CodeQL library for Python
codeql/python-all 3.1.2-dev (changelog, source)

Class DataFlowExtension::DataFlowNode

A control flow node that modifies the basic data-flow.

Import path

import semmle.python.dataflow.old.TaintTracking

Direct supertypes

Known direct subtypes



    Gets a successor node for data-flow with a change of context from caller to callee (going down the call-stack) across call-site call. Data (all forms) is assumed to flow from this to result Extensions to DataFlowNode should override this to provide additional taint steps.


    Gets a successor node for data-flow with a change of context from callee to caller (going up the call-stack) across call-site call. Data (all forms) is assumed to flow from this to result Extensions to DataFlowNode should override this to provide additional taint steps.


    Gets a successor node for data-flow. Data (all forms) is assumed to flow from this to result


    Gets a successor node, where the successor node will be tainted with tokind when this is tainted with fromkind. Extensions to DataFlowNode should override this to provide additional taint steps.


    Gets a successor variable for data-flow. Data (all forms) is assumed to flow from this to result. Note: This is an unlikely form of flow. See DataFlowVariable.getASuccessorVariable()


    Holds if data cannot flow from this to succ, even though it would normally do so.


    Gets a textual representation of this element.