Module WebSocket
Provides classes for working with WebSocket-related APIs.
Import path
import semmle.go.frameworks.WebSocket
go | Provides classes for working with Go programs. |
WebSocketReader | A function or a method which reads a message from a WebSocket connection. |
WebSocketReaderAsSource | DEPRECATED: Use |
WebSocketRequestCall | A function call that establishes a new WebSocket connection. |
GobwasWs | Provides classes for working with the ws package. |
GolangOrgXNetWebsocket | Provides classes for working with the package. |
GorillaWebsocket | Provides classes for working with the Gorilla WebSocket package. |
NhooyrWebSocket | Provides classes for working with the package. |
WebSocketReader | Provides classes for working with messages read from a WebSocket. |
WebSocketRequestCall | Provides classes for working with WebSocket request functions. |