Module Variables
Provides classes for modeling program variables.
Import path
import semmle.javascript.Variables
javascript | Provides classes for working with JavaScript programs, as well as JSON, YAML and HTML. |
ArgumentsVariable | An |
ArrayPattern | An array pattern. |
BindingPattern | A binding pattern, that is, either an identifier or a destructuring pattern. |
BlockScope | A scope induced by a block of statements. |
CatchScope | A scope induced by a catch clause. |
ComprehensionBlockScope | A scope induced by a comprehension block. |
DeclarationSpace | A string representing one of the three TypeScript declaration spaces: |
DestructuringPattern | A destructuring pattern, that is, either an array pattern or an object pattern. |
ExportVarAccess | An identifier that occurs in a named export declaration. |
FieldParameter | A constructor parameter that induces a field in its class. |
ForInScope | A scope induced by a |
ForScope | A scope induced by a |
FunctionScope | A scope induced by a function. |
GlobalScope | The global scope. |
GlobalVarAccess | An identifier that refers to a global variable. |
GlobalVarDecl | An identifier that declares a global variable. |
GlobalVariable | A global variable. |
LexicalAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable, type, or namespace, or a combination of these, in a non-declaring position. |
LexicalDecl | An identifier that declares a variable, type, or namespace, or a combination of these. |
LexicalName | A name that is declared in a particular scope. |
LexicalRef | An identifier that refers to a variable, type, or namespace, or a combination of these. |
LocalScope | A local scope, that is, a scope that is not the global scope. |
LocalVariable | A local variable or a parameter. |
ModuleScope | A scope induced by a Node.js or ES2015 module |
NamespaceScope | The lexical scope induced by a TypeScript namespace declaration. |
ObjectPattern | An object pattern. |
Parameter | A parameter declaration in a function or catch clause. |
Parameterized | A program element that declares parameters, that is, either a function or a catch clause. |
PropertyPattern | A property pattern in an object pattern. |
PurelyLocalVariable | A local variable that is not captured. |
Scope | A scope in which variables can be declared. |
ScopeElement | A program element that induces a scope. |
SimpleParameter | A parameter declaration that is not an object or array pattern. |
VarAccess | An identifier that refers to a variable in a non-declaring position. |
VarDecl | An identifier that declares a variable. |
VarRef | An identifier that refers to a variable, either in a declaration or in a variable access. |
Variable | A variable declared in a scope. |
VariableDeclarator | A variable declarator declaring a local or global variable. |
DeclarationSpace | Module containing the |