CodeQL documentation

Bad suite method

ID: java/wrong-junit-suite-signature
Kind: problem
Security severity: 
Severity: warning
Precision: medium
   - testability
   - maintainability
   - frameworks/junit
Query suites:
   - java-security-and-quality.qls

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JUnit 3.8 requires that a suite method for defining a TestSuite that will be used by a TestRunner has a specific signature. If the suite method does not have the expected signature, JUnit does not detect the method as a suite method.


Make sure that suite methods in junit TestCase classes are declared both public and static, and that they have a return type of junit.framework.Test or one of its subtypes.


In the following example, BadSuiteMethod.suite is not detected by JUnit because it is not declared public. However, CorrectSuiteMethod.suite is detected by JUnit because it has the expected signature.

public class BadSuiteMethod extends TestCase {
	// BAD: JUnit 3.8 does not detect the following method as a 'suite' method.
	// The method should be public, static, and return 'junit.framework.Test' 
	// or one of its subtypes.
	static Test suite() {
		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
		suite.addTest(new MyTests("testEquals"));
		suite.addTest(new MyTests("testNotEquals"));
		return suite;

public class CorrectSuiteMethod extends TestCase {
	// GOOD: JUnit 3.8 correctly detects the following method as a 'suite' method.
	public static Test suite() {
		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
		suite.addTest(new MyTests("testEquals"));
		suite.addTest(new MyTests("testNotEquals"));
		return suite;


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