A representation of a run-time class.
Import path
import ruby
Direct supertypes
Known direct subtypes
Inherited predicates
getADeclaration | Gets a declaration of this module, if any. | from ModuleNode |
getADescendent | Gets a module that transitively subclasses, includes, or prepends this module. | from ModuleNode |
getAModuleLevelCall | Gets a call to method | from ModuleNode |
getAPrependedModule | Gets a | from ModuleNode |
getASubClass | Gets an immediate sub class of this module, if any. | from ModuleNode |
getAnAncestor | Gets a module that is transitively subclassed, included, or prepended by this module. | from ModuleNode |
getAnAncestorExpr | Gets the expression node denoting the super class or an included or prepended module. | from ModuleNode |
getAnImmediateAncestor | Gets the super class or an included or prepended module. | from ModuleNode |
getAnImmediateDescendent | Gets a direct subclass or module including or prepending this one. | from ModuleNode |
getAnImmediateReference | Gets a constant or | from ModuleNode |
getAnIncludedModule | Gets an | from ModuleNode |
getAnInstanceMethod | Gets an instance method available in this module, including methods inherited from ancestors. | from ModuleNode |
getAnInstanceSelf | Gets the | from ModuleNode |
getAnOwnInstanceMethod | Gets an instance method declared in this module. | from ModuleNode |
getAnOwnInstanceSelf | Gets the | from ModuleNode |
getAnOwnInstanceVariableRead | Gets an access to the instance variable | from ModuleNode |
getAnOwnInstanceVariableWriteValue | Gets the right-hand side of an assignment to the instance variable | from ModuleNode |
getAnOwnModuleSelf | Gets | from ModuleNode |
getAnOwnSingletonMethod | Gets a singleton method declared in this module (or in a singleton class augmenting this module). | from ModuleNode |
getInstanceMethod | Gets the instance method named | from ModuleNode |
getLocation | Gets the location of this module. | from ModuleNode |
getModuleLevelSelf | Gets | from ModuleNode |
getNestedModule | Gets a module named | from ModuleNode |
getOwnInstanceMethod | Gets an instance method named | from ModuleNode |
getOwnSingletonMethod | Gets the singleton method named | from ModuleNode |
getParentModule | Gets the enclosing module, as it appears in the qualified name of this module. | from ModuleNode |
getQualifiedName | Gets the qualified name of this module, if any. | from ModuleNode |
getSuperClass | Gets the super class of this module, if any. | from ModuleNode |
isBuiltin | Holds if this is a built-in module, e.g. | from ModuleNode |
isClass | Holds if this module is a class. | from ModuleNode |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this module. | from ModuleNode |
trackInstance | Starts tracking instances of this module forward using API graphs. | from ModuleNode |
trackModule | Starts tracking the module object using API graphs. | from ModuleNode |