Module ClassObject
Import path
import semmle.python.types.ClassObject
theAbcMetaClassObject | |
theAttributeErrorType | Gets the builtin class ‘AttributeError’ |
theBaseExceptionType | Gets the builtin class ‘BaseException’ |
theBoolType | Gets the built-in class ‘bool’ |
theBoundMethodType | Gets the builtin class of bound methods |
theBuiltinFunctionType | Gets the class of builtin-functions |
theBuiltinPropertyType | Gets the class of builtin properties |
theBytesType | Gets the builtin class for bytes. str in Python2, bytes in Python3 |
theClassMethodType | Gets the builtin class ‘classmethod’ |
theClassType | Gets the builtin object ClassType (for old-style classes) |
theComplexType | Gets the builtin class ‘complex’ |
theDictType | Gets the builtin class ‘dict’ |
theExceptionType | Gets the builtin class ‘Exception’ |
theFloatType | Gets the builtin class ‘float’ |
theGeneratorType | Gets the class of generators |
theGetSetDescriptorType | Gets the builtin class of builtin properties |
theIOErrorType | Gets the builtin class ‘IOError’ |
theInstanceType | Gets the builtin object InstanceType (for old-style classes) |
theIntType | Gets the builtin class ‘int’ |
theKeyErrorType | Gets the builtin class ‘KeyError’ |
theListType | Gets the builtin class ‘list’ |
theLongType | Gets the builtin class ‘long’ (Python 2 only) |
theMethodDescriptorType | Gets the method descriptor class |
theModuleType | Gets the class of modules |
theNoneType | Gets the built-in class NoneType |
theNotImplementedErrorType | Gets the builtin class ‘NotImplementedError’ |
theObjectType | Gets the builtin class ‘object’ |
thePropertyType | Gets the builtin class ‘property’ |
thePyFunctionType | Gets the class of Python functions |
theRangeType | Gets the builtin class ‘(x)range’ |
theSetType | Gets the builtin class ‘set’ |
theStaticMethodType | Gets the builtin class ‘staticmethod’ |
theStopIterationType | Gets the builtin class ‘StopIteration’ |
theStrType | Gets the ‘str’ class. This is the same as the ‘bytes’ class for Python 2 and the ‘unicode’ class for Python 3 |
theSuperType | Gets the builtin class ‘super’ |
theTupleType | Gets the builtin class ‘tuple’ |
theTypeErrorType | Gets the builtin class ‘TypeError’ |
theTypeType | Gets the builtin class ‘type’ |
theUnicodeType | Gets the builtin class for unicode. unicode in Python2, str in Python3 |
ClassObject | A class whose instances represents Python classes. Instances of this class represent either builtin classes such as |