Class PEP249::DatabaseCursor
An API graph node representing a database cursor.
Import path
import semmle.python.frameworks.PEP249
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Known direct subtypes
toString | Gets a string representation of this element. |
Inherited predicates
asSink | Gets a data-flow node where this value leaves the current codebase and flows into an external library (or in general, any external codebase). | from Node |
asSource | Gets a data-flow node where this value enters the current codebase. | from Node |
getACall | Gets a call to the function represented by this API component. | from Node |
getAMember | Gets a node representing a member of this API component where the name of the member may or may not be known statically. | from Node |
getAPredecessor | Gets a node such that there is an edge in the API graph between this node and the other one. | from Node |
getAPredecessor | Gets a node such that there is an edge in the API graph between that other node and this one, and that edge is labeled with | from Node |
getASubclass | Gets a node representing a subclass of the class represented by this node. | from Node |
getASubscript | Gets a node representing a subscript of this node. For example | from Node |
getASuccessor | Gets a node such that there is an edge in the API graph between that other node and this one. | from Node |
getASuccessor | Gets a node such that there is an edge in the API graph between this node and the other one, and that edge is labeled with | from Node |
getAValueReachableFromSource | Gets a data-flow node where this value may flow after entering the current codebase. | from Node |
getAValueReachingSink | Gets a data-flow node that transitively flows to an external library (or in general, any external codebase). | from Node |
getAnInstance | Gets a node representing an instance of the class (or a transitive subclass of the class) represented by this node. | from Node |
getAwaited | Gets a node representing the result from awaiting this node. | from Node |
getDepth | Gets the shortest distance from the root to this node in the API graph. | from Node |
getIndex | Gets a node representing an index of a subscript of this node. For example, in | from Node |
getInducingNode | Gets the data-flow node that gives rise to this node, if any. | from Node |
getInstanceFromAnnotation | Gets a node representing instances of the class represented by this node, as specified via type annotations. | from Node |
getKeywordParameter | Gets the node representing the keyword parameter | from Node |
getLocation | Gets the location of this node | from Node |
getMember | Gets a node representing member | from Node |
getNumParameter | Gets the number of parameters of the function represented by this node. | from Node |
getParameter | Gets a node representing the | from Node |
getPath | Gets a string representation of the lexicographically least among all shortest access paths from the root to this node. | from Node |
getReturn | Gets a node representing the result of the function represented by this node. | from Node |
getSelfParameter | Gets the node representing the self parameter | from Node |
getSubscript | Gets a node representing a subscript of this node at (string) index | from Node |
getSubscriptAt | Gets a node representing a subscript of this node at index | from Node |
getUnknownMember | Gets a node representing a member of this API component where the name of the member is not known statically. | from Node |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Node |