CodeQL library for C/C++
codeql/cpp-all 3.2.1-dev (changelog, source)

Module PrintIR

Outputs a representation of the IR as a control flow graph.

This file contains the actual implementation of PrintIR.ql. For test cases and very small databases, PrintIR.ql can be run directly to dump the IR for the entire database. For most uses, however, it is better to write a query that imports PrintIR.qll, extends PrintIRConfiguration, and overrides shouldPrintDeclaration() to select a subset of declarations to dump.

Anatomy of a printed IR instruction

An instruction:

# 2281|     v2281_19(void) = Call[~String]     : func:r2281_18, this:r2281_17

The prefix # 2281| specifies that this instruction was generated by the C++ source code on line 2281. Scrolling up in the printed output, one will eventually find the name of the file to which the line belongs.

v2281_19(void) is the result of the instruction. Here, v means this is a void result or operand (so there should be no later uses of the result; see below for other possible values). The 2281_19 is a unique ID for the result. This is usually just the line number plus a small integer suffix to make it unique within the function. The type of the result is void. In this case, it is void, because ~String returns void. The type of the result is usually just the name of the appropriate C++ type, but it will sometimes be a type like glval<int>, which means result holds a glvalue, which at the IR level works like a pointer. In other words, in the source code the type was int, but it is really more like an int*. We see this, for example, in x = y;, where x is a glvalue.

Call is the opcode of the instruction. Common opcodes include:

  • Arithmetic operations: Add, Sub, Mul, etc.
  • Memory access operations: Load, Store.
  • Function calls: Call.
  • Literals: Constant.
  • Variable addresses: VariableAddress.
  • Function entry points: EnterFunction.
  • Return from a function: Return, ReturnVoid. Note that the value being returned is set separately by a Store to a special #return variable.
  • Stack unwinding for C++ function that throw and where the exception escapes the function: Unwind.
  • Common exit point for Unwind and Return: ExitFunction.
  • SSA-related opcodes: Phi, Chi.

[~String] denotes additional information. The information might be present earlier in the IR, as is the case for Call, where it is the name of the called function. This is also the case for Load and Store, where it is the name of the variable that loaded or stored (if known). In the case of Constant, FieldAddress, and VariableAddress, the information between brackets does not occur earlier.

func:r2281_18 and this:r28281_17 are the operands of the instruction. The func: prefix denotes the operand that holds the address of the called function. The this: prefix denotes the argument to the special this parameter of an instance member function. r2281_18, r2281_17 are the unique IDs of the operands. Each of these matches the ID of a previously seen result, showing where that value came from. The r means that these are “register” operands (see below).

Result and operand kinds:

Every result and operand is one of these three kinds:

  • r “register”. These operands are not stored in any particular memory location. We can think of them as temporary values created during the evaluation of an expression. A register operand almost always has one use, often in the same block as its definition.
  • m “memory”. These operands represents accesses to a specific memory location. The location could be a local variable, a global variable, a field of an object, an element of an array, or any memory that we happen to have a pointer to. These only occur as the result of a Store, the source operand of a Load or on the SSA instructions (Phi, Chi).
  • v “void”. Really just a register operand, but we mark register operands of type void with this special prefix so we know that there is no actual value there.

Branches in the IR:

The IR is divided into basic blocks. At the end of each block, there are one or more edges showing the possible control flow successors of the block.

#   44|     v44_3(void)    = ConditionalBranch : r44_2
#-----|   False -> Block 4
#-----|   True -> Block 3

Here we have a block that ends with a conditional branch. The two edges show where the control flows to depending on whether the condition is true or false.

SSA instructions:

We use Phi instructions in SSA to create a single definition for a variable that might be assigned on multiple control flow paths. The Phi instruction merges the potential values of that variable from each predecessor edge, and the resulting definition is then used wherever that variable is accessed later on.

When dealing with aliased memory, we use the Chi instruction to create a single definition for memory that might or might not have been updated by a store, depending on the actual address that was written to. For example, take:

int x = 5;
int y = 7;
int* p = condition ? &x : &y;
*p = 6;
return x;

At the point where we store to *p, we do not know whether p points to x or y. Thus, we do not know whether return x; is going to return the value that x was originally initialized to (5), or whether it will return 6, because it was overwritten by *p = 6;. We insert a Chi instruction immediately after the store to *p:

r2(int)     = Constant[6]
r3(int*)    = <<value of p>>
m4(int)     = Store           : &r3, r2  // Stores the constant 6 to *p
m5(unknown) = Chi             : total:m1, partial:m4

The partial: operand represents the memory that was just stored. The total: operand represents the previous contents of all of the memory that p might have pointed to (in this case, both x and y). The result of the Chi represents the new contents of whatever memory the total: operand referred to. We usually do not know exactly which parts of that memory were overwritten, but it does model that any of that memory could have been modified, so that later instructions do not assume that the memory was unchanged.

Import path




Module used to configure the IR generation process.



Holds if the output graph contains an edge from pred to succ, and that edge’s property key has the given value.


Holds if node belongs to the output graph, and its property key has the given value.


Holds if parent is the parent node of child in the output graph.



The query can extend this class to control which declarations are printed.