Provides classes for properties, indexers, and accessors.
Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.Property
Member | Provides classes relating to declarations and type members.
Stmt | Provides all statement classes.
Type | Provides classes for types.
Accessor | An accessor. Either a getter (Getter ), a setter (Setter ), or event accessor (EventAccessor ).
DeclarationWithAccessors | A declaration that may have accessors. Either an event (Event ), a property (Property ), or an indexer (Indexer ).
DeclarationWithGetSetAccessors | A declaration that may have a get accessor and a set accessor. Either a property (Property ) or an indexer (Indexer ).
Getter | A get accessor, for example get { return p; } in
Indexer | An indexer, for example string this[int i] on line 2 in
IndexerProperty | A Property which holds a type with an indexer.
Property | A property, for example P on line 2 in
Setter | A set accessor, for example set { p = value; } in
TrivialProperty | A property with a trivial getter and setter. For example, properties P1 and P2 are trivial, while P3 is not, in