Class EntityFramework::EFNamespace
An EF6 or EFCore namespace.
Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.frameworks.EntityFramework
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
Inherited predicates
fromLibrary | Holds if this element is from an assembly. | from Namespace |
fromSource | Holds if this element is from source code. | from Namespace |
getAChild | Gets a child of this element, if any. | from Element |
getAChildNamespace | Gets a child namespace, if any. For example | from Namespace |
getAClass | Gets a class directly declared in this namespace, if any. For example, the class | from Namespace |
getADeclaration | Gets a declaration of this namespace, if any. | from Namespace |
getADelegate | Gets a delegate directly declared in this namespace, if any. For example, the delegate | from Namespace |
getALocation | Gets a location of this element, including sources and assemblies. | from Namespace |
getAPrimaryQlClass | Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs. | from Namespace |
getAStruct | Gets a struct directly declared in this namespace, if any. For example, the struct | from Namespace |
getATypeDeclaration | Gets a type directly declared in this namespace, if any. For example, the class | from Namespace |
getAnEnum | Gets an enum directly declared in this namespace, if any. For example, the enum | from Namespace |
getAnInterface | Gets an interface directly declared in this namespace, if any. For example, the interface | from Namespace |
getChild | Gets the | from Namespace |
getDeclaringType | Gets the type containing this declaration, if any. | from Declaration |
getFile | Gets the file containing this element. | from Element |
getFullName | Get the fully qualified name of this namespace. | from Namespace |
getFullyQualifiedName | DEPRECATED: Use | from NamedElement |
getFullyQualifiedNameDebug | INTERNAL: Do not use. | from NamedElement |
getFullyQualifiedNameWithTypes | Gets the fully qualified name of this declaration, including types, for example the fully qualified name with types of | from Declaration |
getIndex | Gets the index of this element among its parent’s other children (zero-based). | from Element |
getLocation | Gets the location of this element. Where an element has locations in source and assemblies, choose the source location. If there are multiple assembly locations, choose only one. | from Element |
getName | Gets the simple name of this namespace, for example | from Namespace |
getNumberOfChildren | Gets the number of children of this element. | from Element |
getParent | Gets the parent of this element, if any. | from Namespace |
getParentNamespace | Gets the parent namespace, if any. For example the parent namespace of | from Namespace |
getPrimaryQlClasses | Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs. | from Element |
getUnboundDeclaration | Gets the unbound version of this declaration, that is, the declaration where all type arguments have been removed. For example, in | from Declaration |
getUndecoratedName | Gets the name of this declaration, without additional decoration such as | from Namespace |
hasFullyQualifiedName | Holds if this namespace has the qualified name | from Namespace |
hasName | Holds if this element has name ‘name’. | from NamedElement |
hasUndecoratedName | Holds if this element has undecorated name ‘name’. | from Declaration |
isCompilerGenerated | Holds if this declaration has been generated by the compiler, for example implicit constructors or accessors. | from Declaration |
isGlobalNamespace | Holds if this is the global namespace. | from Namespace |
isSourceDeclaration | Holds if this declaration is unconstructed and in source code. | from Declaration |
isUnboundDeclaration | Holds if this declaration is unbound. | from Declaration |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this namespace. | from Namespace |
toStringWithTypes | Gets the full textual representation of this element, including type information. | from Element |