AccessSpecifier | A C++ access specifier: public , protected , or private .
AlignAs | A C++11 alignas construct. For example the attribute in the following code: struct alignas(16) MyStruct { int x; }; Though it doesn’t use the attribute syntax, alignas(...) is presented as an Attribute for consistency with the [[align(...)]] attribute.
Attribute | An attribute introduced by GNU’s __attribute__((name)) syntax, Microsoft’s __declspec(name) syntax, Microsoft’s [name] syntax, the C++11 standard [[name]] syntax, or the C++11 alignas syntax.
AttributeArgument | An argument to an Attribute . For example the argument “dllimport” on the attribute in the following code: __declspec(dllimport) void myFunction();
Declspec | An attribute introduced by Microsoft’s __declspec(name) syntax. For example the attribute on the following declaration: __declspec(dllimport) void myFunction();
FormatAttribute | A GNU format attribute of the form __attribute__((format(archetype, format-index, first-arg))) that declares a function to accept a printf style format string. For example the attribute on the following declaration: int myPrintf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
FunctionSpecifier | A C/C++ function specifier: inline , virtual , or explicit .
GnuAttribute | An attribute introduced by GNU’s __attribute__((name)) syntax, for example: __attribute__((__noreturn__)) .
MicrosoftAttribute | An attribute introduced by Microsoft’s “[name]” syntax, for example “[SA_Pre(Deref=1,Access=SA_Read)]”.
Specifier | A C/C++ specifier: friend , auto , register , static , extern , mutable , inline , virtual , or explicit .
StdAttribute | An attribute introduced by the C++11 standard [[name]] syntax, for example: [[clang::fallthrough]] .
StorageClassSpecifier | A C/C++ storage class specifier: auto , register , static , extern , or mutable .