A file that contains test cases or is otherwise used for testing.
Extend this class to model new testing frameworks. If you want to refine existing models,
extend TestFile
Import path
import semmle.go.frameworks.Testing
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Known direct subtypes
Inherited predicates
constrainsIntBitSize | Holds if this file contains build constraints that ensure that it is only built on architectures of bit size | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
explicitlyConstrainsIntBitSize | Holds if this file contains explicit build constraints that ensure that it is only built on an architecture of bit size | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getAChild | Gets a child node of this node. | from AstNode |
getAChildContainer | Gets a file or sub-folder in this container. | from Container |
getAChildExpr | Gets an expression that is a child node of this node in the AST. | from ExprParent |
getAChildGoModExpr | Gets an expression that is a child node of this node in the AST. | from GoModExprParent |
getACommentGroup | Gets a child comment group. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getADecl | Gets a child declaration of this node in the AST. | from DeclParent |
getAFile | Gets a file in this container. | from Container |
getAFolder | Gets a sub-folder in this container. | from Container |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this node belongs. | from File |
getAbsolutePath | Gets the absolute, canonical path of this container, using forward slashes as path separator. | from Container |
getBaseName | Gets the base name of this container including extension, that is, the last segment of its absolute path, or the empty string if it has no segments. | from Container |
getChild | Gets the | from AstNode |
getChildExpr | Gets the | from ExprParent |
getChildGoModExpr | Gets the | from GoModExprParent |
getCommentGroup | Gets the | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getDecl | Gets the | from DeclParent |
getDocumentation | Gets the documentation comment group attached to this element, if any. | from Documentable |
getEnclosingFunction | Gets the innermost function definition to which this AST node belongs, if any. | from AstNode |
getExtension | Gets the extension of this container, that is, the suffix of its base name after the last dot character, if any. | from Container |
getFile | Gets the file in this container that has the given | from Container |
getFile | Gets the file this program element comes from. | from Locatable |
getFolder | Gets the sub-folder in this container that has the given | from Container |
getLocation | Gets this element’s location. | from Locatable |
getNumChild | Gets the number of child nodes of this node. | from AstNode |
getNumChildExpr | Gets the number of child expressions of this node. | from ExprParent |
getNumChildGoModExpr | Gets the number of child expressions of this node. | from GoModExprParent |
getNumCommentGroups | Gets the number of child comment groups of this file. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getNumDecl | Gets the number of child declarations of this node. | from DeclParent |
getNumLines | Gets the number of lines covered by this element. | from Locatable |
getNumberOfLines | Gets the number of lines in this file. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getNumberOfLinesOfCode | Gets the number of lines containing code in this file. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getNumberOfLinesOfComments | Gets the number of lines containing comments in this file. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getPackageName | Gets the name of the package to which this file belongs. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getPackageNameExpr | Gets the package name as specified in the package clause of this file. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
getParent | Gets the parent node of this AST node, if any. | from AstNode |
getParentContainer | Gets the parent container of this file or folder, if any. | from Container |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from AstNode |
getRelativePath | Gets the relative path of this file or folder from the root folder of the analyzed source location. The relative path of the root folder itself is the empty string. | from Container |
getScope | Gets the scope induced by this node, if any. | from ScopeNode |
getStem | Gets the stem of this container, that is, the prefix of its base name up to (but not including) the last dot character if there is one, or the entire base name if there is not. | from Container |
getURL | Gets the URL of this file. | from File |
getUniquelyNumberedChild | Get an AstNode child, ordered by child kind and then by index. | from AstNode |
hasBuildConstraints | Holds if this file contains at least one build constraint. | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
hasLocationInfo | Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column | from Locatable |
implicitlyConstrainsIntBitSize | Holds if this file has a name which acts as an implicit build constraint that ensures that it is only built on an architecture of bit size | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |
toString | from ExtractedOrExternalFile |