Add | The Opcode for an AddInstruction .
AliasedDefinition | The Opcode for an AliasedDefinitionInstruction .
AliasedUse | The Opcode for an AliasedUseInstruction .
BitAnd | The Opcode for a BitAndInstruction .
BitComplement | The Opcode for a BitComplementInstruction .
BitOr | The Opcode for a BitOrInstruction .
BitXor | The Opcode for a BitXorInstruction .
BufferMayWriteSideEffect | The Opcode for a BufferMayWriteSideEffectInstruction .
BufferMustWriteSideEffect | The Opcode for a BufferMustWriteSideEffectInstruction .
BufferReadSideEffect | The Opcode for a BufferReadSideEffectInstruction .
BuiltIn | The Opcode for a BuiltInInstruction .
Call | The Opcode for a CallInstruction .
CallReadSideEffect | The Opcode for a CallReadSideEffectInstruction .
CallSideEffect | The Opcode for a CallSideEffectInstruction .
CatchAny | The Opcode for a CatchAnyInstruction .
CatchByType | The Opcode for a CatchByTypeInstruction .
CheckedConvertOrNull | The Opcode for a CheckedConvertOrNullInstruction .
CheckedConvertOrThrow | The Opcode for a CheckedConvertOrThrowInstruction .
Chi | The Opcode for a ChiInstruction .
CompareEQ | The Opcode for a CompareEQInstruction .
CompareGE | The Opcode for a CompareGEInstruction .
CompareGT | The Opcode for a CompareGTInstruction .
CompareLE | The Opcode for a CompareLEInstruction .
CompareLT | The Opcode for a CompareLTInstruction .
CompareNE | The Opcode for a CompareNEInstruction .
CompleteObjectAddress | The Opcode for a CompleteObjectAddressInstruction .
ConditionalBranch | The Opcode for a ConditionalBranchInstruction .
Constant | The Opcode for a ConstantInstruction .
Convert | The Opcode for a ConvertInstruction .
ConvertToDerived | The Opcode for a ConvertToDerivedInstruction .
ConvertToNonVirtualBase | The Opcode for a ConvertToNonVirtualBaseInstruction .
ConvertToVirtualBase | The Opcode for a ConvertToVirtualBaseInstruction .
CopyValue | The Opcode for a CopyValueInstruction .
Div | The Opcode for a DivInstruction .
ElementsAddress | The Opcode for an ElementsAddressInstruction .
EnterFunction | The Opcode for an EnterFunctionInstruction .
Error | The Opcode for an ErrorInstruction .
ExitFunction | The Opcode for an ExitFunctionInstruction .
FieldAddress | The Opcode for a FieldAddressInstruction .
FunctionAddress | The Opcode for a FunctionAddressInstruction .
IndirectMayWriteSideEffect | The Opcode for an IndirectMayWriteSideEffectInstruction .
IndirectMustWriteSideEffect | The Opcode for an IndirectMustWriteSideEffectInstruction .
IndirectReadSideEffect | The Opcode for an IndirectReadSideEffectInstruction .
InitializeDynamicAllocation | The Opcode for an InitializeDynamicAllocationInstruction .
InitializeIndirection | The Opcode for an InitializeIndirectionInstruction .
InitializeNonLocal | The Opcode for an InitializeNonLocalInstruction .
InitializeParameter | The Opcode for an InitializeParameterInstruction .
InitializeThis | The Opcode for an InitializeThisInstruction .
InlineAsm | The Opcode for an InlineAsmInstruction .
Load | The Opcode for a LoadInstruction .
LogicalNot | The Opcode for a LogicalNotInstruction .
Mul | The Opcode for a MulInstruction .
Negate | The Opcode for a NegateInstruction .
NewObj | The Opcode for a NewObjInstruction .
NextVarArg | The Opcode for a NextVarArgInstruction .
NoOp | The Opcode for a NoOpInstruction .
Phi | The Opcode for a PhiInstruction .
PointerAdd | The Opcode for a PointerAddInstruction .
PointerDiff | The Opcode for a PointerDiffInstruction .
PointerSub | The Opcode for a PointerSubInstruction .
ReThrow | The Opcode for a ReThrowInstruction .
Rem | The Opcode for a RemInstruction .
ReturnIndirection | The Opcode for a ReturnIndirectionInstruction .
ReturnValue | The Opcode for a ReturnValueInstruction .
ReturnVoid | The Opcode for a ReturnVoidInstruction .
ShiftLeft | The Opcode for a ShiftLeftInstruction .
ShiftRight | The Opcode for a ShiftRightInstruction .
SizedBufferMayWriteSideEffect | The Opcode for a SizedBufferMayWriteSideEffectInstruction .
SizedBufferMustWriteSideEffect | The Opcode for a SizedBufferMustWriteSideEffectInstruction .
SizedBufferReadSideEffect | The Opcode for a SizedBufferReadSideEffectInstruction .
Store | The Opcode for a StoreInstruction .
StringConstant | The Opcode for a StringConstantInstruction .
Sub | The Opcode for a SubInstruction .
Switch | The Opcode for a SwitchInstruction .
ThrowValue | The Opcode for a ThrowValueInstruction .
Uninitialized | The Opcode for an UninitializedInstruction .
UninitializedGroup | The Opcode for a UninitializedGroup .
Unreached | The Opcode for an UnreachedInstruction .
UnsignedShiftRight | The Opcode for a UnsignedShiftRightInstruction .
Unwind | The Opcode for an UnwindInstruction .
VarArg | The Opcode for a VarArgInstruction .
VarArgsEnd | The Opcode for a VarArgsEndInstruction .
VarArgsStart | The Opcode for a VarArgsStartInstruction .
VariableAddress | The Opcode for a VariableAddressInstruction .
VirtualDeleteFunctionAddress | The Opcode for a VirtualDeleteFunctionAddress .