CodeQL library for C/C++
codeql/cpp-all 3.2.1-dev (changelog, source)

Class SpecialNameQualifyingElement

A special name-qualifying element. For example: __super.

Import path

import cpp

Direct supertypes

Indirect supertypes



Gets the name of this special qualifying element.


Gets a textual representation of this element.

Inherited predicates


Gets the source of this element: either itself or a macro that expanded to this element.

from Element

Holds if this element may be from source. This predicate holds for all elements, except for those in the dummy file, whose name is the empty string. The dummy file contains declarations that are built directly into the compiler.

from Element

Gets a name qualifier for which this is the qualifying namespace or user-defined type. For example: class X is the NameQualifyingElement and X:: is the NameQualifier.

from NameQualifyingElement

Gets the name of a primary CodeQL class to which this element belongs.

from ElementBase

Gets the closest Element enclosing this one.

from Element

Gets the primary file where this element occurs.

from Element

Gets the primary location of this element.

from Element

Gets the parent scope of this Element, if any. A scope is a Type (Class / Enum), a Namespace, a BlockStmt, a Function, or certain kinds of Statement.

from Element

Gets a comma-separated list of the names of the primary CodeQL classes to which this element belongs.

from ElementBase

Holds if this element is affected in any way by a macro. All elements that are totally or partially generated by a macro are included, so this is a super-set of isInMacroExpansion.

from Element

Holds if this Element is a part of a template instantiation (but not the template itself).

from Element

Holds if this Element is part of a template template (not if it is part of an instantiation of template). This means it is represented in the database purely as syntax and without guarantees on the presence or correctness of type-based operations such as implicit conversions.

from Element

Holds if this element comes from a macro expansion. Only elements that are entirely generated by a macro are included - for elements that partially come from a macro, see isAffectedByMacro.

from Element