CodeQL library for Python
codeql/python-all 3.1.2-dev (changelog, source)

Class MakeImplCommon::RetNodeEx

A node from which flow can return to the caller. This is either a regular ReturnNode or a synthesized node for flow out via a parameter.

Import path

import codeql.dataflow.internal.DataFlowImplCommon

Direct supertypes

Indirect supertypes


Inherited predicates

asNodefrom NodeEx

Gets the corresponding Node if this is a normal node or its post-implicit read node.

from NodeEx
asParamReturnNodefrom NodeEx
getDataFlowTypefrom NodeEx
getEnclosingCallablefrom NodeEx
getLocationfrom NodeEx
isImplicitReadNodefrom NodeEx
projectToNodefrom NodeEx
toStringfrom NodeEx
