Module DataFlowPublic
Import path
import codeql.ruby.dataflow.internal.DataFlowPublic
exprNode | Gets a node corresponding to expression |
getConstant | Gets a constant reference that may resolve to the top-level constant |
localExprFlow | Holds if data can flow from |
localFlow | Holds if data flows from |
parameterNode | Gets the node corresponding to the value of parameter |
ArrayLiteralNode | A data-flow node corresponding to an array literal. Array literals are desugared into calls to |
BlockNode | A data flow node corresponding to a block argument. |
CallNode | A data-flow node corresponding to a call in the control-flow graph. |
CallableNode | A data flow node corresponding to a method, block, or lambda expression. |
ClassNode | A representation of a run-time class. |
ConstRef | An access to a constant, such as |
ConstantAccessNode | A data flow node corresponding to a constant access expression. |
Content | A reference contained in an object. |
ContentSet | An entity that represents a set of |
ControlExprNode | A data flow node corresponding to a control expression (e.g. |
ExprNode | An expression, viewed as a node in a data flow graph. |
HashLiteralNode | A data-flow node that corresponds to a hash literal. Hash literals are desugared into calls to |
LhsExprNode | A data flow node corresponding to a LHS expression. |
LiteralNode | A data flow node corresponding to a literal expression. |
LocalSourceNode | A data-flow node that is a source of local flow. |
MethodNode | A data flow node corresponding to a method (possibly a singleton method). |
ModuleNode | A representation of a run-time module or class. |
Node | An element, viewed as a node in a data flow graph. Either an expression ( |
OperationNode | A data flow node corresponding to an operation expression. |
PairNode | A representation of a pair such as |
ParameterNode | The value of a parameter at function entry, viewed as a node in a data flow graph. |
PostUpdateNode | A node associated with an object after an operation that might have changed its state. |
SelfParameterNode | The value of an implicit |
SetterCallNode | A call to a setter method. |
SsaDefinitionNode | An SSA definition, viewed as a node in a data flow graph. |
StmtSequenceNode | A data flow node corresponding to a statement sequence expression. |
VariableAccessNode | A data flow node corresponding to a variable access expression. |
BarrierGuard | Provides a set of barrier nodes for a guard that validates an expression. |
Content | Provides different sub classes of |
Predicate signatures
guardChecksSig | Holds if the guard |
localFlowStep | Holds if data flows from |