Class NoseTestFunction
Import path
import semmle.python.filters.Tests
Direct supertypes
Inherited predicates
contains | from Scope | |
containsInScope | Whether this contains | from Scope |
getANormalExit | Gets an exit from this Scope’s control flow graph, that does not result from an exception | from Scope |
getAStmt | Gets a top-level statement in this scope | from Scope |
getAnExitNode | Gets an exit from this Scope’s control flow graph | from Scope |
getBody | Gets the statements forming the body of this scope | from Scope |
getDocString | Gets the docstring for this scope | from Scope |
getEnclosingModule | from Scope | |
getEnclosingScope | Gets the scope enclosing this scope (modules have no enclosing scope) | from Scope |
getEntryNode | Gets the entry point into this Scope’s control flow graph | from Scope |
getEvaluatingScope | Gets the evaluation scope for code in this (lexical) scope. This is usually the scope itself, but may be an enclosing scope. Notably, for list comprehensions in Python 2. | from Scope |
getFallthroughNode | Gets the non-explicit exit from this Scope’s control flow graph | from Scope |
getLastStatement | from Scope | |
getLocation | from Scope | |
getName | Gets the name of this scope | from Scope |
getReturnNode | Gets the exit of this scope following from a return statement | from Scope |
getScope | Gets the scope enclosing this scope (modules have no enclosing scope). | from Scope |
getStmt | Gets the nth statement of this scope | from Scope |
inSource | Holds if this scope is in the source archive, that is it is part of the code specified, not library code | from Scope |
isPublic | Holds if this scope is deemed to be public | from Scope |
isTopLevel | Holds if this a top-level (non-nested) class or function | from Scope |
precedes | Holds if this scope can be expected to execute before | from Scope |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from Scope_ |