Module System
Provides definitions related to the namespace System
Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.frameworks.System
csharp | The default C# QL library. |
getInvokedDisposeMethod | Gets the dispose method that will be invoked on a value |
getInvokedEqualsMethod | Gets the equals method that will be invoked on a value |
implementsDispose | Whether the type |
implementsEquals | Whether the type |
DisposeBoolMethod | A method with the signature |
DisposeMethod | A method that implements |
EqualsMethod | A method that overrides |
GetHashCodeMethod | A method that overrides |
IEquatableEqualsMethod | A method that implements |
SystemActionDelegateType | The |
SystemActionTDelegateType | The |
SystemArrayClass |
SystemAttributeClass |
SystemBooleanStruct | The |
SystemClass | A class in the |
SystemConvertClass | The |
SystemDateTimeStruct | The |
SystemDelegateClass |
SystemDelegateType | A delegate type in the |
SystemDivideByZeroExceptionClass | The |
SystemEnumClass | The |
SystemExceptionClass | The |
SystemFuncDelegateType | The |
SystemGuid |
SystemIComparableInterface | The |
SystemIComparableTInterface | The |
SystemIDisposableInterface | The |
SystemIEquatableTInterface | The |
SystemIFormatProviderInterface | The |
SystemInt32Struct | The |
SystemIntPtrType | The |
SystemInterface | An interface in the |
SystemInvalidCastExceptionClass | The |
SystemLazyClass | The |
SystemNamespace | The |
SystemNotImplementedExceptionClass | The |
SystemNullReferenceExceptionClass | The |
SystemNullableStruct | The |
SystemObjectClass | The |
SystemOutOfMemoryExceptionClass | The |
SystemOverflowExceptionClass | The |
SystemPredicateDelegateType | The |
SystemStringClass | The |
SystemStruct | A struct in the |
SystemTypeClass | The |
SystemUnboundGenericClass | An unbound generic class in the |
SystemUnboundGenericDelegateType | An unbound generic delegate type in the |
SystemUnboundGenericInterface | An unbound generic interface in the |
SystemUnboundGenericStruct | An unbound generic struct in the |
SystemUriClass | The |
SystemValueTypeClass | The |
ToStringMethod | A |