Module swift
Top-level import for the Swift language pack
Import path
import swift
AddExpr | An add expression. |
AndBitwiseExpr | A bitwise AND expression. |
ArithmeticOperation | An arithmetic operation, such as: |
BinaryArithmeticOperation | A binary arithmetic operation, such as: |
BinaryBitwiseOperation | A binary bitwise operation, such as: |
BinaryLogicalOperation | |
BitwiseOperation | A bitwise operation, such as: |
BoolType | The |
CharacterType | The |
ClassOrStructDecl | A |
CompilerError | A compiler error message. |
CompilerNote | A compiler-generated note (typically attached to an error or warning). |
CompilerRemark | A compiler-generated remark (milder than a warning, this does not indicate an issue). |
CompilerWarning | A compiler-generated warning. |
DidSetObserver | |
DivExpr | A divide expression. |
DocComment | |
EnumElementExpr | An expression that references a case of an enum. For example both |
FieldDecl | A field declaration. That is, a variable declaration that is a member of a class, struct, enum or protocol. |
FloatingPointType | A floating-point type. This includes the |
FreeFunction | A free (non-member) function. |
InitializerCallExpr | |
InitializerLookupExpr | |
IntegralType | An integer-like type. For example, |
LogicalAndExpr | |
LogicalOperation | |
LogicalOrExpr | |
MethodCallExpr | |
MulExpr | A multiply expression. |
MultiLineComment | |
MultiLineDocComment | |
NilCoalescingExpr | A Swift nil-coalesing expr ( |
NotBitwiseExpr | A bitwise NOT expression. |
NotExpr | |
NumericType | A numeric type. This includes the integer and floating point types. |
OrBitwiseExpr | A bitwise OR expression. |
PointwiseAndExpr | A pointwise bitwise-and expression: |
PointwiseOrExpr | A pointwise bitwise-or expression: |
PointwiseXorExpr | A pointwise bitwise exclusive-or expression: |
RemExpr | A remainder expression. |
SelfRefExpr | A reference to |
ShiftLeftBitwiseExpr | A bitwise shift left expression. |
ShiftRightBitwiseExpr | A bitwise shift right expression. |
SingleLineComment | |
SingleLineDocComment | |
SubExpr | A subtract expression. |
UnaryArithmeticOperation | A unary arithmetic operation, such as: |
UnaryBitwiseOperation | A unary bitwise operation, such as: |
UnaryLogicalOperation | |
UnaryMinusExpr | A unary minus expression. |
UnaryPlusExpr | A unary plus expression. |
Unit | The trivial type with a single element. |
WillSetObserver | |
XorBitwiseExpr | A bitwise XOR expression. |
AbiSafeConversionExpr | |
AbstractStorageDecl | |
AbstractTypeParamDecl | |
Accessor | |
AccessorOrNamedFunction | INTERNAL: Do not use. |
AnyBuiltinIntegerType | |
AnyFunctionType | |
AnyGenericType | |
AnyHashableErasureExpr | |
AnyMetatypeType | |
AnyPattern | |
AnyTryExpr | |
AppliedPropertyWrapperExpr | An implicit application of a property wrapper on the argument of a call. |
ApplyExpr | |
ArchetypeToSuperExpr | |
ArchetypeType | |
Argument | |
ArrayExpr | |
ArraySliceType | |
ArrayToPointerExpr | |
AssignAddExpr | An addition assignment expression: |
AssignAndExpr | A bitwise-and assignment expression: |
AssignArithmeticOperation | An arithmetic assignment expression. For example: |
AssignBitwiseOperation | A bitwise assignment expression. For example: |
AssignDivExpr | A division assignment expression: |
AssignExpr | A simple assignment expression using the |
AssignLShiftExpr | A left-shift assignment expression: |
AssignMulExpr | A multiplication assignment expression: |
AssignOperation | An assignment expression apart from |
AssignOrExpr | A bitwise-or assignment expression: |
