Module Instruction
Provides classes that represent the individual instructions in the IR for a function.
Import path
EdgeKind | Provides classes that specify the conditions under which control flows along a given edge. |
IRBlock | Provides classes describing basic blocks in the IR of a function. |
IRFunction | Provides the class |
IRType | Minimal, language-neutral type system for the IR. |
IRVariable | Provides classes that represent variables accessed by the IR. |
MemoryAccessKind | Provides classes that describe how a particular |
Opcode | Provides |
Operand | Provides classes that represent the input values of IR instructions. |
AddInstruction | An instruction that computes the sum of two numeric operands. |
AliasedDefinitionInstruction | An instruction that initializes all escaped memory. |
AliasedUseInstruction | An instruction that consumes all escaped memory on exit from the function. |
ArithmeticInstruction | An instruction that computes the result of an arithmetic operation. |
BinaryArithmeticInstruction | An instruction that performs an arithmetic operation on two numeric operands. |
BinaryBitwiseInstruction | An instruction that performs a bitwise operation on two integer operands. |
BinaryInstruction | An instruction whose result is computed from two operands. |
BitAndInstruction | An instruction that computes the bitwise “and” of two integer operands. |
BitComplementInstruction | An instruction that computes the bitwise complement of its operand. |
BitOrInstruction | An instruction that computes the bitwise “or” of two integer operands. |
BitXorInstruction | An instruction that computes the bitwise “xor” of two integer operands. |
BitwiseInstruction | An instruction that computes the result of a bitwise operation. |
BufferMayWriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the write of an indirect buffer parameter within a function call. |
BufferMustWriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the write of an indirect buffer parameter within a function call. The entire buffer is overwritten. |
BufferReadSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the read of an indirect buffer parameter within a function call. |
BuiltInInstruction | An instruction representing a built-in operation that does not have a specific opcode. The actual operation is specified by the |
BuiltInOperationInstruction | An instruction representing a built-in operation. |
CallInstruction | An instruction that calls a function. |
CallReadSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the side effect of a function call on any memory that might be read by that call. |
CallSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the side effect of a function call on any memory that might be accessed by that call. |
CatchAnyInstruction | An instruction that catches any exception. |
CatchByTypeInstruction | An instruction that catches an exception of a specific type. |
CatchInstruction | An instruction that starts a |
CheckedConvertOrNullInstruction | An instruction that converts the address of a polymorphic object to the address of a different subobject of the same polymorphic object, returning a null address if the dynamic type of the object is not compatible with the result type. |
CheckedConvertOrThrowInstruction | An instruction that converts the address of a polymorphic object to the address of a different subobject of the same polymorphic object, throwing an exception if the dynamic type of the object is not compatible with the result type. |
ChiInstruction | An instruction representing the effect that a write to a memory may have on potential aliases of that memory. |
CompareEQInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
CompareGEInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
CompareGTInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
CompareInstruction | An instruction that compares two numeric operands. |
CompareLEInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
CompareLTInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
CompareNEInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
CompleteObjectAddressInstruction | An instruction that returns the address of the complete object that contains the subobject pointed to by its operand. |
ConditionalBranchInstruction | An instruction that branches to one of two successor instructions based on the value of a Boolean operand. |
ConstantInstruction | An instruction whose result is a constant value. |
ConstantValueInstruction | An instruction whose result is a compile-time constant value. |
ConvertInstruction | An instruction that converts the value of its operand to a value of a different type. |
ConvertToBaseInstruction | An instruction that converts from the address of a derived class to the address of a base class. |
ConvertToDerivedInstruction | An instruction that converts from the address of a base class to the address of a direct non-virtual derived class. |
ConvertToNonVirtualBaseInstruction | An instruction that converts from the address of a derived class to the address of a direct non-virtual base class. |
ConvertToVirtualBaseInstruction | An instruction that converts from the address of a derived class to the address of a virtual base class. |
CopyInstruction | An instruction that returns a copy of its operand. |
CopyValueInstruction | An instruction that returns a register result containing a copy of its register operand. |
DivInstruction | An instruction that computes the quotient of two numeric operands. |
ElementsAddressInstruction | An instruction that computes the address of the first element of a managed array. |
EnterFunctionInstruction | An instruction representing the entry point to a function. |
ErrorInstruction | An instruction that produces a well-defined but unknown result and has unknown side effects, including side effects that are not conservatively modeled in the SSA graph. |
ExitFunctionInstruction | An instruction representing the exit point of a function. |
FieldAddressInstruction | An instruction that computes the address of a non-static field of an object. |
FieldInstruction | An instruction that refers to a field of a class, struct, or union. |
FloatConstantInstruction | An instruction whose result is a constant value of floating-point type. |
FunctionAddressInstruction | An instruction that returns the address of a function. |
FunctionInstruction | An instruction that refers to a function. |
IndexedInstruction | An instruction that refers to an argument of a |
IndirectMayWriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the potential write of an indirect parameter within a function call. |
IndirectMustWriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the write of an indirect parameter within a function call. |
IndirectReadSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the read of an indirect parameter within a function call. |
InheritanceConversionInstruction | An instruction that converts the address of an object to the address of a different subobject of the same object, without any type checking at runtime. |
InitializeDynamicAllocationInstruction | An instruction representing the initial value of newly allocated memory, such as the result of a call to |
InitializeIndirectionInstruction | An instruction that initializes the memory pointed to by a parameter of the enclosing function with the value of that memory on entry to the function. |
InitializeNonLocalInstruction | An instruction that initializes all memory that existed before this function was called. |
InitializeParameterInstruction | An instruction that initializes a parameter of the enclosing function with the value of the corresponding argument passed by the caller. |
InitializeThisInstruction | An instruction that initializes the |
InlineAsmInstruction | An instruction representing a GNU or MSVC inline assembly statement. |
Instruction | A single instruction in the IR. |
IntegerConstantInstruction | An instruction whose result is a constant value of integer or Boolean type. |
LoadInstruction | An instruction that returns a register result containing a copy of its memory operand. |
LogicalNotInstruction | An instruction that computes the logical complement of its operand. |
MulInstruction | An instruction that computes the product of two numeric operands. |
NegateInstruction | An instruction that negates a single numeric operand. |
NewObjInstruction | An instruction that allocates a new object on the managed heap. |
NextVarArgInstruction | An instruction that modifies a |
NoOpInstruction | An instruction that has no effect. |
PhiInstruction | An instruction representing the choice of one of multiple input values based on control flow. |
PointerAddInstruction | An instruction that adds an integer offset to a pointer. |
PointerArithmeticInstruction | An instruction that performs a binary arithmetic operation involving at least one pointer operand. |
PointerConstantInstruction | An instruction whose result is a constant value of a pointer type. |
PointerDiffInstruction | An instruction that computes the difference between two pointers. |
PointerOffsetInstruction | An instruction that adds or subtracts an integer offset from a pointer. |
PointerSubInstruction | An instruction that subtracts an integer offset from a pointer. |
ReThrowInstruction | An instruction that re-throws the current exception. |
ReadSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing a read side effect of a function call on a specific parameter. |
RelationalInstruction | An instruction that does a relative comparison of two values, such as |
RemInstruction | An instruction that computes the remainder of two integer operands. |
ReturnIndirectionInstruction | An instruction that represents the use of the value pointed to by a parameter of the function after the function returns control to its caller. |
ReturnInstruction | An instruction that returns control to the caller of the function. |
ReturnValueInstruction | An instruction that returns control to the caller of the function, including a return value. |
ReturnVoidInstruction | An instruction that returns control to the caller of the function, without returning a value. |
ShiftLeftInstruction | An instruction that shifts its left operand to the left by the number of bits specified by its right operand. |
ShiftRightInstruction | An instruction that shifts its left operand to the right by the number of bits specified by its right operand. |
SideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing a side effect of a function call. |
SizedBufferMayWriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the write of an indirect buffer parameter within a function call. |
SizedBufferMustWriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the write of an indirect buffer parameter within a function call. The entire buffer is overwritten. |
SizedBufferReadSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing the read of an indirect buffer parameter within a function call. |
StoreInstruction | An instruction that returns a memory result containing a copy of its register operand. |
StringConstantInstruction | An instruction whose result is the address of a string literal. |
SubInstruction | An instruction that computes the difference of two numeric operands. |
SwitchInstruction | An instruction that branches to one of multiple successor instructions based on the value of an integer operand. |
ThrowInstruction | An instruction that throws an exception. |
ThrowValueInstruction | An instruction that throws a new exception. |
UnaryArithmeticInstruction | An instruction whose result is computed by performing an arithmetic operation on a single numeric operand. |
UnaryBitwiseInstruction | An instruction that performs a bitwise operation on a single integer operand. |
UnaryInstruction | An instruction whose result is computed from a single operand. |
UninitializedGroupInstruction | An instruction that initializes a set of allocations that are each assigned the same “virtual variable”. |
UninitializedInstruction | An instruction that returns an uninitialized value. |
UnreachedInstruction | An instruction representing unreachable code. |
UnsignedShiftRightInstruction | An instruction that shifts its left operand to the right by the number of bits specified by its right operand. |
UnwindInstruction | An instruction that exits the current function by propagating an exception. |
VarArgInstruction | An instruction that returns the address of the argument currently pointed to by a |
VarArgsEndInstruction | An instruction that cleans up a |
VarArgsStartInstruction | An instruction that returns a |
VariableAddressInstruction | An instruction that returns the address of a variable. |
VariableInstruction | An instruction that refers to a variable. |
VirtualDeleteFunctionAddressInstruction | An instruction that returns the address of a “virtual” delete function. |
WriteSideEffectInstruction | An instruction representing a write side effect of a function call on a specific parameter. |