Module Type
Provides classes for types.
Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.Type
Callable | Provides |
Event | Provides classes representing events and event accessors. |
Generics | Provides support for generic types and methods. |
Location | Provides the |
Namespace | Provides classes for namespaces. |
Property | Provides classes for properties, indexers, and accessors. |
AnonymousClass | A class generated by the compiler from an anonymous object creation. |
ArglistType | The |
ArrayType | An array type, for example |
BoolType | The Boolean type, |
ByteType | The |
CDeclCallingConvention | An unmanaged C/C++-style calling convention where the call stack is cleaned by the caller. |
CallingConvention | A signature representing a calling convention. Specifies how arguments in a given signature are passed from the caller to the callee. |
CharType | The Unicode character type, |
Class | A |
DecimalType | The high-precision decimal type, |
DefaultCallingConvention | A managed calling convention with fixed-length argument list. |
DelegateType | A |
DoubleType | The |
DynamicType | The |
Enum | An |
FastCallCallingConvention | An unmanaged calling convention where arguments are passed in registers when possible. |
FloatType | The |
FloatingPointType | A floating point type. |
FunctionPointerType | A function pointer type, for example |
InlineArrayType | An inline array type, for example |
IntType | The |
IntegralType | An integral type. |
Interface | An |
LongType | The |
NestedType | A nested type, for example |
NonNestedType | A non-nested type, that is declared directly in a namespace. |
NullType | The |
NullableType | A nullable type, for example |
ObjectType | The |
PointerType | A pointer type, for example |
RecordClass | A |
RecordStruct | A |
RecordType | A |
RefStruct | A |
RefType | A reference type. |
SByteType | The signed byte type, |
ShortType | The |
SignedIntegralType | A signed integral type. |
SimpleType | A simple type. Simple types in C# are predefined |
StdCallCallingConvention | An unmanaged calling convention where call stack is cleaned up by the callee. |
StringType | The |
Struct | A |
ThisCallCallingConvention | An unmanaged C++-style calling convention for calling instance member functions with a fixed argument list. |
TupleType | A type representing a tuple. For example, |
Type | A type. |
TypeMention | A type mention, that is, any mention of a type in a source code file. For example, |
UIntType | The unsigned int type, |
ULongType | The unsigned long type, |
UShortType | The unsigned short type, |
UnknownType | A type that could not be resolved. This could happen if an indirect reference is not available at compilation time. |
UnmanagedCallingConvention | An unmanaged calling convention that indicates that the specifics are encoded as modopts. |
UnsignedIntegralType | An unsigned integral type. |
ValueOrRefType | A value or reference type. |
ValueType | A value type. |
VarArgsCallingConvention | A managed calling convention for passing extra arguments. |
VoidType | The |