AssignPointwiseAndExpr | A pointwise bitwise-and assignment expression: |
AssignPointwiseOperation | A pointwise assignment expression. For example: |
AssignPointwiseOrExpr | A pointwise bitwise-or assignment expression: |
AssignPointwiseXorExpr | A pointwise bitwise exclusive-or assignment expression: |
AssignRShiftExpr | A right-shift assignment expression: |
AssignRemExpr | A remainder assignment expression: |
AssignSubExpr | A subtraction assignment expression: |
AssignXorExpr | A bitwise exclusive-or assignment expression: |
Assignment | An assignment expression. For example: |
AssociatedTypeDecl | |
AstNode | A node in the abstract syntax tree. |
AutoClosureExpr | A Swift autoclosure expression, that is, a closure automatically generated around an argument when the parameter has the |
AvailabilityInfo | An availability condition of an |
AvailabilitySpec | An availability spec, that is, part of an |
AwaitExpr | |
BinaryExpr | A Swift binary expression, that is, an expression that appears between its two operands. For example: |
BindOptionalExpr | |
BindingPattern | |
BoolPattern | |
BooleanLiteralExpr | A boolean literal. For example |
BorrowExpr | An expression that marks value as borrowed. In the example below, |
BoundGenericClassType | |
BoundGenericEnumType | |
BoundGenericStructType | |
BoundGenericType | |
BraceStmt | |
BreakStmt | |
BridgeFromObjCExpr | |
BridgeToObjCExpr | |
BuiltinBridgeObjectType | |
BuiltinDefaultActorStorageType | |
BuiltinExecutorType | |
BuiltinFloatType | |
BuiltinIntegerLiteralType | |
BuiltinIntegerType | |
BuiltinJobType | |
BuiltinLiteralExpr | A Swift literal of a kind that is built in to the Swift language. |
BuiltinNativeObjectType | |
BuiltinRawPointerType | |
BuiltinRawUnsafeContinuationType | |
BuiltinType | |
BuiltinUnsafeValueBufferType | |
BuiltinVectorType | |
CallExpr | |
Callable | |
CaptureListExpr | |
CapturedDecl | A captured variable or function parameter in the scope of a closure. |
CaseLabelItem | |
CaseStmt | |
CheckedCastExpr | |
ClassDecl | |
ClassMetatypeToObjectExpr | |
ClassType | |
ClosureExpr | |
CoerceExpr | |
CollectionExpr | |
CollectionUpcastConversionExpr | |
Comment | |
ConcreteVarDecl | |
ConditionElement | |
ConditionalBridgeFromObjCExpr | |
ConditionalCheckedCastExpr | |
ConsumeExpr | An expression that forces value to be moved. In the example below, |
ContinueStmt | |
CopyExpr | An expression that forces value to be copied. In the example below, |
CovariantFunctionConversionExpr | |
CovariantReturnConversionExpr | |
DbFile | |
DbLocation | |
Decl | |
DeclRefExpr | An expression that references or accesses a declaration. |
DefaultArgumentExpr | |
DeferStmt | |
Deinitializer | A deinitializer of a class. |
DependentMemberType | |
DerivedToBaseExpr | |
DestructureTupleExpr | |
Diagnostics | A compiler-generated error, warning, note or remark. |
DictionaryExpr | |
DictionaryType | |
DifferentiableFunctionExpr | |
DifferentiableFunctionExtractOriginalExpr | |
DiscardAssignmentExpr | |
DiscardStmt | A statement that takes a non-copyable value and destructs its members/fields. |
DoCatchStmt | |
DoStmt | |
DotSelfExpr | |
DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr | An expression representing a partially applied lookup of an instance property via the receiver’s type object. |
DynamicLookupExpr | |
DynamicMemberRefExpr | |
DynamicSelfType | |
DynamicSubscriptExpr | |
DynamicTypeExpr | |
Element | |
ElementArchetypeType | An archetype type of PackElementType. |
EnumCaseDecl | |
