Module UnitTests
Provides classes and predicates for working with test classes and methods.
Import path
JUnitAnnotations | Provides classes and predicates for working with annotations from the |
Member | Provides classes and predicates for working with members of Java classes and interfaces, that is, methods, constructors, fields and nested types. |
Type | Provides classes and predicates for working with Java types. |
JUnit38TestClass | A JUnit 3.8 test class. |
JUnit3TestMethod | A test method declared within a JUnit 3.8 test class. |
JUnit3TestSuite | A JUnit 3.8 test suite method. |
JUnit4TestMethod | A JUnit test method that is annotated with the |
JUnitCategoryAnnotation | A |
JUnitIgnoreAnnotation | A JUnit |
JUnitIgnoredMethod | A method which, directly or indirectly, is treated as ignored by JUnit due to a |
JUnitJupiterTestMethod | A JUnit test method that is annotated with the |
JUnitTheoryTest | A test class that will be run with theories. |
ParameterizedJUnitTest | A class that will be run using the |
TearDownMethod | A JUnit 3.8 |
TestClass | A class detected to be a test class, either because it or one of its super-types and/or enclosing types contains a test method or method with a unit-test-related annotation. |
TestMethod | Any method detected to be a test method of a common testing framework, including JUnit and TestNG. |
TestNGAfterAnnotation | A TestNG annotation used to mark a method that runs “after”. |
TestNGAnnotation | An annotation in TestNG. |
TestNGBeforeAnnotation | A TestNG annotation used to mark a method that runs “before”. |
TestNGDataProviderAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGDataProviderMethod | A method annotated with |
TestNGFactoryAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGFactoryCallable | A constructor or method annotated with |
TestNGListenerImpl | A concrete implementation class of one or more of the TestNG listener interfaces. |
TestNGListenersAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGTestAnnotation | An annotation of type |
TestNGTestMethod | A TestNG test method, annotated with the |
TypeJUnitTest | The Java interface |
TypeJUnitTestCase | The Java class |
TypeJUnitTestSuite | The Java class |