Module StdlibPrivate
INTERNAL: Do not use.
Provides models for the Python standard library.
This module is marked private as exposing it means committing to 1-year deprecation policy, and the code is not in a polished enough state that we want to do so – at least not without having convincing use-cases for it :)
Import path
import semmle.python.frameworks.Stdlib
base64 | Gets a reference to the |
baseHttpServer | DEPRECATED: Use API-graphs directly instead. |
cgi | Gets a reference to the |
cgiHttpServer | DEPRECATED: Use API-graphs directly instead. |
compiledRegex | |
elementTreeClassRef | Gets a reference to the |
getHmacConstructorCall | |
http | DEPRECATED: Use API-graphs directly instead. |
json | Gets a reference to the |
os | Gets a reference to the |
pathlibPath | Gets a reference to a |
pickle | Gets a reference to any of the |
pickle_load | Gets a reference to |
pickle_loads | Gets a reference to |
platform | Gets a reference to the |
popen2 | Gets a reference to the |
saxParserWithFeatureExternalGesTurnedOn | Gets a reference to a XML sax parser that has |
simpleHttpServer | DEPRECATED: Use API-graphs directly instead. |
subprocess | Gets a reference to the |
CopySummary | A flow summary for |
DictGetAnySummary | A flow summary for |
DictGetSummary | A flow summary for |
DictItems | A flow summary for |
DictKeys | A flow summary for |
DictPopSummary | A flow summary for |
DictPopitemSummary | A flow summary for |
DictSetdefaultKeySummary | A flow summary for |
DictSetdefaultSummary | A flow summary for |
DictSummary | A flow summary for |
DictValues | A flow summary for |
FrozensetSummary | A flow summary for frozenset |
HashlibDataPassedToHashClass | A hashing operation from the |
HashlibGenericHashOperation | A hashing operation from the |
HashlibHashClassUpdateCall | A hashing operation from the |
HashlibNewCall | A hashing operation by supplying initial data when calling the |
HashlibNewUpdateCall | A hashing operation by using the |
HmacCryptographicOperation | |
HmacDigestCall | A call to |
HmacNewCall | A call to |
HmacUpdateCall | A call to |
IterSummary | A flow summary for |
ListAppend | A flow summary for |
ListSummary | A flow summary for |
LoggerLogCall | A call to one of the logging methods from |
NextSummary | A flow summary for |
OsGetEnv | A flow summary for |
PopSummary | A flow summary for |
ReFunctionsSummary | A flow summary for |
ReMatchMethodsSummary | A flow summary for methods on a |
ReMatchSummary | A flow summary for methods returning a |
RePatternSummary | A flow summary for compiled regex objects |
ReversedSummary | A flow summary for |
SetAdd | A flow summary for |
SetSummary | A flow summary for set |
SortedSummary | A flow summary for |
Sqlite3 | A model of sqlite3 as a module that implements PEP 249, providing ways to execute SQL statements against a database. |
TupleSummary | A flow summary for tuple |
UrllibParseUrlsplitCall | A call to |
AsyncIO | Provides models for the |
BaseHttpRequestHandler | Provides models for the |
BaseHttpServer | DEPRECATED: Use API-graphs directly instead. |
Cgi | Provides models for the |
CgiHttpServer | Provides models for the |
HttpConnection | Provides models for the |
HttpResponse | Provides models for the |
OS | Provides models for the |
SimpleHttpServer | DEPRECATED: Use API-graphs directly instead. |
StdlibHttp | Provides models for the |
StringIO | Provides models for the |
WsgirefSimpleServer | Provides models for the |
XmlParser | Provides models for |