Module Stmt
Provides all statement classes.
All statements have the common base class Stmt
Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.Stmt
BlockStmt | A block statement, for example |
BreakStmt | A |
CaseStmt | A |
CatchClause | A |
CheckedStmt | A |
ConstCase | A constant case of a |
ContinueStmt | A |
DefaultCase | A default case of a |
DoStmt | A |
EmptyStmt | An empty statement, for example line 2 in |
ExceptionClass | A class that derives from |
ExprStmt | An expression statement, for example |
FixedStmt | A |
ForStmt | A |
ForeachStmt | A |
GeneralCatchClause | A general |
GotoCaseStmt | A |
GotoDefaultStmt | A |
GotoLabelStmt | A |
GotoStmt | A |
IfStmt | An |
JumpStmt | A statement that changes the control flow and jumps to another statement. |
LabelStmt | A label statement, for example line 7 in |
LabeledStmt | A labeled statement. |
LocalConstantDeclStmt | A local constant declaration statement, for example line 2 in |
LocalFunctionStmt | A statement defining a local function. For example, the statement on lines 2–4 in |
LocalVariableDeclStmt | A local declaration statement, for example line 2 in |
LockStmt | A |
LoopStmt | A loop statement. |
ReturnStmt | A |
SelectionStmt | A conditional statement. |
SpecificCatchClause | A |
Stmt | A statement. |
SwitchStmt | A |
ThrowStmt | A |
TryStmt | A |
UncheckedStmt | An |
UnsafeStmt | An |
UsingBlockStmt | A |
UsingDeclStmt | A |
UsingStmt | A using block or declaration. Either a using declaration ( |
WhileStmt | A |
YieldBreakStmt | A |
YieldReturnStmt | A |
YieldStmt | A |