Class MethodLdapNameGetRdns
A method with the name getRdns
declared in javax.naming.ldap.LdapName
Import path
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Inherited predicates
accesses | Holds if field | from Callable |
calls | Holds if this callable calls | from Callable |
callsConstructor | Holds if this callable calls | from Callable |
callsImpl | Holds if | from Callable |
callsSuper | Holds if this callable calls | from Callable |
callsSuperConstructor | Holds if this callable calls | from Callable |
callsThis | Holds if this callable calls | from Callable |
compilerGeneratedReason | Gets the reason this element was generated by the compiler, if any. | from Element |
contains | Holds if this element transitively contains the specified element | from Element |
fromSource | Holds if this element pertains to a source file. | from Element |
getACallSite | Gets the call site of a call from this callable to a callee. | from Callable |
getACallee | Gets a callee that may be called from this callable. | from Callable |
getADeclaredAnnotation | Gets an annotation that is declared on this element, excluding inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
getAModifier | Gets a modifier of this element. | from Modifiable |
getAParamType | Gets the type of a formal parameter of this callable. | from Callable |
getAParameter | Gets a formal parameter of this callable. | from Callable |
getAPossibleImplementation | All the methods that could possibly be called when this method is called. For class methods this includes the method itself and all its overriding methods (if any), and for interface methods this includes matching methods defined on or inherited by implementing classes. | from Method |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs. | from Method |
getAReference | Gets a call site that references this callable. | from Method |
getASourceOverriddenMethod | Gets the source declaration of a method overridden by this method. | from Method |
getAThrownExceptionType | Gets an exception type that occurs in the | from Callable |
getAnAccessedField | Gets a field accessed in this callable. | from Callable |
getAnAnnotation | Gets an annotation that applies to this element, including inherited annotations. The results only include direct annotations; indirect annotations, that is repeated annotations in an (implicit) container annotation, are not included. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
getAnAssociatedAnnotation | Gets an annotation associated with this element, that is: - An annotation directly present on this element, or - An annotation indirectly present on this element (in the form of a repeated annotation), or - If an annotation of a type is neither directly nor indirectly present the result is an associated inherited annotation (recursively) | from Annotatable |
getAnException | Gets an exception that occurs in the | from Callable |
getAnOverride | Gets a method (directly or transitively) overridden by this method. | from Method |
getBody | Gets the body of this callable, if any. | from Callable |
getCompilationUnit | Gets the compilation unit that this element belongs to. | from Element |
getDeclaringType | Gets the type in which this member is declared. | from Member |
getDoc | Cast this element to a | from Element |
getEnclosingCallable | Gets the immediately enclosing callable, if this member is declared in an anonymous or local class or interface. | from Member |
getFile | Gets the file associated with this element. | from Top |
getKotlinName | Gets the Kotlin name of this method, that is either the name of this method, or if | from Method |
getKotlinParameterDefaultsProxy | Gets this callable’s Kotlin proxy that supplies default parameter values, if one exists. | from Callable |
getLocation | Gets the source location for this element. | from Top |
getMethodDescriptor | Gets the bytecode method descriptor, encoding parameter and return types, but not the name of the callable. | from Callable |
getMetrics | Cast this callable to a class that provides access to metrics information. | from Callable |
getName | Gets the name of this element. | from Element |
getNumberOfCommentLines | Gets the number of comment lines that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getNumberOfLinesOfCode | Gets the number of lines of code that this element ranges over. | from Top |
getNumberOfParameters | Gets the number of formal parameters of this callable. | from Callable |
getParameter | Gets the formal parameter at the specified (zero-based) position. | from Callable |
getParameterKotlinType | Gets the type of the formal parameter at the specified (zero-based) position. | from Callable |
getParameterType | Gets the type of the formal parameter at the specified (zero-based) position. | from Callable |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Top |
getQualifiedName | Gets the qualified name of this member. This is useful for debugging, but for normal use | from Member |
getReturnKotlinType | Gets the declared return Kotlin type of this callable ( | from Callable |
getReturnType | Gets the declared return type of this callable ( | from Callable |
getSignature | Gets the signature of this callable, where all types in the signature have a fully-qualified name. The parameter types are only separated by a comma (without space). If this callable has no parameters, the callable name is followed by | from Method |
getSourceDeclaration | Gets the source declaration of this callable. | from Method |
getStringSignature | Gets the signature of this callable, including its name and the types of all its parameters, identified by their simple (unqualified) names. | from Callable |
getTotalNumberOfLines | Gets the total number of lines that this element ranges over, including lines of code, comment and whitespace-only lines. | from Top |
getVaragsParameterIndex | Gets the index of this callable’s varargs parameter, if any exists. | from Callable |
hasAnnotation | Holds if this element has an annotation, including inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
hasAnnotation | Holds if this element has the specified annotation, including inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
hasChildElement | Holds if this element is the immediate parent of the specified element | from Element |
hasDeclaredAnnotation | Holds if this element has a declared annotation, excluding inherited annotations. The retention policy of the annotation type is not considered. | from Annotatable |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Top |
hasModifier | Holds if this element has modifier | from Modifiable |
hasName | Holds if this element has the specified | from Element |
hasNoModifier | Holds if this element has no modifier. | from Modifiable |
hasNoParameters | Holds if this callable does not have any formal parameters. | from Callable |
hasQualifiedName | Holds if this member has the specified name and is declared in the specified package and type. | from Member |
hasStringSignature | Holds if this callable has the specified string signature. | from Callable |
isAbstract | Holds if this element has an | from Method |
isCompilerGenerated | Holds if this is an auxiliary program element generated by the compiler. | from Element |
isCrossinline | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isDefault | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isFinal | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isIn | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isInheritable | Holds if this method is neither private nor a static interface method nor an initializer method, and hence could be inherited. | from Method |
isInline | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isInternal | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isLateinit | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isLocal | Holds if this method is a Kotlin local function. | from Method |
isNative | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isNoinline | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isOut | Holds if this element has an | from Modifiable |
isOverridable | Holds if this method can be overridden. | from Method |
isPackageProtected | Holds if this member is package protected, that is, neither public nor private nor protected. | from Member |
isPrivate | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isProtected | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isPublic | Holds if this element has a | from Method |
isReified | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isSealedKotlin | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isSourceDeclaration | Holds if this callable is the same as its source declaration. | from Callable |
isStatic | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isStrictfp | Holds if this element has a | from Method |
isStub | Holds if this element is from source and classified as a stub implementation. An implementation is considered a stub, if the the path to the source file contains | from Element |
isSuspend | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isSynchronized | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isTransient | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
isVarargs | Holds if the last parameter of this callable is a varargs (variable arity) parameter. | from Callable |
isVirtual | Holds if this method is neither private nor static, and hence uses dynamic dispatch. | from Method |
isVolatile | Holds if this element has a | from Modifiable |
overrides | Holds if this method (directly) overrides the specified callable. | from Method |
overridesOrInstantiates | Holds if this method either overrides | from Method |
paramsString | Gets a parenthesized string containing all parameter types of this callable, separated by a comma and space. For the parameter types the unqualified string representation is used. If this callable has no parameters, the result is | from Callable |
polyCalls | Holds if this callable may call the specified callable, taking virtual dispatch into account. | from Callable |
reads | Holds if field | from Callable |
sameParamTypes | Holds if this method and method | from Method |
suppressesWarningsAbout | Holds if this or any enclosing | from Annotatable |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from Top |
writes | Holds if field | from Callable |