Module ApiGraphShared
Parts of API graphs that can be shared between language implementations.
Import path
import codeql.ruby.typetracking.ApiGraphShared
asSinkInline | Gets |
asSourceInline | Gets |
getALocalSourceStrict | Gets a local source of |
getAValueReachableFromSourceInline | Gets a value reachable from |
getAValueReachingSinkInline | Gets a value that can reach |
getAnEpsilonSuccessorInline | Gets a node reachable from |
getBackwardEndNode | Gets a possible ending point backtracking to |
getBackwardStartNode | Gets the starting point of backtracking from |
getForwardEndNode | Gets a possible ending point of forward-tracking at |
getForwardOrBackwardEndNode | Gets a possible eding point of forward or backward tracking at |
getForwardStartNode | Gets the starting point for forward-tracking at |
getNodeForBacktracking | Gets an API node for backtracking starting at |
getNodeForForwardTracking | Gets an API node for tracking forward starting at |
Public | Parts of the shared module to be re-exported by the user-facing |