Member predicate OverridableCallable::getInherited
Gets the unique callable inherited by (or defined in) type t
overrides, implements, or equals this callable, where this callable
is defined in a (transitive, reflexive) base type of t
class C1 { public virtual void M() { } }
class C2 : C1 { public override void M() { } }
class C3 : C2 { }
The following holds:
C1.M = C1.M.getInherited(C1)
,C2.M = C1.M.getInherited(C2)
,C2.M = C1.M.getInherited(C3)
,C2.M = C2.M.getInherited(C2)
, andC2.M = C2.M.getInherited(C3)