Module EJB
Provides classes and predicates for working with Enterprise Java Beans.
Import path
getAnInheritedMatchingMethodIgnoreThrows | Gets a method (inherited by |
getAnRmiIncompatibleType | Gets an argument or result type of method |
getInnermostTransactionAttributeAnnotation | Gets the innermost |
inheritsMatchingCreateMethodExceptThrows | If |
inheritsMatchingCreateMethodIgnoreThrows | Holds if |
inheritsMatchingMethodExceptThrows | If |
inheritsMatchingMethodIgnoreThrows | Holds if |
isValidRmiType | Holds if type |
AccessTimeoutAnnotation | A |
ActivationConfigPropertyAnnotation | A |
AfterBeginAnnotation | A |
AfterCompletionAnnotation | A |
AnnotatedBusinessInterface | A business interface annotated with |
AnnotatedLocalHomeInterface | A legacy local home interface specified by means of a |
AnnotatedRemoteHomeInterface | A legacy remote home interface specified by means of a |
ApplicationExceptionAnnotation | A |
AsynchronousAnnotation | A |
BeforeCompletionAnnotation | A |
BusinessInterface | Common superclass representing all local and remote business interfaces, which can be designated either using annotations or within an XML deployment descriptor ( |
BusinessInterfaceAnnotation | Common superclass representing a |
ConcurrencyManagementAnnotation | A |
DependsOnAnnotation | A |
EJB | Common superclass for various kinds of EJBs. |
EJBsAnnotation | A |
EjbAnnotatedInitMethod | A method annotated with a |
EjbAnnotation | A |
EjbCreateMethod | A method whose name starts with |
EjbInterfaceAnnotation | Common superclass representing EJB interface annotations with a “value” element. |
EjbInterfaceCreateMethod | A method whose name starts with |
EntityEjb | An entity EJB (deprecated as of EJB 3.0). |
ExtendedLocalHomeInterface | A legacy local home interface that extends |
ExtendedLocalInterface | A legacy local interface that extends |
ExtendedRemoteHomeInterface | A legacy remote home interface that extends |
ExtendedRemoteInterface | A legacy remote interface that extends |
HomeAnnotation | Common superclass for |
InitAnnotation | A |
LegacyEjbHomeInterface | Common superclass for legacy EJB remote home and local home interfaces. |
LegacyEjbInterface | Common superclass for legacy EJB interfaces (prior to EJB 3.0). |
LegacyEjbLocalHomeInterface | A legacy local home interface. |
LegacyEjbLocalInterface | A legacy local interface. |
LegacyEjbRemoteHomeInterface | A legacy remote home interface. |
LegacyEjbRemoteInterface | A legacy remote interface. |
LocalAnnotatedBusinessInterface | A local business interface declared using the |
LocalAnnotation | An instance of a |
LocalBeanAnnotation | A |
LocalHomeAnnotation | An instance of a |
LockAnnotation | A |
MessageDrivenAnnotation | A |
MessageDrivenBean | A message-driven EJB. |
PostActivateAnnotation | A |
PrePassivateAnnotation | A |
RemoteAnnotatedBusinessInterface | A remote business interface declared using the |
RemoteAnnotation | An instance of a |
RemoteHomeAnnotation | An instance of a |
RemoteInterface | A |
RemoveAnnotation | A |
RequiredTransactionAttributeAnnotation | A |
RequiresNewTransactionAttributeAnnotation | A |
ScheduleAnnotation | A |
SchedulesAnnotation | A |
SessionEjb | A session EJB. |
SetRollbackOnlyMethod | A method named |
SingletonAnnotation | A |
StartupAnnotation | A |
StatefulAnnotation | A |
StatefulSessionEjb | A stateful session EJB. |
StatefulTimeoutAnnotation | A |
StatelessAnnotation | A |
StatelessSessionEjb | A stateless session EJB. |
TimeoutAnnotation | A |
TransactionAttributeAnnotation | A |
TransactionManagementAnnotation | A |
XmlSpecifiedBusinessInterface | A business interface declared using an XML deployment descriptor ( |
XmlSpecifiedLocalHomeInterface | A legacy local home interface specified within an XML deployment descriptor. |
XmlSpecifiedLocalInterface | A legacy local interface specified within an XML deployment descriptor. |
XmlSpecifiedRemoteHomeInterface | A legacy remote home interface specified within an XML deployment descriptor. |
XmlSpecifiedRemoteInterface | A legacy remote interface specified within an XML deployment descriptor. |