EnumDecl | An enumeration declaration, for example: |
EnumElementDecl | An enum element declaration, for example |
EnumElementPattern | |
EnumIsCaseExpr | |
EnumType | |
ErasureExpr | |
ErrorElement | The superclass of all elements indicating some kind of error. |
ErrorExpr | |
ErrorType | |
ExistentialMetatypeToObjectExpr | |
ExistentialMetatypeType | |
ExistentialType | |
ExplicitCastExpr | |
ExplicitClosureExpr | A Swift explicit closure expr, that is, a closure written using |
Expr | The base class for all expressions in Swift. |
ExprPattern | |
ExtensionDecl | |
FailStmt | |
FallthroughStmt | |
File | |
FloatLiteralExpr | |
ForEachStmt | |
ForceTryExpr | |
ForceValueExpr | |
ForcedCheckedCastExpr | |
ForeignObjectConversionExpr | |
Function | A function. |
FunctionConversionExpr | |
FunctionType | |
GenericContext | |
GenericFunctionType | The type of a generic function with type parameters |
GenericTypeDecl | |
GenericTypeParamDecl | |
GenericTypeParamType | |
GuardStmt | |
IdentityExpr | |
IfConfigDecl | |
IfExpr | |
IfStmt | |
ImplicitConversionExpr | |
ImportDecl | |
InOutExpr | |
InOutToPointerExpr | |
InOutType | |
InfixOperatorDecl | |
Initializer | An initializer of a class, struct, enum or protocol. |
InjectIntoOptionalExpr | |
IntegerLiteralExpr | An integer literal. For example |
InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr | |
IsExpr | |
IsPattern | |
KeyPathApplicationExpr | |
KeyPathComponent | A component of a |
KeyPathDotExpr | |
KeyPathExpr | A key-path expression. |
LValueType | |
LabeledConditionalStmt | |
LabeledStmt | |
LazyInitializationExpr | |
LinearFunctionExpr | |
LinearFunctionExtractOriginalExpr | |
LinearToDifferentiableFunctionExpr | |
LiteralExpr | A Swift literal. |
LoadExpr | |
LocalArchetypeType | |
Locatable | |
Location | A location of a program element. |
LookupExpr | |
MacroDecl | A declaration of a macro. Some examples: |
MacroRole | The role of a macro, for example #freestanding(declaration) or @attached(member). |
MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr | An identifier literal that is expanded at compile time. For example |
MakeTemporarilyEscapableExpr | |
MaterializePackExpr | An expression that materializes a pack during expansion. Appears around PackExpansionExpr. |
MemberRefExpr | |
MetatypeConversionExpr | |
MetatypeType | |
Method | A function that is a member of a class, struct, enum or protocol. |
MethodApplyExpr | |
MethodLookupExpr | |
MissingMemberDecl | A placeholder for missing declarations that can arise on object deserialization. |
ModuleDecl | |
ModuleType | |
NamedFunction | |
NamedPattern | A pattern that corresponds to a fresh variable binding. |
NilLiteralExpr | |
NominalOrBoundGenericNominalType | |
NominalType | A class, struct, enum or protocol. |
NominalTypeDecl | A class, struct, enum or protocol. |
NumberLiteralExpr | |
ObjCSelectorExpr | |
ObjectLiteralExpr | An instance of |
OneWayExpr | |
OpaqueTypeArchetypeType | An opaque type, that is a type formally equivalent to an underlying type but abstracting it away. |
OpaqueTypeDecl | A declaration of an opaque type, that is formally equivalent to a given type but abstracts it away. |
OpaqueValueExpr | |
OpenExistentialExpr | An implicit expression created by the compiler when a method is called on a protocol. For example in |
OpenedArchetypeType | |
OperatorDecl | |
OptionalEvaluationExpr | |
OptionalSomePattern | |
OptionalTryExpr | |
OptionalType | |
OtherAvailabilitySpec | A wildcard availability spec |
OtherInitializerRefExpr | |
