CodeQL library for Python
codeql/python-all 4.0.1 (changelog, source)

Class Ellipsis

An ellipsis expression, such as ...

Import path

import python

Direct supertypes

Indirect supertypes



Gets an immediate (non-nested) sub-expression of this expression

Inherited predicates


Whether this contains inner syntactically

from AstNode

Whether this contains inner syntactically and inner has the same scope as this

from AstNode

Whether this expression defines variable v If doing dataflow, then consider using SsaVariable.getDefinition() for more precision.

from Expr

Gets a child node of this node in the AST. This predicate exists to aid exploration of the AST and other experiments. The child-parent relation may not be meaningful. For a more meaningful relation in terms of dependency use Expr.getASubExpression(), Stmt.getASubStatement(), Stmt.getASubExpression() or Scope.getAStmt().

from Expr

Gets a flow node corresponding directly to this node. NOTE: For some statements and other purely syntactic elements, there may not be a ControlFlowNode

from AstNode

Gets the module in which this expression occurs

from Expr
getLocationfrom Expr

Gets a parent of this expression

from Expr_

Gets the parent node of this node in the AST. This predicate exists to aid exploration of the AST and other experiments. The child-parent relation may not be meaningful. For a more meaningful relation in terms of dependency use Expr.getASubExpression(), Stmt.getASubStatement(), Stmt.getASubExpression() or Scope.getAStmt() applied to the parent.

from AstNode

Gets the scope of this expression

from Expr

Whether this expression may have a side effect (as determined purely from its syntax)

from Expr

Whether this syntactic element is artificial, that is it is generated by the compiler and is not present in the source

from AstNode

Whether this expression is a constant

from Expr

Whether the parenthesised property of this expression is true.

from Expr_

Whether the parenthesized property of this expression is true.

from Expr

Gets a value that this expression might “point-to”.

from Expr

Holds if this expression might “point-to” to value.

from Expr

Holds if this expression might “point-to” to value which is from origin.

from Expr

Holds if this expression might “point-to” to value which is from origin in the given context.

from Expr

NOTE: refersTo will be deprecated in 2019. Use pointsTo instead. Equivalent to this.refersTo(value, _)

from Expr

NOTE: refersTo will be deprecated in 2019. Use pointsTo instead. Holds if this expression might “refer-to” to value which is from origin Unlike this.refersTo(value, _, origin), this predicate includes results where the class cannot be inferred.

from Expr

NOTE: refersTo will be deprecated in 2019. Use pointsTo instead. Gets what this expression might “refer-to”. Performs a combination of localized (intra-procedural) points-to analysis and global module-level analysis. This points-to analysis favours precision over recall. It is highly precise, but may not provide information for a significant number of flow-nodes. If the class is unimportant then use refersTo(value) or refersTo(value, origin) instead. NOTE: For complex dataflow, involving multiple stages of points-to analysis, it may be more precise to use ControlFlowNode.refersTo(...) instead.

from Expr

NOTE: refersTo will be deprecated in 2019. Use pointsTo instead. Gets what this expression might “refer-to” in the given context.

from Expr

Gets a textual representation of this element.

from Ellipsis_