Module Call
Provides all call classes.
All calls have the common base class Call
Import path
import semmle.code.csharp.exprs.Call
Expr | Provides all expression classes. |
AccessorCall | A call to an accessor. Either a property accessor call ( |
Call | A call. Either a method call ( |
ConstructorInitializer | A constructor initializer call, for example |
DelegateCall | A delegate call, for example |
DelegateLikeCall | A function pointer or delegate call. |
EventCall | A call to an event accessor, for example the call to |
ExtensionMethodCall | A call to an extension method, for example lines 5 and 6 in |
FunctionPointerCall | A function pointer call, for example |
IndexerCall | A call to an indexer accessor, for example the call to |
LocalFunctionCall | A call to a local function, for example the call |
MethodCall | A method call, for example |
MutatorOperatorCall | A call to a user-defined mutator operator, for example |
OperatorCall | A call to a user-defined operator, for example |
PropertyCall | A call to a property accessor, for example the call to |
VirtualMethodCall | A virtual method call, for example |