OverloadedDeclRefExpr | An ambiguous expression that might refer to multiple declarations. This will be present only for failing compilations. |
PackArchetypeType | An archetype type of PackType. |
PackElementExpr | A pack element expression is a child of PackExpansionExpr. |
PackElementType | A type of PackElementExpr, see PackElementExpr for more information. |
PackExpansionExpr | A pack expansion expression. |
PackExpansionType | A type of PackExpansionExpr, see PackExpansionExpr for more information. |
PackType | An actual type of a pack expression at the instatiation point. |
ParamDecl | |
ParameterizedProtocolType | A sugar type of the form |
ParenExpr | |
ParenPattern | |
ParenType | |
Pattern | A syntactic construct that can be matched against an expression, occurring in switch cases, conditions, and variable bindings. |
PatternBindingDecl | |
PlatformVersionAvailabilitySpec | An availability spec based on platform and version, for example |
PointerToPointerExpr | |
PostfixOperatorDecl | |
PostfixUnaryExpr | A Swift postfix unary expression, that is, a unary expression that appears after its operand. For example: |
PoundAssertStmt | |
PoundDiagnosticDecl | A diagnostic directive, which is either |
PrecedenceGroupDecl | |
PrefixOperatorDecl | |
PrefixUnaryExpr | A Swift prefix unary expression, that is, a unary expression that appears before its operand. For example: |
PrimaryArchetypeType | |
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr | A placeholder substituting property initializations with |
ProtocolCompositionType | |
ProtocolDecl | |
ProtocolMetatypeToObjectExpr | |
ProtocolType | |
RebindSelfInInitializerExpr | |
ReferenceStorageType | |
RegexLiteralExpr | A regular expression literal which is checked at compile time, for example |
RepeatWhileStmt | |
ReturnStmt | |
SelfParamDecl | A |
SequenceExpr | |
SingleValueStmtExpr | An expression that wraps a statement which produces a single value. |
Stmt | |
StmtCondition | |
StringLiteralExpr | A string literal. For example |
StringToPointerExpr | |
StructDecl | |
StructType | |
SubscriptDecl | |
SubscriptExpr | |
SubstitutableType | |
SugarType | |
SuperRefExpr | A reference to |
SwitchStmt | |
SyntaxSugarType | |
TapExpr | A |
ThenStmt | A statement implicitly wrapping values to be used in branches of if/switch expressions. For example in: |
ThrowStmt | |
TopLevelCodeDecl | |
TryExpr | |
TupleElementExpr | |
TupleExpr | |
TuplePattern | |
TupleType | A tuple type, for example: |
Type | A Swift type. |
TypeAliasDecl | A declaration of a type alias to another type. For example: |
TypeAliasType | A type alias to another type. For example: |
TypeDecl | A Swift type declaration, for example a class, struct, enum or protocol declaration. |
TypeExpr | |
TypeRepr | |
TypedPattern | |
UnarySyntaxSugarType | |
UnboundGenericType | |
UnderlyingToOpaqueExpr | |
UnevaluatedInstanceExpr | |
UnknownFile | |
UnknownLocation | A |
UnmanagedStorageType | |
UnownedStorageType | |
UnresolvedDeclRefExpr | |
UnresolvedDotExpr | |
UnresolvedMemberChainResultExpr | |
UnresolvedMemberExpr | |
UnresolvedPatternExpr | |
UnresolvedSpecializeExpr | |
UnresolvedType | |
UnresolvedTypeConversionExpr | |
UnspecifiedElement | |
ValueDecl | A declaration that introduces a value with a type. |
VarDecl | A declaration of a variable such as * a local variable in a function: |
VarargExpansionExpr | |
VariadicSequenceType | A variadic sequence type, that is, an array-like type that holds variadic arguments. For example the type |
WeakStorageType | |
WhileStmt | |
YieldStmt |