Module CodeInjection
Import path
AngularJSExpressionSink | An expression which may be interpreted as an AngularJS expression. |
DotTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
EjsTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
EtaTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
EvalJavaScriptSink | An expression which may be evaluated as JavaScript. |
EventHandlerAttributeSink | An event handler attribute as a code injection sink. |
GrayMatterSink | An expression parsed by the |
HandlebarsTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
HoganTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
JsonStringifySanitizer | A call to JSON.stringify() seen as a sanitizer. |
LodashUnderscoreTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by |
ModuleCompileSink | The first argument to |
MustacheTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
NoSqlCodeInjectionSink | A code operator of a NoSQL query as a code injection sink. |
NodeCallSink | A system command execution of “node”, where the executed code is seen as a code injection sink. |
NodeJSVmSink | An expression which may be evaluated as JavaScript in NodeJS using the |
NodePty | An execution of a terminal command via the |
NunjucksTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
PugTemplateSink | A value interpreted as as template by the |
ReactScriptTag | A body element from a script tag inside React code. |
RemoteFlowSourceAsSource | DEPRECATED: Use |
Sanitizer | A sanitizer for code injection vulnerabilities. |
ScriptContentSink | A write to the |
Sink | A data flow sink for code injection vulnerabilities. |
Source | A data flow source for code injection vulnerabilities. |
SquirrelTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
TemplateTagInNestedTemplateContext | A server-side template tag occurring in the context of another template language. |
TemplateTagInScriptSink | A template tag occurring in JS code, viewed as a code injection sink. |
WebViewInjectedJavaScriptSink | An expression which is injected as JavaScript into a React Native |
WebixExec | A value interpreted as code by the |
WebixTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |
WhiskersTemplateSink | A value interpreted as a template by the |