A data flow variable that modifies the basic data-flow.
Import path
import semmle.python.dataflow.old.TaintTracking
Direct supertypes
Indirect supertypes
getASuccessorNode | Gets a successor node for data-flow. Data (all forms) is assumed to flow from |
getASuccessorVariable | Gets a successor variable for data-flow. Data (all forms) is assumed to flow from |
prunedSuccessor | Holds if data cannot flow from |
Inherited predicates
getASourceUse | Gets a use of this variable, where a “use” is defined by | from EssaVariable |
getAUse | Gets a use of this variable, where a “use” is defined by | from EssaVariable |
getDefinition | Gets the (unique) definition of this variable. | from EssaVariable |
getLocation | Gets the location of this variable. | from EssaVariable |
getName | Gets the name of this variable. | from EssaVariable |
getRepresentation | Gets a string representation of this variable. WARNING: The format of this may change and it may be very inefficient to compute. To used for debugging and testing only. | from EssaVariable |
getScope | Gets the scope of this variable. | from EssaVariable |
getSourceVariable | Gets the source variable from which this variable is derived. | from EssaVariable |
isMetaVariable | Holds if this the meta-variable for a scope. This is used to attach attributes for undeclared variables implicitly defined by | from EssaVariable |
toString | Gets a textual representation of this element. | from EssaVariable |