CodeQL library for C/C++
codeql/cpp-all 1.3.1-dev (changelog, source)

Class MetricNamespace

A wrapper that provides metrics for a C/C++ namespace.

Import path

import cpp

Direct supertypes

Indirect supertypes



Gets a namespace dependency of this element.


Gets the abstractness of this namespace. Abstractness measures the proportion of abstract classes in a namespace relative to the total number of classes in that namespace. A highly abstract namespace (where the metric value is close 1) that is furthermore instable is likely to be useless: the class hierarchy has been over-engineered, and all those abstract classes are not heavily used.


Gets the number of incoming dependencies from other namespaces.


Gets the distance from main sequence of this namespace. This measure intends to capture the tradeoff between abstractness and instability: the ideal situation occurs when the sum of abstractness and instability is one. That is, a namespace is completely abstract and stable (abstractness=1 and instability=0) or it is concrete and instable (abstractness=0 and instability=1). We thus measure the distance from that ideal situation.


Gets the number of outgoing dependencies on other namespaces.


Gets the instability of this namespace. Instability is a measure of how likely a namespace is to be influenced by changes to other namespace. If this metric value is high, it is easily influenced, if it is low, the impact is likely to be minimal. Instability is estimated as the number of outgoing dependencies relative to the total number of dependencies.

Inherited predicates


Gets the source of this element: either itself or a macro that expanded to this element.

from Element

Holds if this namespace may be from source.

from Namespace

Gets a child namespace of this namespace.

from Namespace

Gets a child declaration of this namespace.

from Namespace

Gets a declaration of (part of) this namespace.

from Namespace

Gets a file which declares (part of) this namespace.

from Namespace

Gets a name qualifier for which this is the qualifying namespace or user-defined type. For example: class X is the NameQualifyingElement and X:: is the NameQualifier.

from NameQualifyingElement

Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs.

from ElementBase

Gets the closest Element enclosing this one.

from Element

Gets the primary file where this element occurs.

from Element

Gets a version of the QualifiedName that is more suitable for display purposes.

from Namespace

Gets the location of the namespace. Most namespaces do not have a single well-defined source location, so a dummy location is returned, unless the namespace has exactly one declaration entry.

from Namespace

Gets the metric namespace.

from Namespace

Gets the simple name of this namespace.

from Namespace

Gets the parent namespace, if any.

from Namespace

Gets the parent scope of this Element, if any. A scope is a Type (Class / Enum), a Namespace, a BlockStmt, a Function, or certain kinds of Statement.

from Element

Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs.

from ElementBase

Gets the qualified name of this namespace. For example: a::b.

from Namespace

Holds if this element is named name.

from Namespace

Holds if this element is affected in any way by a macro. All elements that are totally or partially generated by a macro are included, so this is a super-set of isInMacroExpansion.

from Element

Holds if this namespace is anonymous.

from Namespace

Holds if this Element is a part of a template instantiation (but not the template itself).

from Element

Holds if this Element is part of a template template (not if it is part of an instantiation of template). This means it is represented in the database purely as syntax and without guarantees on the presence or correctness of type-based operations such as implicit conversions.

from Element

Holds if this element comes from a macro expansion. Only elements that are entirely generated by a macro are included - for elements that partially come from a macro, see isAffectedByMacro.

from Element

Holds if the namespace is inline.

from Namespace

Gets a textual representation of this element.

from Namespace