any. | from Method |
getAnImplementor | Gets a member that immediately implements this interface member, if any. | from Overridable |
getAnOverrider | Gets a member that immediately overrides this member, if any. | from Method |
getAnUltimateImplementee | Gets an interface member that is (transitively) implemented by this member, if any. That is, either this member immediately implements the interface member, or this member overrides (transitively) another member that immediately implements the interface member. | from Method |
getAnUltimateImplementor | Gets a member that (transitively) implements this interface member, if any. That is, either this interface member is immediately implemented by the result, or the result overrides (transitively) another member that immediately implements this interface member. | from Method |
getAnnotatedReturnType | Gets the annotated return type of this callable. | from Callable |
getBody | Gets the body of this callable, if any. | from Callable |
getChild | Gets the | from ExprOrStmtParent |
getChildExpr | Gets the | from ExprOrStmtParent |
getChildStmt | Gets the | from ExprOrStmtParent |
getCyclomaticComplexity | Gets the number of branching statements ( | from Callable |
getDeclaringType | Gets the type containing this declaration, if any. | from Method |
getEnclosingCallable | Gets the enclosing callable of this callable, if any. | from Callable |
getEntryPoint | Gets the entry point in the control graph for this callable. | from Callable |
getExitPoint | Gets the exit point in the control graph for this callable. | from Callable |
getExplicitlyImplementedInterface | Gets any interface this member explicitly implements; this only applies to members that can be declared on an interface, i.e. methods, properties, indexers and events. | from Overridable |
getExpressionBody | Gets the expression body of this callable (if any), specified by | from Callable |
getFile | Gets the file containing this element. | from Element |
getFullyQualifiedName | DEPRECATED: Use | from NamedElement |
getFullyQualifiedNameDebug | INTERNAL: Do not use. | from NamedElement |
getFullyQualifiedNameWithTypes | Gets the fully qualified name of this declaration, including types, for example the fully qualified name with types of | from Declaration |
getImplementee | Gets the interface member that is immediately implemented by this member, if any. | from Method |
getImplementee | Gets the interface member that is immediately implemented by this member, if any. | from Overridable |
getIndex | Gets the index of this element among its parent’s other children (zero-based). | from Element |
getLocation | Gets the location of this element. Where an element has locations in source and assemblies, choose the source location. If there are multiple assembly locations, choose only one. | from Element |
getName | Gets the name of this method. | from Method |
getNumberOfChildren | Gets the number of children of this element. | from Element |
getNumberOfLines | Gets the total number of lines in this callable. | from Callable |
getNumberOfLinesOfCode | Gets the number of lines containing code in this callable. | from Callable |
getNumberOfLinesOfComments | Gets the number of lines containing comments in this callable. | from Callable |
getNumberOfParameters | Gets the number of parameters of this callable. | from Parameterizable |
getOverridee | Gets the member that is immediately overridden by this member, if any. | from Method |
getParameter | Gets the | from Parameterizable |
getParamsType | Gets the type of the | from Method |
getParent | Gets the parent of this element, if any. | from Element |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Element |
getRawParameter | Gets raw parameter | from Method |
getReturnType | Gets the return type of this callable. | from Method |
getStatementBody | Gets the statement body of this callable, if any. | from Callable |
getUnboundDeclaration | Gets the unbound version of this declaration, that is, the declaration where all type arguments have been removed. For example, in | from Method |
getUndecoratedName | Gets the name of this declaration, without additional decoration such as | from Method |
hasBody | Holds if this callable has a body or an implementation. | from Callable |
hasExpressionBody | Holds if this callable has an expression body. | from Callable |
hasFullyQualifiedName | Holds if this element has the fully qualified name | from Declaration |
hasFullyQualifiedName | Holds if this member has name | from Member |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Attributable |
hasModifier | Holds if this declaration has | from Modifiable |
hasName | Holds if this element has name ‘name’. | from NamedElement |
hasNoParameters | Holds if this declaration has no parameters. | from Parameterizable |
hasNonEmptyBody | Holds if this callable has a non-empty body. That is, either it has an expression body, or it has a non-empty statement body. | from Callable |
hasParams | Holds if this method has a | from Method |
hasStatementBody | Holds if this callable has a statement body. | from Callable |
hasUndecoratedName | Holds if this element has undecorated name ‘name’. | from Declaration |
implements | Holds if this member implements (transitively) an interface member. | from Overridable |
implementsExplicitInterface | Holds if this member implements an interface member explicitly. | from Overridable |
isAbstract | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isAsync | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isCompilerGenerated | Holds if this declaration has been generated by the compiler, for example implicit constructors or accessors. | from Declaration |
isConst | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isEffectivelyInternal | Holds if this declaration is effectively | from Modifiable |
isEffectivelyPrivate | Holds if this declaration is effectively | from Modifiable |
isEffectivelyPublic | Holds if this declaration is effectively | from Modifiable |
isExtensionMethod | Holds if this method is an extension method. | from Method |
isExtern | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isFile | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isImplemented | Holds if this interface member is implemented by some other member. | from Overridable |
isInternal | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isNew | Holds if this declaration has the modifier | from Modifiable |
isOverridableOrImplementable | Holds if this member can be overridden or implemented. | from Virtualizable |
isOverridden | Holds if this member is overridden by some other member. | from Overridable |
isOverride | Holds if this member has the modifier | from Virtualizable |
isPartial | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isPrivate | Holds if this declaration is | from Virtualizable |
isProtected | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isPublic | Holds if this declaration is | from Virtualizable |
isRequired | Holds if this declaration has the modifier | from Modifiable |
isSealed | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isSourceDeclaration | Holds if this declaration is unconstructed and in source code. | from Declaration |
isStatic | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isUnboundDeclaration | Holds if this declaration is unbound. | from Declaration |
isUnsafe | Holds if this declaration is | from Modifiable |
isVirtual | Holds if this member is | from Virtualizable |
overrides | Holds if this member overrides another member. | from Overridable |
overridesOrImplements | Holds if this member overrides or implements (transitively) | from Overridable |
overridesOrImplementsOrEquals | Holds if this member overrides or implements (reflexively, transitively) | from Overridable |
parameterTypesToString | Gets the types of the parameters of this declaration as a comma-separated string. | from Parameterizable |
toString | from Method | |
toStringWithTypes | Gets the full textual representation of this element, including type information. | from Callable |